Rite ad 2 Flashcards
what is the limit of the whole body SAR in 1st level mode
what is the reason why a fast spin echo may produce more heating than a gradient echo
the presence of 180 deg RF pulses
what magnetic sysceptibility is defined here 1X10^-3
what magnetic sysceptibility is defined here -1X10^-3
what period of time does the B1 plus rms average energy delived to our patient over?
10 seconds
what pulse sequence will most likely promote the most heating
single shot fse
what pulse sequence will most likely promote the most heating spin echo or gradient echo
spin echo
what pulse sequence will promote the most opportunity for stimulation
what pulse sequence will promote the most stimulation
what risk is associated with the pressure building up in the MRI room following a malfunctioned release of helium
ear damage
what risk is associated with the temperature of cryogen
what will dtermine how well a patient will regulate their core temperature
surface area of patient
what will determine the level of translational force
magnetic spatial gradient
what will increase induced currents in a patient
fast gradient activation and stronger fields
what will increase the amount of stimulation in a patient: decrease slice thickness increase FOV decrease matrix
decrease slice thickness
what will increase the amount of stimulation in a patient: decrease slice thickness increase FOV imcrease matrix
increase matrix
what will increase the amount of stimulation in a patient: increase slice thickness decrease FOV decrease matrix
decrease FOV
what zone is accessible to the general public
Zone 1
What zone is the quench pip in
Zone 3
when considering heating from the RF field what is our main concern
increasing core temperature
which groups of agents do not require labs to be drawn
group 2
which is considered the most accurate when referring to the patient RF dose SAR SED B1+rms
which mode of operation should not cause physiological stress to our patient
normal mode
which MRI unit can produce a B0 greater than 3T
superconducting MRI
which MRI unit would most likely have a vertical field
permanent MRI
which MRi unit would most likely produce the lowest field strength
permanent MRI
which of the following is true when allowing the door to z4 to be open according the ACR manual
which metal in a tattoo has the highest probablbility of producing a burn in the patients skin
iron oxide
which of the following offer the role of MR safety consultant
which of the following shoulde be used to identify the largest threat to our patients associated with the static magnetic field
magnetic spatial gradient
which of the following whole sequences would be most likely to produce stimulation in our patient DWI Conventional spin echo
whcih fo the following with decrease SAR decrease TR decrease flip angle decrease Freq matrix
decrease flip angle
whcih fo the following with decrease SAR decrease TR decrease flip angle decrease bandwidth
decrease bandwidth
which fo the following with decrease SAR increase TR increase phase matrix decrease freq matrix
increase TR
which fo the following with decrease SAR increase TR increase phase matrix increase freq matrix
increase Freq matrix
which of the following will decrease our SAR gradient echo or spin echo
gradient echo
which of the following will define the level of stimulation produced in our patient duty cycle slew rate
slew rate
which of the following will fight for the gadolinium ion whan transmetalation is occuring carbonate or zinc
which of the followiong promote less stimulation when decreased phase matrix FOV slice thickness
phase matrix
which of the following is considered more stable macrocyclic or linear
which of the following is considered more stable ionic or non-ionic
which of the followoing would we assume would produce the largest artifact 316L SS Clip cobalt clip titanium clip
cobalt clip
which of the followoing would we assume would produce the largest artifact iron stent titanium stent copper stent
iron stent
which of the zones require a keypad or badge system to restrict access
Zone 3
while scanning you see a large susceptibility artifact in the brain what should you do
contact the mrsd and discuss the best course of action
who is responsible for building a safe MRI program for a site which may contain a PET/MRI or MRI in surgery
who is responsible for reviewing MRI screening sheets with patients prior to an MRI
level 2 personnel
you are the only individual within a facility besides a manager and another tech are you able to give contrast