Rights and Remedies of Shareholders Flashcards
What is the role of shareholders in a company?
Shareholders are the members or owners of a company.
They do not take part in the day-to-day decisions of the company but do make certain key decisions.
What is meant by the principle that shareholder decisions are taken by majority rule?
It means a requisite majority of shareholders must vote in favour of the proposed resolution in order for it to be passed.
What rights do the articles confer on members?
Articles are a contract between members and the company. The articles confer membership rights.
What sort of membership rights are covered under the articles?
- right to share in surplus capital on winding up
- right to dividend if one has been lawfully declared
- right to vote at meetings
- right to receive notice of GMs and AGMs
How do members protect rights which are not considered membership rights?
Thought a shareholder agreement
What is the benefit of a shareholder agreement?
Enables members to enforce against each other and can go further than the articles/CA 2006
What are drawbacks of a shareholder agreement?
Binds shareholders but not necessary company. Company bound to accept valid vote of shareholders even if it contravenes shareholder agreement
How can a shareholder agreement be enforced if it is breached?
Under the general contract law principles.
How can a shareholder agreement be changed?
Any changes will require unanimous approval
What rights do all shareholders have?
- to receive notice of GM
- appoint a proxy to attend a GM in their place
- vote at a GM (provided they have voting shares)
- receive a dividend
- receive a copy of company’s accounts
- inspect minutes and company registers
- ask court to prevent breach of directors’ duties
- commence derivative claim
- bring a petition for unfair prejudice
- bring petition for just an equitable winding up
What additional rights to shareholders with 5% or more have?
- require directors to call a GM
- require circulation of written statements regarding proposed resolutions to be considered at a GM
- circulate a written resolution
What additional rights do shareholders with 10% or more have?
- demand a poll vote
What additional rights to shareholders with more than 25% have?
- block a special resolution
What additional rights to shareholders with more than 50% have?
- pass or block an ordinary resolution
What additional rights do shareholders with 75% have?
- pass a special resolution