Rowers/Coxswains, Boats & Construction, Courses Flashcards
What is the definition of rowing ?
Rowing is the propulsion of a boat,
with or without coxswain,
by the muscular force of one or more rowers,
using oars as simple levers of the second order
and sitting with their backs to the direction of movement of the boat. Rowing on a machine or in a tank which simulates the action of rowing in a boat is also considered as rowing
What is the definition of a rowing regatta?
a sporting competition consisting of
-one or more events
-divided into a number of races,
-in one or more classes of boats for rowers
-divided into different categories of gender, age or weight.
What events do these rules of racing apply to?
- World Rowing Championships;
- World Rowing Cups;
- Olympic, Paralympic and Youth Olympic Games within the limits of the authority of World Rowing and the relevant qualification regattas;
- World Rowing Masters regattas;
- Continental and Regional Championship regattas;
- Regattas held as part of Continental, Regional or other multi-sport Games within the limits of the authority of World Rowing;
- All International Regattas and Matches and International Indoor
rowing competitions.
Name all of the World Championships events
- World Rowing Championships
- World Rowing Under 23 Championships
- World Rowing Under 19 Championships
- World Rowing Coastal Championships
- World Rowing Beach Sprint Championships
- World Rowing Indoor Championships
How is The World Championship attributed to a candidate?
Final bids reviewed by Council.
Council rejects those that don’t meet minimum requirements.
Council proposes most suitable candidate(s) to Congress for final approval via vote.
If Congress fails to accept Council’s recommendation, they will then vote on all the candidates that met min requirements.
What happens if no bid has been received for The World Champs event?
Council may directly attribute.
How are other World Champ events attributed i.e. not THE World Champs?
Directly attributed by Council (U23, U19, Coastal, Beach, and Indoor). If Council can’t decide, vote can be taken at Congress. Council may attribute a World Champs event to an Olys/Para host city in the year before the Games.
What is the eligibility to compete for a country at i) a Champs, and ii) a Cup?
Champs - national of that country (passport or ID card).
Cup - citizen of that country or a bone fide member of a club in that country.
What are the options for a dual nationality athlete or one that changes nationality?
Can compete for either country BUT if competed for a country at an Olys/Paras, WRCH, continental/regional games or champs regatta - can’t race for another country in same calendar year. can only compete for the other country if held passport for 24months prior to date they compete.
What are the country eligibility rules for an U19?
Can compete for nationality or for country of residence. Can change to the other country once, after he leaves u19.
What is the swimming requirement for WRCH, Cups and Quals?
50m and keep head above water for 3mins
MFs are responsible for ensuring and certifying this.
At Masters, it is the responsibility of the individual.
For which events must athletes do a pre-competition health screening?
WRCH, U23, U19, Beach Sprints.
What is the pre-competition health screening requirement?
physical exam
ECG= every 3years up to age of 23, and every 5 years thereafter.
medical qeuestionnaire
medical examination each year
Can a rower race after having intravenous hydration?
Yes, but not on the same day.
From when does the no-needle policy apply?
During International Regattas, from 24hours before start of first race of the regatta, through to 24hours after the end of the last race of the regatta.
Under what circumstances can a rower use an injection?
medically justified
using the approved indication/dose
administered by a medical professional
reported to WR Doctor at events where present (immediately and in writing within 24hours, include TUE, diganosis, medication and route of administration).
when must a MF inform WR of its CMO?
each year before the first competition of its crews.
What information does the Team Manager need to register when they arrive at a regatta?
Team Medical Officer if one is attending.
What are the three types of insurance cover that a MF should hold?
a. general (third party) liability
b. travel and medical expenses (to include repatriation)
c. property - items not covered by travel insurance e.g. boats
What masters category is someone who turns 33 in November this year?
Weight of LWT man in a 1x?
Ave weight of LWT men in a crew? Max weight of an individual?
70kg, individual max is 72.5kg
Weight of LWT woman in a 1x
Ave weight of LWT women in a crew?
LWT man at Indoors?
LWT woman at Indoors?
What is the outcome for a rower or crew that does not make weight?
How is a U23 Lwt Men’s event written in short hand?
How is a U23 Women’s event written in short hand?
What events are available at Championships for lightweights?
1x, 2x, 2-, 4x - Senior and U23
Who determines the events programme for the Olympics?
IOC Executive Board
List the Olympic events
1x, 2x, 2-, 4-, 4x, 8+. LWT 2x, (for both men and women)
What are the requirements for innovations in equipment before being used in international Regattas? 5 Reqs
a. Be COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE to all rowers (patents may not exclude the use by a team or a rower);
b. NOT ADD TO COST OR COMPLEXITY of the sport without adding corresponding value;
c. NOT PROVIDE AN ADVANTAGE TOSOME rowers over others or change the nature of the sport;
d. BE SAFE and consistent with the principles of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT; and
e. Be a POSITIVE DEVELOPMENT FOR THE SPORT of rowing and maintain the principles, in particular those of fairness and equality, of the sport.
Where do you submit your innovations to for approval?
By when must all approved innovations be readily available to all before competition?
1st Jan
What are the minimum weights of C1x C2x and C4x+
Who should measure the course and all intermediate distances and where should the certified plan be held?
Done by a qualified surveyor.
Certified plan held by the OC; WR can inspect at any time.
Who can grant exceptions to the rules for course sizes?
What roles does the ExCo appoint at WRCH, Oly/Para/yOUTH, Quals and Cups?
WR Doctor
WR Event Safeguarding Officer
Fairness Committee
Which regattas take place under the authority of World Rowing and its OC are given directions by WR?
WRChamps (WRCH, U19, U12, Coastal, Beach, Indoor)
WR Cup
What is the minimum weight of a 1x, PR1 1x, PR2 1x?
1x = 14kg
PR1 1x = 24kg
PR2 1x = 22kg
What is the minimum weight of a 2x, PR2 2x, PR3 2x?
2x 27kg
PR2 2x 37kg
PR3 2x 27kg
What is the minimum weight of a 2-, PR3 2-?
2- = 27kg
PR3 2- = 27kg
What is the minimum weight of a 4-, 4+, 4x
4- = 50kg
4+ = 51kg
4x = 52kg
What is the minimum weight of an 8? What is the max size of a section of an 8?
What is the min and max length of boats / section
Max 11.9m
Min 7.2m
What light weight events are available at champs, and what at olys?
What para events are available at Olys ?
PR1 1x
PR2 Mix2x
PR3 Mix 2x
PR3 Mix 4+
Weight of Para Boats
PR1 1x 24kg
PR2 1x 22kg
PR2 2x 37kg
PR3 4+ 51kg
What are the para classes and what do they entail?
PR1 fixed seat, impatiemment to leg drive and body swing - no rowing movement in legs or trunk.
PR2 impairment affecting leg drive, fixed seat, movement in trunk
PR3 physical or visual impairment and function use of LTA (P1 physical impairment, B1-3 visual impairment).
What are the strapping requirements for PR1?
Strap across chest
Attached to seat
50mm thick
Non elastic material
No buckles
Contrasting colour from kit
Single release by rower, same direction
Identifications can be put on straps if it covers identifications on the body.
What is included in Boat weight of para Boat?
Not prosthetics
Where must the pontoons on a PR1 1x and PR2 1x be positioned?
60cm from the centre line of the boat
What width courses are needed?
International 95m (6x 12.5m +15m +5m)
Class A with media on bank 110m (8x 12.5m +5m +5m)
Class A with media on water 150m (8x 12.5m + 25m +25m)
Distance of buoys?
5m or 6.25m for first 100m
Then 10m or 12.5m for rest of the track.
First 100m and last 250m are a different colour.
How far is the finish tower from course?
What is the max length and min weight of the coastal boats?
C1x 6m, 35kg
C2x 7.5m 60kg
C4x+ 10.7m 130kg
What are the oar thickness requirements?
Sweep - 5mm, measured 3mm in.
Scull - 3mm, measure 2mm in.
What is the definition of an international regatta, international match and national regatta?
A rowing competition, over any distance whether started abreast or against the clock,
IR: which is open to rowers from all member federations.
IM: which is restricted only to rowers from certain member federations.
NR: which is intended in general for rowers from one member federation only. The fact that rowers from other member federations may enter such regattas does not necessarily render them International Regattas
What are the requirements for the approval of International Regattas and Matches?
MF submit by 31 Oct each year:
1. The dates on which these Regattas and Matches are to be held;
2. Details of the courses (stretches of water and technical installations) proposed;
3. The type of Regatta proposed;
4. The categories of rowers and classes of boats proposed;
5. Any envisaged exception to the World Rowing Rules of Racing and Bye‑Laws.
What should the cox’s seat be like?
At least 70 cm long and it must be as wide as the boat for at least 50 cm. The inner surface of the enclosed part must be smooth and no structure of any sort may restrict the inner width.
What are the flotation requirements for rowing boats?
A boat when full of water with a crew of average weight equal to the design weight stated on the boat’s production plaque, seated in the rowing position should float such that the top of the seat is a maximum of 5 cm below the static waterline
What should be on the production plaque?
visible and permanently affixed inside the boat, up to 50 sq. cm in area,
- the name and address of the boat builder,
- its mark or logo,
- the year the boat was constructed,
- the average weight of the crew for which the boat is designed,
- the weight of the boat on construction
or upon delivery and
- stating whether the boat meets the flotation requirements
What is allowable data?
Stroke rate
Heart rate
Boat velocity/acceleration
Who selects the boats for weighing?
The President of the Jury or their delegate shall make a
random draw before the start of each racing session. The President of the Jury shall also have the right to include additional boats at any time before the
finish of the race of the boat concerned if there is a suspicion that certain boats are underweight
Who can select boats for weighing?
The President of the Jury or their delegate shall make a
random draw before the start of each racing session. The President of the Jury shall also have the right to include additional boats at any time before the finish of the race of the boat concerned if there is a suspicion that certain boats are underweight
What do you do if a boat is underweight?
- Print first weighing
- Print test weighing - crew rep and cc rep both sign
- Print second weight - crew rep and cc rep both sign. Add name of the crew, the event and the number and type of equipment items included in the weighing.
Give to PoJ and notify of sanction.
Minimum length of a rowing course?
2120m, 1150m for masters.
Where should the start tower be located?
40-50m behind the start line and central. Platform 3-6m above water height. Connected to start bridge by floating pontoon.
What equipment is needed at the start?
Clock(s) visible to start line and warm up from 100m.
Microphone and loudspeakers
Red flag with white diagonal cross
Notice board and chalk or markers
Radio and telephone with J@S, Finish, CC and POJ
Spare GPS, bow numbers, and WR T shirts if used.
Start list
Where should the aligner’s hut be located?
15-40m from the nearest lane, 1m above water level. Space for 4 people.
Where should the starting traffic lights be positioned?
0.7-1.1m above the water. 3m from centre of lane, towards centre of course.
What equipment is needed at Control Commission?
Photo book if available
Measuring tape
Duck tape - ideally in multiple colours to match hulls
List for boat weighing
Boat weighing kit, inc test weights
Athlete weighing kit, inc test weights
Clock with race time
Lane nos and GPS
Remarks sheet
Lists for checking in and out
Spirit level
- Traffic rules
- Board of the Jury