Business Accounts Flashcards
What financial statements must be prepared each accounting year?
- a profit and loss account
- a balance sheet
What is the trial balance?
The trial balance forms the basis of the information from which the financial statements (profit and loss account and balance sheet) are then compiled
It shows debit balances in one column and credit balances in another column. The total of each should be the same so balance
What are the five different accounts entry on the ledger might relate to? (ALCIE)
- assets - something the business owns (motor vehicles, cash at bank)
- liability - something the business owes (loans, trade debts)
- capital - identifiable as an injection of value from an owner or investor rather than money generated by the business
- income - money earned by the business usually from a regular source
- expense - money spent by the business (heating and lighting, wages paid to employees)
What are fixed assets?
- Any asset tangible (such as buildings) or intangible (such as a trademark) owned by the business that will enable it to make a profit
- must be held by the company for over a year and provide some long-lasting benefit to the company
What is a current asset?
- assets that’s are continually flowing through the business so have a shorter-term nature
- stock (goods for either use and/or resale) also known as inventory
- debtors also known as receivables, who owe money to the business
- cash, including bank account cash and cash in hand
What are liabilities?
- amounts owed by the business to someone else
- current liabilities (those due within one year)
- long-term liabilities (those due after one year)
How are the assets of the sole trader treated differently for accounting purposes than they are in law?
Despite not having separate legal personality, for accounting purposes the business and its owner are seen as two separate entities
What is an expense account?
- Expense account is where day to day spending is recorded
- will record services or purchase of items that it will not hold for a very long time before it uses them up
What does the income account record?
Records sums received by the business
What is the purpose of year-end adjustments?
Ensure that all income and expenditure on the final financial statements relate only to the relevant accounting period
What does the profit and loss account record?
Essentially records the income of a business throughout an accounting period minus expenses incurred in that period to arrive at a profit (or loss) figure for the period
It is a summary of the fortunes of a business over a passage of time
What does the balance sheet record?
It records the position of a business in respect of its asset, liability and capital accounts at a particular date
It is a snapshot of the business on a given date - last day of accounting period
What are the two key things a balance sheet tells the reader?
- the net worth or net asset value (NAV) of a particular business (ie value of the assets it has, less the liabilities it owes). This is recorded in the top half of the balance sheet
- the capital invested in the business to achieve that net worth. This is recorded in the bottom half of the balance sheet
Why will the two halves of the balance sheet always balance?
The top half of the balance sheet demonstrates how the money invested by the owners of the business has been used and the bottom half shows the amount of money invested by the owners
What is depreciation in an accounting context?
It is a mechanism used to deal with the decline in value of an asset and to spread the cost of the asset over it useful life
What are the two methods of calculating depreciation?
- the straight-line method
- the reducing balance method
What is the straight line method of calculating depreciation?
Method spreads the depreciation charge evenly over the life of the asset and gives rise to the same charge for depreciation each year
What is the reducing line balance method of calculating depreciation?
Depreciation charge each year is expressed as a percentage of the reducing balance (ie the net book value of the asset at the start of the relevant accounting period
(When plotted on a graph it would form a curved line)
What is the net book value?
Net book value = original cost less accumulated depreciation
What is an accrual and what must be done in respect of year-end adjustments?
Accrual arises when expense has been incurred and should be charged against profit in the current year but for some reason expense not included in the trial balance
Adjustment will have to be made to take into account accrual in accounting period otherwise profits of business will be shown as artificially high