Dissent and Revolution Flashcards
What percentage of the Russian population were peasants?
How many workers on strike January-July 1914?
1.4 Million
What did the 1905 revolution bring about?
What was a limitation of this?
The October manifesto- brought about a national parliament- the Duma.
Had limited power, couldn’t make laws
Who was the Tars head of government?
How many people were found guilty of political crimes in his courts?
How many times did the police attempt to shut down Pravda? Between which dates?
8 times between 1912-1914
How many soldiers in the Russian Army?
1.4 million
Weaknesses of the army
Incompetent generals appointed on family ties not merit
Uneducated Russian army
Underdeveloped industry
What defeat led to the ‘Great Retreat’ of 1515?
Battle of Tannenberg
By what percentage had inflation increased?
How much had the price of flour increased by?
How had the army rations changed due to lack of food?
decrease from 4000-2000 calories a day
By 1915 the munitions crisis was so bad that ___________________
The artillery were limited to 3 shells per day- this led to military setbacks
What bad decision did the Tsar make in 1515?
What rumours started circulating?(2)
When was Rasputin assassinated?
made himself Commander in Chief of the Russian Armed Forces
The Tsar and his wife were under the influence of Rasputin
The Tsarina and Rasputin were having an an affair
What was the Progressive Block? What did they demand? How did the Tsar react?
a political alliance of duma deputies
a new government which could manage the war effectively ran by Duma deputies- the Tsar refused
By 1916- the value of real wages of industrial workers was _______
How many workers were on strike in 1916?
Why was there a drop in the rural workforce?
Many young male peasants were conscripted into the army
When did the Government announce that bread rationing would be put into place?
Announced February that on the 1st of March bread would be rationed
When was international women’s day? How many workers protesting on the streets of Petrograd?
Who refused to suppress the rebellion?
23 February
Cossack troops
When did the Tsar abdicate and who else did he abdicate for? Why?
2nd March
His son
His son had haemophilia
Who was the Prime Minister of the Provisional Government?
Prince G.E. Lvov
What did the Petrograd Soviet have control over?
The garrisons, the factories and the railways
What problems did the provisional government face?
‘Revolutionary defensism’- continuing the war to defend the revolution
This means that they had the same economic problems as the tsar
-workers wanted higher pay, shorter hours
-peasants wanted to own the land they worked
When does Lenin return?
What were Lenin’s 2 main slogans?
April 3rd in Petrograd
‘Peace, bread and Land’ and ‘All power to the Soviets’.
Lenin’s Early impact 2 for 2 against
-Marxists like Tseretelli thought that Lenin was out of touch with the Russian population
-April 21st- little impact, Lenin called for strikes but none of them were major
-April theses attracted some support and laid out the ideology of the Bolsheviks simply
-Convinced Bolshevik faction of Socialist Democrats to rule out further cooperation with the PG
What was the June offensive? Was it a success? Who resigned and when? How many armed protestors surrounded the Touride Palace in Petrograd? How did the government respond?
- renewed attack on the austrohungarian army
- complete disaster and led to mass desertions and a serious breakdown in disciplines of the Russian Army
- kadet minister resigned 3rd july
- 70,000 soldiers surrounded the palace
- gov tred to disperse armed protestors- 2 days of riots
Events of the Kornilov Coup + Date
August 1917
- Lavr Kornilov wanted to place Petrograd under military control
- Kerensky refused, knowing that the workers would resist
- Kerensky dismissed Kornilov
- Kornilov sent a detachment of troops to Petrograd
- Kerensky armed the red guard to defend Petrograd- kornilovs troops never reach petrograd- red guard are now armed
What group did Trotsky control?
How did he use them?
- The Military revolutionary Committee
- Said they should prepare for defensive action while he was really preparing for revolution
Lenin before revolution
How many bolshevik newspapers were there across Russia?
What was the status of the Bolsheviks in the soviet?
What day did Lenin return to petrograd?
What was the outcome of the bolshevik central committee’s vote for revolution?
dominated the Soviet, while many abandoned the PG
10 October
10-2 in support- the 2 being Kamanev and Zinoviv
What day was the revolution?
Which palace was the PG in?
What ship shot a warning shot to signal the attack
24 October
Winter Palace
When was the second All Russian Congress?
What did the Mensheviks and SR’s do in the congress?
What did the congress vote to create? Who was the leader of this creation?
- 25 October
- walked out in protest- gave bolsheviks a majority in the soviet
- Sovnarkom- Lenin was the leader
Where was bolshevik influence limited to?
What fraction of delegates supported the Bolsheviks?
What measures did the Bolsheviks take?
- petrograd, moscow and the surrounding countryside
- 300/670
- decree on peace
- decree on land