RICS Documents Flashcards
Outline the content of RICS Countering bribery and corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing?
Part 1. Mandatory requirements
This PS statement details the need for proper due-diligence be that simple of enhanced for persons of political interest
What does part 1 of RICS Countering bribery and corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing say?
Not offer or accept, directly or indirectly, anything that could constitute a bribe
Have plans in place to comply with applicable laws governing bribery and corruption
Report any activity they are aware of that breaches anti-bribery
Act with due diligence to perform periodic written evaluations of the risks that face the firm and that may lead to the facilitation of bribery or corruption
Retain information detailing how the firm has met the requirements of this professional statement
What is the hierarchy of risk control in RICS Surveying Safely 2018
- Elimination - Redesign the activity or substitute a substance so that the hazard is removed
(using a drone for roof inspections). - Substitution - Replace the materials with a less hazardous one.
(use pre-prepared components rather than fabricating/cutting on site).
Take care to ensure that the alternative is safer than the original.
3 Engineering controls - Use work equipment or other measures to prevent falls where you cannot avoid
working at height. Install or use additional machinery such as local exhaust ventilation
4 Administrative controls - reducing the need for lone working or ensuring the work is
completed in daylight;
5 Personal protective Equipment - last resort to minimise risk i.e buddy system for lone working
Describe what is included in a risk matrix
What is the aim of the Fire Safety Act 2021?
Act extends the RRO to include fire safety responsibilities relating to a buildings’ external structure
(RRO is Regulatory Reform Order 2005)
Explain your understanding of the Fire Safety Act 2021
Applies to 2 or more sets of domestics premises - domestic flats - no minimum height.
All buildings covered by the Act extended to included provisions of the fire safety order 2005 , structure, external walls, cladding, doors and windows and common areas.
All responsible persons will be required to manage and assess fire safety.
Fire service can take action.
No remediation for cost of cladding.
What is an EWS1 form?
External Wall System - cladding, insulation and fire break.
over 18m high to determine mortgage suitably
Valid for 5 years
Name key Asbestos legislation and some of the requirements?
Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012
- contain existing if in good condition
- responsible for maintenance, you’ve a duty to manage
- only used licensed asbestos contractors for removal
- Provide essential training for staff
What are the nine protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010
Age Disability Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy and maternity Race Religion or belief Sex Sexual orientation
What does the NPPF say on inclusivity?
Designing the built environment, including buildings and their surrounding spaces, to ensure that they can be accessed and used by everyone.
- proximity and links to public transport;
- parking spaces and setting down points in proximity to entrances;
- the positioning and visual contrast of street furniture and the design of approach routes to meet the needs of wheelchair users
and people with visual impairments; and - whether entrances to buildings are clearly identified, can be reached by a level or gently sloping approach and are well lit
What do you know about RICS Conflicts of Interest professional statement
- its a professional statement
- It covers what a conflict of interest is and what dual agency is
• A member must not advise or represent a client where a conflict arises without informed consent Three conflicts: • Party conflict • Personal conflict • Confidential information conflict
Summarise RICS professional guidance, UK Complaints handling 1st edition, July 2016
This guidance note is to provide residential surveyors and valuers with information to assist in handling complaints and direct them towards more detailed guidance from RICS.
you should have:
- Robust terms of engagement
- CHP policy
- Escalation procedures
- Good record keeping
Summarise surveying safely guidance note
Effective from 1st Feb 2019
Has 9 key sections which set out good practice principles for the management of health and safety for RICS-regulated firms and RICS members
They include; Personal responsibility, assessing hazards and risks, occupational hygiene and health, visiting premises or sites and fire safety.
Summarise Sustainability and ESG in commercial property valuation and strategic advice, 3rd Edition?
Almost a companion to the RED BOOK 2022
Covering ESG and sustainability and the role of the valuer
Includes detail to support valuers in the process covering sustainability characteristics, considerations & risks
- end to end sustainability:
- valuation purposes
- instructions
- Basis of Value
- reporting
- comparable evidence
- valuation methods & considerations
Appendix A covers key definitions such as benchmarking and BREEAM
Summarise RICS’ Land measurement for planning and development purposes
(LO - SA - NDA)
This guidance note defines three distinct areas:
- the land ownership area, referring to the legal land ownership area;
- the site area, identified for planning application purposes;
- the net development area, identifying the part of the site that will be occupied by buildings.
Advice on the calculation of development density is also provided.
Summarise comparable evidence in real estate valuation
It is a guidance note
Effective from 9th October 2019
Guidance on
- comparable sources
- hierarchy of evidence (best is a transaction on the subject property)
- recording comparable evidence
- comparable analysis
What are the key point of Professional indemnity insurance requirements rics.org/regulation Version 7 with effect from 1 May 2020
Minimum PII cover and uninsured excess
Fully retroactive
Underwritten by a listed insurer
Run-off cover or use Run-Off Pool
Summarise RICS Guidance Note Valuation of Development Property
October 2019
The Guidance Note explores the due diligence ensuring that appropriate assumptions and special assumptions can be made.
It also discusses how to assess development potential, including seeking advice from external specialists, e.g. planning consultants.
Finally, it looks at the four main options for development property, which are likely to influence the valuation approach and outcome. These are to develop, develop in phases, sell or dispose, and defer or wait.
What do you know about Real estate management RICS professional statement, global 3rd edition, October 2016
Outlines the principles that shape the culture of fairness and transparency that underpin all activities undertaken by real estate managers.
12 Principles - covering honesty, diligent service, TOE, conflicts of interest,
Chapters 1–8 of this professional statement draw on
these 12 principles and provide examples of best practice
Summarise Service charges in commercial property, professional statement - 1st edition (September 2018).
Effective from 1 April 2019 in the United Kingdom. (professional statement but cannot override lease)
Key mandatory principles
- expenditure sought to recover must be in accordance with the terms of the lease
- no more than 100% of the proper and actual costs
- issue service charge budgets annually
- service charge accounts provided annually
- apportionment matrix issued annually
- Service charge monie in a discrete account
- Interest added to the account
- Dispute? only withhold sums in dispute
Commercial property management in England and Wales RICS GUIDANCE NOTE
England and Wales 2nd edition, October 2011
Effective from October 2011
Provide detail on the property management functions in 8 chapters covering property managers core duties in chapter 4 which details:
- client accounts
- service charges
- managing the building
- Energy management
- H&S
- Management fees
What do you know about Licence for alterations in commercial property 2012
Guidance note consisting of 8 chapters
Chapter 2 covers tenant applications
Chapter 3 covers key factors to consider including:
- Nature of the works
- H&S
- Sustainability
- Warrinities and major works
What is the purpose of RICS Professional Statement, Code for Leasing Business Premises 2020?
To improve transparency and fairness in commercial lease negotiation, including initial negotiation of lease terms and mandatory provision of comprehensive heads of terms to facilitate the legal drafting process
How is RICS Professional Statement, Code for Leasing Business Premises 2020 structured?
Mandatory requirements
Lease negotiation best practice
Appendix A – Template heads of terms and checklist
Appendix B – Guide for landlords and tenants