RL2 A02 Flashcards
what is one of the most significant criticisms of the verification principle
- it doesn’t pass its own test and so cannot be considered meaningful
- it cannot be verified by sense experience and so meaningless
- and if considered analytic its giving a new sense to the word ‘meaningful’
what does the idea that all meaningful synthetic statements have to be empirically verifiable do
- rules out more than LPs intended
- they wanted to dismiss as meaningless all claims that were made about God while keeping scientific claims as meaningful
- but many claims of science like the existence of black holes cannot be verified by sense experience and we need artificial sense for a lot of things like x-ray
- phycological science also relies on statements like I feel terrible which can’t be tested
what does the verification principle mean for history
- the statements should be considered meaningless as they can’t be tested using the senses
how was the verification principle altered and why
- LPs accepted there was an issue as they were disallowing too much as meaningless
- the theory was thus weakened to allow indirect and weak verification
- later in life Ayer also accepted much of his book was wrong
- but there was still a desire to dismiss as meaningless all talk of God and other theological concepts
what did Hick argue about the verification principle
- if we do accept that a claim must be verifiable to be meaningful religious truth claims are verifiable just eschatologically
- although we cannot test at the moment in this life whether God exists after death the claims will be verified
what do critics of Hick say about his idea of religion been eschatologically verifiable
- critics argue eschatological verification is not an acceptable way out of the problem because even if there is an afterlife and we do have physical senses in it they won’t necessarily be the same as what we have now and so may not count as ‘empirical’
- and if there is no afterlife there will be no verifying
what is the falsification principle
- a modification of the verification principle due to the v principle been accepted as unsound
what does Flew say about Hare during his symposium in 1950
- his approach is fresh/bold
- any attempt to analyse Christian utterances as a blik rather than assertions about the cosmos is fundamentally misguided
- they would be unorthodox - if Hare’s religion is a blik surely he is not Christian at all
- if they weren’t intended as assertions many religious activities would be fraudulent or silly
what is Flew arguing about Hare’s approach, what does he think the flaws are
- Hare’s approach of RL as non-cognitive has issues
- if RL is just an assertion of ‘picture preference’ talking about how someone chooses to view the world rather than speaking factually, there is no difference between religious and non religious claims
- religious believers also intend their claims to be cognitive
- when Christians say Jesus rose from the dead they mean this literally no just they prefer to see the world as if he did symbolically
why can Hare’s non-cognitive approach be seen as convincing
- a non-cog approach to RL may allow new possibilities and make faith more vivid/personal
what did Paul Tillich argue
- RL is not cognitive but non-cog and symbolic
- God is not a being but being itself
- symbols are not the same as facts and so it is wrong to criticise them as if they were
- symbols are unverifiable/unfalsifiable
- it doesn’t make sense to ask whether my love is like a red rose is true or false
- symbols need not be meaningless even if unverifiable as can be effective or ineffective ways of drawing people to the power of being
- in the same way a blik is meaningful to the person who has it
what part of Hare’s approach do many find unconvincing
- Hare talks about the importance of having a ‘right’ blik (understanding the professors want no harm)
- but C.S. Evans points out Hare gives us no way of being able to judge whether a blik is right or wrong
- if there are no facts to support religious claims and they are just expressions of a preferred world view the whole idea of right and wrong becomes meaningless
how does Mitchell’s response to Flew seem closer to the way religious people normally defend their position
- he argues we have to place our trust in things sometimes even when we lack sufficient evidence to know they are true
- he doesn’t think it possible to know when faith is reasonable or unreasonable
- we do not know when the existence of evil may start to count decisively against the idea of a loving god
what are the problems with Mitchell’s approach
- his parable does not totally correspond to the believer’s trust in God as the partisan does have grounds for his trust
- religious believers often claim to have had RE but this perhaps cannot be considered the same as two physical people meeting face to face
how can Flew’s position be criticised in other ways to those expressed by Hare and Mitchell
- argue Flew’s confidence in empirical evidence as the final test of meaning is in itself unfalsifiable
- Flew’s article ends “what would have to occur for you to disprove the love/existence of God”
- the believer could respond “what would have to occur for you to disprove the primacy of empirical evidence”
- If Flew could not think of any circumstances under which he would be prepared to say it is not necessary then perhaps his assertion that we need empirical evidence is also empty