Business Ethics Flashcards
Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR (from class)
- having it leads to good business and the others
- we don’t want to give our money to companies that we think are evil
- bad business e.g. Amazon
- working conditions in which humans cannot flourish - not aligning with human dignity
- because its focused on profit its behaviour and ethical practices are negative
- they don’t pay tax and paying tax is one of the easier ways to demonstrate corporal social responsibility as they benefit from so many state funded things
- tax
- good working conditions
- sustainability
- care for employees
Globalisation (from class)
- poses a challenge to been a good business
- means your competing with companies in LEDC with lower working standards
- e.g. fashion industry
- means less jobs in this country
- employing children allows families to have more money but the adult workers just should be paid more
- companies could work in the global world but still practice good ethics
- could do fair trade or set up schools for children of their workers
Good Ethics is Good Business (from class)
- been ethical can lead to more profit
- globalisation does often mean good ethics is not good business
- but consumers want to spend their money on things we know don’t hurt people
- fair trade allows globalisation but in a good way
- essentially a living wage
- producers and growers paid a minimum that it can’t go below and if prices rise it rises to match
- get paid as a shareholder
- if you look after your workers surely they will work harder for you and be more productive and loyal
Human dignity SHOULD be the main value of any good business
- good ethics is good business - by improving dignity it may encourage workers to be more productive and loyal which in turn makes the business better
- many businesses today do go beyond what the law requires them to do
- e.g. lush doesn’t test on animals even though this increases research costs
- Globalisation can still take place but can be done ethically
- fair trade allows businesses to still compete on the global market without compromising ethical values - lead to good business - people like supporting fair trade companies
- Kant argued human dignity should never be compromised - no should ever be treat as a means to an end
Human dignity SHOULD NOT be the main value of any good business
- Milton Friedman - social responsibility of a business is to increase its profits - trickle down economics - everything good follows as a result of making profit
- globalisation challenges human dignity as the main value
- the globalised and competitive world encourages businesses to have profit as main value
- globalisation allows UK consumers to enjoy things as cheaply as possible which is surely the aim of a good business as it makes people buy more
- if good ethics is good business why are so many businesses acting so unethically
- profit should be the main value of any company otherwise the business would fail and people would lose their jobs
- but it shouldn’t be the only value
define CSR
the concept that businesses should be accountable for the impacts they have on people/the environment
Ford Pinto Scandal
- ford chose to stick with the defective fuel system design that they knew had the potential of exploding in order to save money
- said the` monetary cost was greater than the societal benefit
- caused deaths and injury
- follow Friedman’s thinking that profit most important
Coca Cola
- acted on CSR by changing the fuel used in their delivery fleet to lower their greenhouse gas emissions
- still don’t act perfectly but act better than before
fair trade
in the UK 1/3 in bananas bought are fair trade evidencing that good ethics does increase sales and create good business
- some critics argue that fair trade is not fair at all
- expensive niche market to maintain because it needs constant promotion and requires educated consumers
- high marketing costs are one of the reasons not all of the fair trade premiums make it back to the producers
- retailer may take advantage of consumers’ social conscience
- good ethics is good business is just a front to be ethical to get more sales
- although through globalisation it brought vital jobs to many countries it did not create quality livelihoods with some workers earning just 56 cents an hour
CSR IS nothing more than hypocritical window dressing to cover the greed of a business intent on making profits
- many businesses market themselves as ethical e.g. using fair trade or making large charitable donations
- for the majority this association is because it may help increase profits through building a positive brand image with consumers
- true hypocritical behaviour can be found with some car manufactures producing low emissions cars by cheating tests
- use CSR as cover for real intentions
- yes but it is not wrong
- Friedman - more people benefit if a business focus on profit
- a business is not like an individual and its hypocritical of society to expect anything else
- it is but we can use our choices in the market and through campaigns to persuade companies to ‘be good’ for sound business reasons
CSR IS MORE than hypocritical window dressing to cover the greed of a business intent on making profit
- some businesses are deeply motivated by social concerns - green energy producers
- as long as this association is genuine its unfair to deem this hypocritical
- even if it is window dressing to start with it does have an impact and these car companies were forced to change their practices and re-build their image as sales went down
- thus once a business realises the damage of an ethical scandal future ethical actions will likely be more genuine
- there is an external pressure to act ethically
- obliged to accept responsibility to stakeholders and customers
- Friedman’s views are outdated
- today’s environmental concerns means pursuit of only profit no longer seems appropriate
Human beings CAN flourish in the context of capitalism and consumerism
- if a key driver in life is the ever increasing acquisition of products and if this produces greater wealth than perhaps people flourish best under a successful capitalist economy with good consumers driving progress
- consumerism grants individuals the power to make choices/acquire more products which drives the economy
- creation of mass market for consumer products has revolutionised Western economies
- Capitalism linked to the Protestant work ethic the idea that hard work, discipline and frugality are one aspect of a person’s salvation
- capitalism incentivises human behaviour because there is self-interest in the outcome - if you can make your business better you gain more of the rewards
human beings CAN NOT flourish in the context of capitalism and consumerism
- not all can
- mass market and consumerism may have revolutionised Western economies and benefited many but this comes at the expense of those workers in LEDCs
- it encourages individuals/businesses to pursue wealth and become greedy
- may act irresponsibly in pursuit of gain
- capitalist system reduces the exp of human life to that of essential materialistic consumer gain at the expense of relationships, morality and spirituality
- capitalism reduces the way we think about the planet and consumerism encourages a wasteful approach (but many are becoming more concerned with the planet)
- not clear the increasing ownership of goods is something the earth can sustain for everyone or that everyone will be able to afford
- perhaps the whole capitalist economy just encourages greed which leads to greater moral corruption
globalisation encourages the pursuit of good ethics as the foundation of good businesses
- people like good businesses
- transactional corporations central to globalisation seem to have embraced this in their mission statement
- Toyata - “enriching lives around the world”
- good ethics is something globalisation encourages
- many made sincere efforts to live up to their mission statements
- microsoft donated $1b to charity since 1983
- as society demands more CSR perhaps good ethics will eventually become good global business even if we are not quite there yet
globalisation discourages the pursuit of good ethics as the foundation of a good business
- in practice there are strong reasons to doubt whether globalisation has encouraged ethical practice
- after the industrial revolution Western workers secured more rights which increased business costs and made the opportunity to move to LEDC unmissable as no worker conditions there
- seems to have allowed businesses to resort to this archaic 19th century view of business practice
- same Utilitarianism Dickens railed where every kind of human misery was excused on the basis that industry was bringing about happiness to the greatest number
- but this is at the expense of so many people
- cut throat competition encouraged in the pursuit of profit in this view of globalisation and thus good ethics esp in LEDCs is discouraged if it means higher production costs
- its a promotional front