Rickets Flashcards
Incidence of Infantile Rickets
Etiology of Infantile Rickets
Predisposing Factors of Infantile Rickets
Predisposing Factors of Infantile Rickets
- Rapid Growth
Predisposing Factors of Infantile Rickets
- Ca & Po4 Homeostasis
Predisposing Factors of Infantile Rickets
- Environmental Factors
Pathogenesis of Infantile Rickets
Types of Bone Ossification
Normal endochondral (Intra-cartilaginous) bone growth
Pathology in active Rickets
Zone of Resting Cartilage
- Normal
- Active Rickets
Zone of Proliferating Cartilage
- Normal
- Active Rickets
Zone of provisional calcification (Degenerating cartilage)
- Normal
- Active Rickets
Zone of Newly formed bone
- Normal
- Active Rickets
- Epiphyseal plate is the layer that separates ……
diaphysis from the cartilage
CP of Infantile Rickets
CP of Infantile Rickets
- Early
CP of Infantile Rickets
- Early Symptoms
CP of Infantile Rickets
- Early Signs
CP of Infantile Rickets
- Early Biochemical Markers
CP of Infantile Rickets
- Early Radiological Signs
Def of Craniotabes
Dx of Craniotabes
Other Causes of Craniotabes
Other Causes of Craniotabes
- ICT increase
Other Causes of Craniotabes
- Bone Defects
CP of Advanced Rickets
CP of Advanced Rickets
- Head
CP of Advanced Rickets
- Marked Hypotonia & Weakness of Ligaments
CP of Advanced Rickets
- Chest
Chest CP of Advanced Rickets
- Rosaries
Chest CP of Advanced Rickets
- Longitudinal Groove
Chest CP of Advanced Rickets
- Horizontal Groove
Chest CP of Advanced Rickets
- Harrison Sulcus
Chest CP of Advanced Rickets
- Pigeon Chest
Chest CP of Advanced Rickets
- Flattened lateral chest wall & lower costal flare
CP of Advanced Rickets
- Pelvis
CP of Advanced Rickets
- Vertebral Column
CP of Advanced Rickets
- Extremities
CP of Advanced Rickets
- Marfan Sign
CP of Advanced Rickets
- Deformities due to effect of muscle contraction and gravity
CP of Advanced Rickets
- Green Stick Fractures
Labs in Infantile Rickets
Labs in Infantile Rickets
Labs in Infantile Rickets
- PO4
Labs in Infantile Rickets
Labs in Infantile Rickets
- Serum Ca
Labs in Infantile Rickets
- Plasma Citrate
Labs in Infantile Rickets
- Serum 1,25 (OH) Vit D
Labs in Infantile Rickets
- Urine
Labs in Infantile Rickets
- Serum Ca
(What causes low Ca?)
X-Ray in Infantile Rickets
X-Ray of Active Infantile Rickets
- End of Long Bones
X-Ray of Active Infantile Rickets
- Disatnce Between lower end of radius & Carpal Bones
X-Ray of Active Infantile Rickets
- Diaphysis
X-Ray of Active Rickets, Healing Rickets, Healed Rickets in terms of
X-Ray of Active Rickets, Healing Rickets, Healed Rickets in terms of:
- End of Long Bones
X-Ray of Active Rickets, Healing Rickets, Healed Rickets in terms of:
- Distance between Lower end of Radias & carpal nones
X-Ray of Active Rickets, Healing Rickets, Healed Rickets in terms of:
- Diaphysis
X-Ray of Active Rickets, Healing Rickets, Healed Rickets in terms of:
- X-Ray
DDx of Infantile Rickets
DDx of Infantile Rickets
- Other Causes of inability to walk
DDx of Infantile Rickets
- Other causes of Craniotabes
DDx of Infantile Rickets
- Other Bone Diseases
DDx of Infantile Rickets
- Pot’s Diseases
DDx of Infantile Rickets
- Hydrocephalitic Skull
Complications of Infantile Rickets
Complications of Infantile Rickets
- Respiratory
Complications of Infantile Rickets
Complications of Infantile Rickets
- Hematological
Complications of Infantile Rickets
Prognosis of Infantile Rickets
Prevention of Infantile Rickets
Prevention of Infantile Rickets
- Sun
Prevention of Infantile Rickets
- Vit D
Prevention of Infantile Rickets
- Vit D Doses
TTT of Infantile Rickets
TTT of Infantile Rickets
- Prophylactic
TTT of Infantile Rickets
- Curative
Vit D in TTT of Infantile Rickets
Vit D in TTT of Infantile Rickets
- Forms
Vit D in TTT of Infantile Rickets
- Oral
Vit D in TTT of Infantile Rickets
- Oral Dose
Vit D in TTT of Infantile Rickets
- IM
Vit D in TTT of Infantile Rickets
- IM Dose
Vit D in TTT of Infantile Rickets
- Response
TTT of Infantile Rickets
- UV Rays
TTT of Infantile Rickets
- TTT of deformities
TTT of Infantile Rickets
- Ca