Rise of the Superpowers 1945-63 Flashcards
US politics and economy
freedom of speech & religion
right to fair trial
private ownership
business owned privately
US - alarmed with spread of communism
Truman introduced Truman Doctrine - promised aid to countries that resisted communism (Marshall Aid)
Stalin forced countries behind iron curtain to refuse
Divided Germany
Superpowers disagreed on Germany’s treatment
Stalin - keep it weak
US - rebuild economy
Economic reform and division - did all of Germany receive M. aid?
US, BRIT, FRAN. joined their zones - get marshall aid
- currency: Deutsche Mark
Offered to sov. zone - rejected. (stay communist)
-Curency: ostmark
Berlin Blockade
Stalin - didn’t want Deutsche mark used in W. Berlin - would mean centre of capitalism in midst of communism
JUNE 24 1948 - closed roads + railways from western zones to Berlin. (drive allies out)
W. Allies - stand against Stalin
Berlin Airlift
Stalin closed land access, not air corridors
318 days. Huge planes - 10 tonnes supplies arrived every 3 mins.
Berliners- small amounts of food, no fresh fruit/veg. Power cuts, use candles + oil lamps. Never gwve im.
Easter 1949 - all out efforts. 24 hours - 13,000 tonnes food flown - show blockade not working
Blockade lifted 12 May 1949
Consequences of Blockade
- Americans successfully defeated attempts to drive W.Allies from Berlin. Containment worked - main US policy for rest of Cold War.
- Deepened hostility + distrust between superpowers
- 1949 - during blockade - USSR successfully tested atomic bomb. Both power to destroy world + nuclear arms race began.
- Military alliance formed - defend against communism. - Nort Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
- 1995 - Sov. U set up alliance - Warsaw Pact w/ Eastern Europe. - Led by USSR
Berlin wall
Conditions improved - W. Germany, not E.
East Germans began go leave - harder to build ecomomy
1961 - rulers built wall through centre of Berlin - stop escaping
Steel fence along border
Berlin wall + fence - armed guards + watchtowers + land around full of landmunes
1961 - 1980 200+ tried to cross - killed
During Cold War, symbolised division of Europe
Two Germanys
US, brit, french zones - united into Federal Republic of Germany
Sov. zone - German Democratic Republic
Initial effects of Cold War
Containment worked - America, Canada, most w. Europe formed NATO to oppose USSR
US + USSR enemies
Division permanent (Germany)
W. Germans loyal to Americans bc of Marshall Aid
Warsaw Pact Alliance between communist countries formed in response
Soviet union politics + economy
Citizens a few
Secret police ensured law obeyed
Everything owned by state
Everyone works for good of state
US politics and economy
freedom of speech & religion
right to fair trial
private ownership
business owned privately
US - alarmed with spread of communism
Truman introduced Truman Doctrine - promised aid to countries that resisted communism (Marshall Aid)
Stalin forced countries behind iron curtain to refuse
Divided Germany
Superpowers disagreed on Germany’s treatment
Stalin - keep it weak
US - rebuild economy
Economic reform and division - did all of Germany receive M. aid?
US, BRIT, FRAN. joined their zones - get marshall aid
- currency: Deutsche Mark
Offered to sov. zone - rejected. (stay communist)
-Curency: ostmark
Berlin Blockade
Stalin - didn’t want Deutsche mark used in W. Berlin - would mean centre of capitalism in midst of communism
JUNE 24 1948 - closed roads + railways from western zones to Berlin. (drive allies out)
W. Allies - stand against Stalin
Berlin Airlift
Stalin closed land access, not air corridors
318 days. Huge planes - 10 tonnes supplies arrived every 3 mins.
Berliners- small amounts of food, no fresh fruit/veg. Power cuts, use candles + oil lamps. Never gwve im.
Easter 1949 - all out efforts. 24 hours - 13,000 tonnes food flown - show blockade not working
Blockade lifted 12 May 1949
Consequences of Blockade
- Americans successfully defeated attempts to drive W.Allies from Berlin. Containment worked - main US policy for rest of Cold War.
- Deepened hostility + distrust between superpowers
- 1949 - during blockade - USSR successfully tested atomic bomb. Both power to destroy world + nuclear arms race began.
- Military alliance formed - defend against communism. - Nort Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
- 1995 - Sov. U set up alliance - Warsaw Pact w/ Eastern Europe. - Led by USSR
Berlin wall
Conditions improved - W. Germany, not E.
East Germans began go leave - harder to build ecomomy
1961 - rulers built wall through centre of Berlin - stop escaping
Steel fence along border
Berlin wall + fence - armed guards + watchtowers + land around full of landmunes
1961 - 1980 200+ tried to cross - killed
During Cold War, symbolised division of Europe
Two Germanys
US, brit, french zones - united into Federal Republic of Germany
Sov. zone - German Democratic Republic
Initial effects of Cold War
Containment worked - America, Canada, most w. Europe formed NATO to oppose USSR
US + USSR enemies
Division permanent (Germany)
W. Germans loyal to Americans bc of Marshall Aid
Warsaw Pact Alliance between communist countries formed in response
Soviet union politics + economy
Citizens a few
Secret police ensured law obeyed
Everything owned by state
Everyone works for good of state