Hypocalcemia Flashcards
Etiology of Hypoparathyroidism
- Congenital
- Acquired
Etiology of Hypoparathyroidism
- Congenital
Etiology of Hypoparathyroidism
- Acquired
Etiology of DiGeorge Syndrome
CP of DiGeorge Syndrome
- Cardiac
- Face
- Neck & Mediastinum
- Mentality
CP of DiGeorge Syndrome
- Cardiac
CP of DiGeorge Syndrome
- Eyes
CP of DiGeorge Syndrome
- Nose
CP of DiGeorge Syndrome
- Ears
CP of DiGeorge Syndrome
- Mouth
CP of DiGeorge Syndrome
- Neck & Mediastinum
CP of DiGeorge Syndrome
- Mentality
Def of PHP
Dx of PHP
Special Types of PHP
Pseudo - hypoparathyroidism type 1A (PHPIA) (Albright hereditary osteodystrophy)
CP of Type 1A (PHPIA) (Albright hereditary osteodystrophy)
- Hand
- Mentality
- Head
CP of Type 1A (PHPIA) (Albright hereditary osteodystrophy)
- Hand
CP of Type 1A (PHPIA) (Albright hereditary osteodystrophy)
- Short stature
- Subcutaneous ossifications
CP of Type 1A (PHPIA) (Albright hereditary osteodystrophy)
- Mentality
Mild or moderate mental retardation
CP of Type 1A (PHPIA) (Albright hereditary osteodystrophy)
- Hand
- Round face
- Dental defects
- Sensory-neural abnormalities
Def of Tetany
- State of hyperexcitability of the neuromuscular system due to decreased ionized calcium in the blood
Types of Tetany
Relation between pH & Tetany
CP of Tetany
CP of Latent Tetany
CP of Latent Tetany
- Chovstek sign
Tapping of facial nerve in front of the ear lead to spasm of facial muscles of same side
CP of Latent Tetany
- Trousseau Sign
- Compress upper arm with sphygmomanometer cuff with sphygmomanometer cuff with pressure between systolic and diastolic lead to carpal spasm
CP of Latent Tetany
- Erb’s Sign
Low galvanic current (<5mAm) lead to muscle contraction
CP of Latent Tetany
- Peroneal Sign
Tap peroneal nerve near head of fibula lead to pedal spasm
CP of Manifest Tetany
CP of Manifest Tetany
- Carpal Spasm
CP of Manifest Tetany
- Pedal Spasm
Foot extended in position of talipes equinus position with flexion of toes
CP of Manifest Tetany
- Laryngeal Spasm
Attacks of spasmodic closure of the larynx (stridor)
CP of Manifest Tetany
- Convulsions
With loss of consciousness
INVx for Hypocalcemia
- Labs
- Rads
- EP
INVx for Hypocalcemia
- Labs
INVx for Hypocalcemia
- Confirmation
Total & ionized Ca
INVx for Hypocalcemia
- Other Abnormalities
- Renal function and creatinine clearance
- Serum phosphate & Mg
INVx for Hypocalcemia
INVx for Hypocalcemia
- Other Studies
Hypocalcemia & Addison’s Disease
INVx for Hypocalcemia
- Rads
INVx for Hypocalcemia
Lab INVx for different causes of hypocalcemia
TTT of Hypocalcemia
- Emergency
- Maintainence
TTT of Hypocalcemia
- Emergency TTT
Emergency TTT of Hypocalcemia
- Calcium Gluconate
Emergency TTT of Hypocalcemia
- Calcitriol (1,25 OH D3)
Manintenance TTT of Hypocalcemia
Manintenance TTT of Hypocalcemia
- Avoid food rich in PO4
Manintenance TTT of Hypocalcemia
- Vit D
Manintenance TTT of Hypocalcemia
- Calcium