Rigging PART A Flashcards
Only One type of natural fibre rope is sturdy enough for lifting what is it
Number one grade manila
Fibre rope is constructed by what method
Reverse twisting
How are ropes formed
Fibres right hand twisted into yarn, several yarns are left hand twisted into strands. Then 3or 4 strands are right hand twisted to form a right lay rope. Reversing this is a left lay rope
What rope is used for most general purposes
Medium-lay rope
These ropes provide more abrasion resistance
Hard lay ropes
These ropes have higher tensile strengths
Soft lay ropes
Two types of synthetic fibre rope commonly used
Nylon and polypropylene
What synthetic rope is excellent for use in such industrial applications as anchor and tie up lines tag lines and couplers and safety ropes
Rope is light in weight, does not absorb moisture, and floats on water, and the most popular rope available
Polypropylene rope
What does it mean when a yard is broken
The rope has been overloaded and is not safe for hoisting
If a rope is frozen do you let it thaw before using
Cutting a natural rope what do you do
Ends must be taped or whipped with fine twine
How efficient is a rope with a knot in it
How efficient is a straight line pull
How big does a sheaves diameter need to be greater than the ropes diameter
T or F the plumbing industry tends to use wire rope as lashing
Ropes with many wires to a strand have a good resistance to what
Bending fatigue
Wire rope grade Used where maximum tensile strength is required, such as mine shaft hoisting
Grade 120/130 - special improved plow type 11
Wire rope Used where a higher ultimate load (UL-BS) is required
Grade 115/125- special improved plow type 1
The grade most commonly used for wire rope, it combines tensile strength wear resistance and fatigue resistance
Grade 110/120 improved plow
Wire rope that Has excellent wear and fatigue resistance but a lower tensile strength
Grade 100/110- plow
What method is used for constructing fibre rope
Reverse twisting
How to calculate working load limit
Diameter squared X 8= WLL in tons
Type of connection recommended in all hoisting slings with a sling eye
Flemish eye plus a pressed metal sleeve
Synthetic webbing slings are weakened and damaged by
Repeated use of hoisting rough and sharp edged objects
The preferred material for synthetic webbing slings
Capacity of a double ply sling over a single ply sling
140% -200%
Chain that is suitable for construction hoisting is stamped with what
Identifying letter or number in the links
Usually letters A and T or versions of the number 8 as 80 or 800
Chains in regular use should be checked how often
Once a month
If a chain is subjected to shock or impact loads what do you do
Inspect it immediately before putting back in service
Using what will make your chain inspection efficient
Use a magnifying glass
What percent of chain wear do you replace slings
10% or more
What do you do if a chain has stretched by 3%
Inspect carefully
If the chain is stretched more than 5%
Chain should be removed from service
Definition: formed when the end of the rope intertwined within a section of the rope
Rope term: formed by intertwining two rope ends
Rope term: formed by fastening a rope to an object, such as a ring, hook or post
Rope term: made by joining the ends of two ropes
How much does a knot in a rope affect its strength ?

How much does a bend in the rope affect the strength? 
What does a hitch in a rope affect the strength? 
Reduces strength by 25%
How much does a splice reduce rope strength?
Reduced 20%
This knot does not slip easily 
Bowline knot
 this knot is used for hoisting, safety lines and for hitching around posts and rings
Bowline knot 
This knot is used for tying two ropes together that are equal equal diameter or for making a secure loop in the end of the rope
Figure of eight knot
 This hitch is used for fastening a rope to a post or pipe 
Clove hitch
This hitch is strong and virtually slip proof useful for securely attaching a rope to a post or column 
Round turn and 2 half hitches
This hitch is mainly used for lowering or hoisting, planks, pipe tube and bars 
Timber hitch
This bend is used to join lightweight to medium weight ropes of two different diameters 
Sheet bend
This bend is one of the strongest knots and can be used for securely joining together large diameter ropes 
Carrick bend
This hitch is used for attaching a rope to a hook 
These hoists are used to lift loads in a straight line vertical position 
Chain hoists
In this chain hoist the difference in the number of pockets is the differential 
Differential chain hoist
These chain hoist are more expensive than differential hoists
Screw geared chain hoist
This chain was uses two separate chains. One is an endless chain.
Screw geared chain hoist
The most efficient type of manual chain hoist, but also the most expensive
Spur geared chain hoist
This device is useful for short, vertical and horizontal pulls
Come along
Typically, the most abused piece of equipment
Come along
a cable winch that uses a draw vise design and permits unlimited wire rope travel 
The winch can only be used on the horizontal plane
Tirfor winch
This block is used to change the direction of pole on a wire rope
Snatch block
The tap screw bolts must have the minimum depth of what the diameter of the
How is a shackle sized
The diameter of the bow section
What direction pulls are shackles intended to be used?

At what percent do you destroy shackles? 
Worn in the crown Or in the pin by more than 10% of the original
All lifting hooks except grab chain and sorting hooks should be fitted with what
Safety latches
When two more slings to be used, the slings must go to a what
Shackle or ring
These devices counter the twisting of rigging when hoisting
Crane hooks with a single part line should use this device
Headache ball
This device is used to attach the headache ball
 wedge socket
Angular pulls should be avoided on these clamps
Beat clamp
How do you calculate the amount of u bolt saddle type clips
Rope diameter x3 + one to next whole number