rigid spinal orthosis Flashcards
discuss rigid spinal orthosis
restricts trunk motion
lessens pain more than flexible
can add to pain if issue is in lower spine d/t gravity
rigid component usually metal or aluminum and loc at level of greater trochanters, above the inferior edge of the sacrum below the PSIS
pelvic band
loc at up T9-T10 (below the inf angle) 2.5 cm
thoracic band
curving around pec. Major, ends just below the clavicle and lat to deltopectoral groove; 5.1 cm in diameter
rigid component that exceeds lumbar spine
ant extensions of thoracic band c subclavicular pads
placed along paraspinal muscles from inf border to inf pelvic band
posterior uprights
ends at the edge of the thoracic and pelvic bands
found on lateral side
lateral uprights
obliquely placed on both thoracic and pelvic bands
restricts rotation
oblique lateral uprights
crosses the distal 3rd of the scapulae
holds post uprights together and limits friciton during scap motion
interscapular band
placed on abdomen and restrcits flexion
full-front abdominal support
discuss chairback
LS FE control
only post uprights and abdominal support
discuss knight brace
LS FEL control
post uprights, abdominal supp and lateral uprights
discuss william brace
LS EL control
has pelvic and thoracic band and lateral bars
encourages flexion
discuss taylor brace
TLSO FE control
TLS post uprights
discuss knight-taylor brace
TLSO FEL control
taylor c lateral uprights
to provide movement that will lessen the compensatory movement
discuss cowhorn brace
does not limit thoracic ext since thoracic band is below scap spine
limits lumbar ext
discuss jewett brace
TLSO F control
only limits flexion - aka ant hyperextension
hyperextends spine to avoid kyphosis
disuss CASH
cruciform anterior spinal hyperextension
TLSO F control
less restrcition than jewett but easier to don and dof
more comfy - for pts c more stable spine
discuss plastic body jacekt
max immob
pts c severe destabilization of the spine or severe immovability
(pts who underwent motor vehicular accidents, spinal fractures)