Roles and groupprocesses Flashcards
What is the five stage model of development ?
Development process groups go through
Indiduals give up Independence - Dependence of group members - Return Independence
Describe the five stages of the 5-stage model of group development
Describe the 1th stage of the five- stage model of group development
“ice-breaking” stage
Unclear about roles and goals
Trust low
Holding back to see who takes charge and how.
leader step in help group find their direction
Describe the 2th stage of the five- stage model of group development
Leadership is tested
- subtile forms of rebellion
Group members find where they fit in
Subgroups take shape
Describe the 3th stage of the five- stage model of group development
Power and authority struggles resolved
Unemotional discussions
Team spirit
Group cohesiveness = “we feeling”
What is group cohesiveness?
We feeling - that binds members of a group together = possitive effect on performance
Describe the 4th stage of the five- stage model of group development
Focus on solving task problems.
Everybody contributes
Open communication
Strong cooperation, and lots of helping behaviour.
Conflicts are handled constructively and efficiently.
Cohesiveness and personal commitment to group goals help the group achieve more than could any one individual acting alone.
Describe the 5th stage of the five- stage model of group development
The work is done
from group cohesiveness –> independence
Often some sort of “cellabration of end” is needed
What identifies an effective team ?
Clear purpose Informality Participation Listening Civilized disagreement Consensus decisions Open communication Clear role and work assignments Shared leadership External relations Style diversity Self-assessment
Describe team functions according to Adair
The TASK can only be performed by the team and not by one person
The TEAM can only achieve excellent task performance if all the individuals are fully developed
The INDIVIDUALS need the task to be challenged and motivated
Explain TASK in Adairs three circles model
Achieve the TASK - by defining the task
Making a plan
Allocating work and ressources
Controlling tempo and quality of work
Chekin performance against plan
Adjusting plan
Explain TEAM in Adairs three circles model
Build TEAM - by setting standards
Maintaining discipline
Building teamspirit
Encouraging, motivating, giving sense of purpose
Appointing roles
Ensuring communication within the group
Explain INDIVIDUAL in Adairs three circles model
Individual needs covered
Attending to person problems
Valuing individuals
Recognising and using individual abilities
Training and helping the individual
What is the difference between a team and a group ?
- Freely interacting individuals
- share some collective norms and goals
Team: - Group with complementary skills - Hold themselves mutually accountable - Common commitment. (Without it, groups perform as individuals, with it, they become a powerful unit of collective performance)
Describe different roles in groups/teams:
Role overload Role conflict Role ambiguity Task role Maintainance role
Describe role overload
Other people’s expectations of someone exceed that individual’s ability
Too much to do in too little time
Describe role conflict
Other people have conflicting or inconsistent expectations of someone
Conflicting role expectations
Describe role ambiguity
An individual does not know what is expected of them
Unclear role expectations
Describe task role and maintainance role
Task role:
Task-oriented behaviour
Maintainance role:
Relationship-building group behaviour
What is ostracism
Rejection by other group members.
Explain how a work group becomes a team
Leadership is shared
Accountability is both individual and collective
The members have developed their own purpose
Problem solving is a way of life
Effectiveness is measured by collective outcomes