Rise of Facists Flashcards
What was the Fasci di Combattimento?
Organisation of ex soldiers who were extreme nationalists.
Led by Benito Mussolini
What was trincerocrazia?
The rule of the trenches
It divided the Italian people into those who fought in the war and those who didn’t.
Mussolini believed that through trincerocrazia, Italy could destroy the liberal order and restore Italy as a great power.
What were some policies of the Fasci di Combattimento?
- they were anti-clerical
- they were anti-monarchal
- they wanted suffrage for women and children
- they wanted an 8-hour day
- they wanted the abolition of the senate
- they wanted the nationalisation of the arms industry
- progressive taxation to be introduced
How many members of the Fasci di Combattimento were there by June 1919?
3,000 members
Where did the concept of blackshirts originate from?
The Fasci di Combattimento was made up of mostly Arditi who were commandos in the war. They wore black uniforms and had a black flag with a skull. Other members adopted these ideas and so members of the Facist Party became known as Blackshirts.
What were the Squadistri?
Squads of facist thugs who attacked socialists and communists through extreme violence
What happened to the offices of Avanti?
On 15 April 1919, 200-300 squadistri burned down the offices of the Avanti socialist newspaper in Milan.
3 socialists and 1 fascist were killed.
How were the squads organised?
They had commanding officers called ras
They all wore black uniform
They all carried pistols and manganellos (clubs)
These were supplied by the police
Used torture by castor oil to intimidate socialists
Why were the police, army, judiciary and government supportive of the squadistri?
They were all scared of the socialists and saw the squads as a way to get rid of them…
Why were wealthy industrialists supportive of the fascists?
They wanted an end to strikes which were led by socialists across the country.
Why were wealthy landowners in the countryside supportive of the squads?
They wanted an end to socialist land leagues and any sort of land reform which may hurt the interests of the wealthy
What was the result of the 1921 election?
The fascists got 7% of the vote and 35 seats (including Mussolini)
As Mussolini was now a deputy, he gained more respect from the Italian people. He was also now immune from persecution.
What was the new programme?
Introduced in May 1920
Dropped any anti-clerical and anti-monarchist views in favour for a more right-wing conservative approach.
A more pro-business attitude was to be taken with the fascists promising to sell any nationally owned businesses to private investors.
Called for compulsory military service, a better education system in the military and the reclamation of the irredente lands.
What was the PNF?
In October 1921, the fascists organised themselves into a more official party called the PNF.
What did the formation of the PNF allow Mussolini to do?
He had now centralised the fascist movement and had set up local branches to recruit more respectable members for the fascist cause.
By the end of 1921 how large was the fascist support?
200,000 members
Who did the PNF appeal to?
- the urban middle class
- professional white-collar workers
- small businesses
- wealthy landowners
How did Giolitti solve Bennio Rosso?
He used transformismo by creating a compromise with the socialists. He pressured banks to withdraw support for companies going against the strikers. He also encouraged big businesses to have worker representatives in both their shares and their boards.
When did Bennio Rosso end?
25 Septemer 1920
What happened to the PSI?
It split into two: The PSI The PCI (communist)
What was the PCI?
It was the Italian communist party. It was more radical than the PSI and even had support from Russia.
What did this split do to the Socialists?
It weakened their political power. The PCI were too small to be a political threat and the PSI had lost the majority of it’s supporters to the PCI or other parties.
How did Mussolini use the PCI to garner more hate towards the Socialists?
He used them as propaganda. He said that they were planning a communist revolution and were being financed by Russia. This would have put off many Italians from supporting them.
What happened to the Liberals?
The Liberals, led by Giolitti, were still hanging on to their tactic of compromise an absrobtion. However, this no longer worked as the newly formed parties (PNF, PPI and PCI) all had strong ideologies which were strongly against Giolitti and his party.
Also with the increase in the number of parties it became difficult for Giolitti to even try to use transformismo…
What did Giolitti do in the 1921 election?
Giolitti tried to absorb the fascists by joining forces with them. However, once the Fascists were elected, Mussolini announced that he would join the opposition which was a blow to Giolitti. Giolitti ended up resigning…
What was the Dual Policy?
Mussolini was looking for a legal way of becoming Prime Minister. He would have to balance the radical PNF as well as the elite conservatives.
What did Mussolini do as a part of the Dual Policy?
- He ended squadistri violence
- Signed the Pact of Pacification in August
What was the Pact of Pacification?
It was a pact between the PNF and the socialists as well as trade unions. This was done to achieve social peace in Italy after the aftermath of Biennio Rosso.
However Mussolini’s main reason for signing the pact was to anger the Catholics and Liberals into signing a treaty with him to stop working with the Socialists.
What was Mussolini’s key issue in his movement?
The squads showed more loyalty to their ras than Mussolini himself.
How did the ras react to Mussolini signing the Pact of Pacification and the end of squadistri violence?
They were angered and called for him to end the deal with the Socialists.
Who were the 3 most powerful ras?
- Dino Grandi
- Italo Balbo
- Roberto Farinacci
When and why did Mussolini resign as the leader of the PNF?
On 18 August 1922, Mussolini resigned from the PNF. He had threatened to do so after his ras were not willing to follow his political direction.
The party struggled without Mussolini and the ras could not control the politics side of the PNF.
How did Mussolini regain control over his party?
He bought some of the ras off by offering them high positions in the party (Grandi) and in return they pledged their allegiance to Mussolini.
What happened at the PNF conference of November 1921?
Fascists voted Mussolini as leader. This whole affair now showed the party that the ras were inferior to Mussolini and that without Mussolini the PNF would fail
What did Mussolini have to drop to keep power?
He had to drop the Pact of Pacification however Mussolini had realised that Squadistri violence was the best way to take power. So Mussolini started to encourage squadistri violence again…