Roseberry KO 1 S Flashcards
the process of sending and receiving messages that serve to transmit information between persons or groups.
occurs when speakers effectively influence the listeners’ behaviors
communicative competence
most human interactions have an underlying…
- Does not rely on the use of words
- conveys ideas through other behaviors
- Eye contact, facial expressions.
nonverbal communication
- involves the use of words to exchange ideas.
- auditory-oral-spoken language
- visual-graphic; pictures, written, gestures, (gestures that are systematic sign language)
verbal communication
melody, stress, rhythm, intonation
use of interpersonal space in communication
prosody and proxemics are part of _________ aspects of verbal communication.
physical production of sounds to communicate meaning through the neuromuscular control of the structures of the vocal tract
______ involves the use of articulation, voice, resonation, and fluency.
study of the sound systems of a language
- we have the IPA
- English orthography is problematic
study of language (duh)
attempts to describe language variations based on cultural and social variables
attempts to describe the nature of emerging language in children language acquisition
developmental linguistics
the system of arbitrary verbal symbols that speakers put in order according to a conventional code to communicate ideas and feelings or to influence the behavior of others
- production, expression, encoding
- speaking and writing
- symbols on an AAC
expressive language
- comprehension,decoding, and reception
- listening and/or reading.
receptive languge
- refers to our hypothetical, unconscious linguistic ability
- represents speakers idealized, underlying knowledge of their language.
linguistic competence
- refers to a speakers production of linguistic units
- influenced by limitations such as fatigue, memory lapses, distractions, illness, etc.
linguistic performance
study of meaning
collection of words learned by someone
all morphemes a speaker knows (free and bound)
semantic involves
word knowledge and world knowledge
the ability to define a word verbally
word knowledge
actual physical experience with something
world knowledge
Paul and Norbury 2012*
- language impaired children have small vocabulary.
- use many nonspecific words like thing and stuff.
- word retrieval problems
words with no middle ground
alive vs dead
binary antonyms
represent 2 different points on a continuum
-attractive vs homely (fugly)
gradable antonyms
in therapy for language impaired students..
we teach synonyms -take a word they know and give them a more sophisticated way to say it.
movie star=celebrity
semantics also involves a child’s knowledge of..
- words with multiple meanings (rock,pound)
- deictic words whose referents change depending on who is speaking (this, that, there here)
- categories
mental constructs that allow a child to group similar words together
The new common core state standards really emphasize knowledge of words with ______ meanings
This term describes the role that each noun in a sentence has in relation to the verb in the sentence
semantic relations
Semantic relations…For example, “Daddy” assumes 2 different semantic relations
I’m looking for Daddy’s ball (Daddy is the possessor)
Daddy threw the ball (Daddy is the agent or actor who instigated the action)
practical use of language through in social interaction
Focuses on the speaker’s achieving a practical outcome through using language as a tool
speaker and listener roles differ due to social context
social context-roles assumed by individual speakers
- how informal or formal the situation is
- we base our conversations on the status of interlocators. .
Justice and Redle 2014 state that:
- children need to develop ability to switch, register, or variety of speech appropriate to a particular situation.
- ability to switch among registers-codeswitching.
2 types of speech acts
direct and indirect
implies several possible interpretaitons
-discourse is a conversation
- only has one interpretation
- “please pass the butter”
direct speech act
extended verbal exchange on some topic
- topic initiation
- topic maintenance
- turn taking
- repairs (restating when someone doesn’t understand)
discourse also involves:
cooperation principle:
- appropriate quantity of information
- relevant to topic
- truthful
- delivered in a clear, understandable manner.
the study of minimal, meaninful units of language
smallest elements of language that carry meaning
free morphemes
stand alone
must be attached to free morphemes to carry meaning
-ing, -er, -ed.
bound morphemes
grammatical and lexical are _____ morphemes.
is, the, of, and, a, but, (kids with language impairment don’t use these often)
grammatical morphemes/function words
words that carry the “meat”
lexical morphemes/content words
alter the meaning of the free morpheme to which they are attached without deriving a new grammatical category
Usually these are suffixes (see p. 27) such as plural –s, possessive –s, past tense –ed, etc.
types of bound morphemes
inflectional and derivational
-change the grammatical class of the free morpheme to which they are attached.
thoughtful to thoughtfully
calculate to calculation
derivational morpheme
in children’s language
inflectional morphemes occur before derivational morphemes
the new common core state standards really emphasize ________ awareness skills
Specifies rules for sequencing or ordering words to form phrases and sentences
Deals with rules for word order in a language
2 types of sentences
declarative and imperative
- affirmative statement.
- This class is the bomb.
- omits subject of sentence, sounds commanding.
- “call this class the bomb.”
exclamation points
subject of sentence is being acted upon. -this class is called the bomb by the students.
forms a question
contradicts an assertion "this class is not the bomb."
McCormack et al., 2011 “A nationally representative study of the association between communication impairment at 4-5 years and children’s life activities” Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54, 1328-1348.
- australian longitudinal study of 4, 329 child.
- children identified with communication impairments at 4-5 years performed significantly more poorly than typically developing children when they were 7-9 years on all language measures.
Hayiou-Thomas, Dale, & Plomin (2014) Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (June issue)
Longitudinal study of 2,923 twin pairs in the United Kingdom
Questions: 1) Were parent referrals accurate? And 2) did language problems at age 4 predict language problems at age 12?
Findings of Hayiou-Thomas et al.:
- parents of young children more concerned about speech than language.
- children with language problems at age 4 had problems at 12 years of age.
our job as SLPs..
is to help children develop their language to its fullest potential.