Rise to power Flashcards
When did lenin have a series of strokes?
What was the most powerful part of government and key to the power struggle?
when was lenins testament written? when was it meant to be read out? what did it accuse trotsky of? what did it accuse stalin of? what did it accuse kamanev and zinoviev of? what did it accuse bukharin of?
written 1923
Party congress May 1924
-accused trotsky of arrogance and too willing to use violence
-accused stalin of impatience and rudeness and urged for him to not be allowed to attain positions of extreme power and even for him to be replaced
–reminded the cc that zinoviev and kamanev had been disloyal to the party- vote 10/2
-argued bukharin did not fully understand lenins ideology
Stalin: when and where was he born? how wealthy was his family when did he join the bolsheviks? sentto
1879 in Georgia
sent to siberia
when did trotsky join the bolsheviks?
when did he lose his position in the politburo?
mid 1917
what was his position?
chairman of the central council of trade unions
when did bukharin join the bolsheviks?
what did lenin and bukharin disagree over?
ending of the first world war and introduction of nep
What was stalins first position and date?
what position did he then assume and date?
what did he initiate?date?how many people joined the communist party?
head of orgburo 1919
assumed secretary general 1922- put him in charge of party organisation
initiated lenin enrolment 1924- 128,000
NEP: who was on the left?
what did they support?
who led the right? what did he support?
What did stalin support?when did he change?
trotsky, zinoviev, kamanev - end nep and focus on rapid industrialisation led by bukharin -argued it was stabilising the economy supported nep until 1928 then switched
socialism in one country v permanent revolution
who created socialism in one country and when?
who supported world revolution?
stalin-socialism in one country 1924
the left supported world revolution and stalin until 1924
what was the triumvirate?when was this formed?
what did trotsky attack zinoviev and kamanev in?
when did stalin switch to support bukharin?
what di dzinoviev and kamanev call for?date?
what was the united opposition and when?
what did they try and do?what was the outcome of this?
stalin, kamanev and zinoviev v trotsky- 1924
lessons of october
1925-supported bukharin
vote of no confidence-1925-14th party congress
trotsky and zinoviev and kamanev-1926
call for demonstrations in moscow- was accused of factionalism and expelled from the party 1927
when did stalin turn against nep?
when was bukharin outvoted by stalin?
who was removed from the party?
bukharin, rykov, tomsky
outcomes:trotsky- when did he lose his position as commissar for___________
when was he excluded?
when did trotskky refuse to recant?
when was he assassined?
1925-military affairs
when did he lose his politburo seat and lost his position as ________
when did he get excluded?
when did he recant?
leader of the comintern 1926
outcomes:bukharin, rykov, tomsky
when did they lose their posts?what were they accused of?
…all recanted…
what did bukharin make a major contribution to? what didnt this save him from?
1929- right deviation
writing the soviet constitution of 1936
trial and executions in the 30s
reasons for the great turn(4)
- to have a well developed industry to manufacture weapons and munitions for war
- build a heavy industrial base to be less dependent of western powers
- socialism could only be achieved n a highly industrialised state where majority of the population are workers
- stalin wanted to catch up with the west’s standard of living and wanted to prove himself as a leader
first 5 year plan date:
- emphasis on:
- what % of investment did heavy industry account for?
- coal output from start of 1st 5 year plan to start of 2nd 5 year plan
- electricity production
october 1928- december 1932 heavy industry 80% coal: 35.5-76.3 million tonnes 1928-1933 elec: 5 billion-16 billion million kwth
weaknesses of first 5 year plan: plans unr... consumer... skilled... how did the average towns population increase every week in the early stages of the 5 year plan?why?
-plans hopelessly unrealistic and officials often fabricated results
-little growth in consumer industries and neglect of consumer goods
-severe lack of skilled workers
50,000- peasants move into towns
showpiece projects begun by the 5 year plans
by what date whas magnitogorsk a significant mining city with a popullation of over _________
dnieper dam
hydroelectric power station
Magnitogorsk in the urals- by 1932- significant mining and industrial city with a population of over 250,000
when did it start?
reasons for collectivisation
- communists wanted to abolish private property and replace private farming with state run farms
- communists hoped the peasants would see the superiority of socialist methods and embrace socialism
- by 1928-clear signs nep was failing blamed on kulaks
- larger unit s of land could be farmed more effectively through mechanisation
- mechanised agriculture would require fewer peasants to work the land, releasing labour for new industries.
how many motor tractor stations?what were they for?
how many tractors were provided?
what did molotov announce and when?
name of collective and state farms?
how many ___ were sent to enforce___________
how many people deported to siberia?
used to support collective farms, but also had a political unit which rooted out troublemakers and anti communists
‘liquidation of the kulaks as a class’ 1929
kolkhoz sovkhoz
25,000 urban party activists sent to enforce collectivisation and dekulakisation- deportation, shot or expelled off land
up to 10 million people deported
success of collectivisation:
how much did state procurement of grain increase?by what dates?
how much did grain exports increase? by what dates?
what did failure of agriculture mean?
what % of farms remained private?
how much did they contribute to the meat and milk
doubled from 10 to 20 million tonnes 1929-1933
less than 1 million to 5 million by 1931
many peasants fled to cities to work in industry
doubled the meat and milk produced by state farms.
what percentage of all cattle, pigs and sheep were slaughtered and eaten by the peasants?
how many horses killed?
grain harvest 1928, 1930, 1931:
when was the famine? how many people died?why did it happen?
25-30% 17 million 73 million tonnes 83 million tonnes 69 million tonnes 1932-33- 5-8 million deaths- stalin punished the peasants for their failure to meet state production targets and resistance to collectivisation by refusing to accept international offers of aid.
stakhanovite movement:
start date:
how many times more coal did he mine?
30 august 1935
14 times
workers encouraged to work like him.
when was the second 5 year plan? greater emphasis on\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_? what benefitted? by 1937, the ussr was\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ chemical industries like\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ what were known as the three good years?
january 1933- december 1937
communications like the railway to link cities
heavy industries benefitted from plants set up during the first plan- electricity production expanded rapidly
essentially self sufficient in machine making
chemical industries like fertiliser were growing
1934-36: rationing was stopped and families had more disposable income
limitations of the second 5 year plan
oil production did not make expected advances
consumer goods still neglected- some growth in footwear and food processing was shown but still lagging
3rd 5 year plan:
heavy industry…
resources diverted to…
january 1938-june 1941
heavy industry was still prioritised, machinery and engineering, but some areas did poorly
resources were diverted to defence and armaments which allowed them to grow rapidly
weaknesses of 3rd 5 year plan
steel output grew insignificantly
oil production failed to meet targets and led to a fuel crisis
consumer industries took the back seat, many factories ran short of materials
difficulties due to harsh winter
gosplan was thrown into chaos due to the purges- due to shortage of specialists, managers, engineers and qualified personnel
overall success of 5 year plans:
electricity output ______
coal output
2 factories built to exploit russias natural recources:
what % of the labour force by the end of the 1st 5 year plan were peasants?
how was transport improved?
5-48milliards kwhs 1927-1940 35-165 magnitogorsk and Tula over half moscow metro and volga canal