Roots Flashcards
Aero / o
Aerate- to let air reach something
Aerial- relating to the air
Aerospace- the air space
Activity- something a person does
Interact- communication between two or more things
Agr / I / o
Agriculture- management of the land
Agribusiness- making money by utilizing land
Agrarian- relating to the management of land
Both, on both sides, around
Ambidextrous- able to use both hands equally
Ambiguous- having more than one meaning
Amphibian- an animal with both lungs and gills
Walk, move
Amble- to walk in a slow relaxing way
Ambulance- a vehicle that moves a patient
Ami / o
Amiable- friendly, pleasant, lovable
Andro / o
Man, male
Androgynous - being both male and female
Android- resembling human
Misandry- hatred towards men
Before, in front
Antecede- to come before something in time
Antemeridian- before noon
Anteroom- a small room before a main room
Against, opposite of
Antibody- a substance that destroys micro- organisms
Antiseptic- preventing infection
Antisocial- opposite of social norms
Arch / i / e / o / ae
Chief, most important, rule
Archbishop - the highest ranking bishop
Archenemy- chief or worst enemy
Matriarch- a female who rules a group
Monarch- king or queen who rules
Archa / e
Permitive, ancient
Archaeology- the study of ancient cultures
Archaic- belonging to an earlier period
Archive- a collection of historical material
Star, stars, outer space
Astronaut- a person traveling to the stars
Astronomer- someone who studies the stars
Asterisk- a star shaped sign that is used as a reference tool
Aud / i / io
Audible- loud enough to be heard
Audience - people who listen to a program
Audiovisual - relating to sound and vision
Self, same, one
Autocrat- one who governs with absolute power
Autograph- persons own signature
Automatic- moving by itself
Bell / i
Bellicose- warlike
Belligerent- hostile, ready to fight
Rebel- person who opposes and fights
Good, well
Benefactor- person who gives money to a cause
Beneficial- producing a good effect
Benevolent- showing kindness or goodwill
Biblio / o
Bibliography- a list of books used as sources
Bibliomania- an extreme love of books
Bibliophile- person who loves books
Life, living matter
Biography- life story written by another person
Biology- science of life
Biosphere- earths surface inhabited by living things