PEM Flashcards
Def of Protein Caloric (Energy) Malnutrition
- Syndromes resulting from deficiencies of calories and/or protein intake.
Better Term for Protein Caloric (Energy) Malnutrition
Because PEM is almost always accompanied by deficiency of other nutrients, the term severe childhood undernutrition (SCU) may be more accurate and is preferred.
Wellcome Classification of PEM
Limitations of Wellcome Classification of PEM
- Patient length is not in the consideration.
- Edema falsely increases the weight.
WHO Classification of Severe malnutrition
Def of Marasmus
- It’s a chronic state of undernutrition characterized by progressive loss of weight due to caloric deficiency.
- The problem is protein + caloric deficiency
- Marasmus is not a disease but complex symptoms from some underlying causes.
- It means failure to gain weight, drop of weight 2 major percentiles on follow up or weight below 5th percentile for age and sex.
- Thus, FTT includes marasmus and not the reverse.
Etiology of Marasmus
Etiology of Marasmus
- Non-Organic Causes
Etiology of Marasmus
- Organic Causes
- Inadequate Intake
- Poor Absorbtion
- Increase Metabolic Demands
- ??????
Organic Causes of Marasmus
- Inadequate Intake
- Poor Absorbtion
- Increase Metabolic Demands
- ??????
Organic Causes of Marasmus
- Inadequate Intake
Dieteic & Non
Dieteic Causes of Marasmus
Dieteic Causes of Marasmus
- Quantitative
Dieteic Causes of Marasmus
- Qualitative
- Too prolonged breast-feeding.
- Lack of sugar in the formula or much-diluted formulae.
- Prolonged use of fluids in children after gastroenteritis.
Non-Dieteic Causes of Marasmus
- Anorexia (anemia, CNS disorders, infections).
- Inability to suck or swallow (CNS defects, congenital anomalies).
- Vomiting.
Absorbtion Causes of Marasmus
Absorbtion Causes of Marasmus
Celiac disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Schwachman syn.
Absorbtion Causes of Marasmus
- Renal
Renal failure, RTA
Absorbtion Causes of Marasmus
- Endocrine
DM, thyroid, GH deficiency
Absorbtion Causes of Marasmus
- Chronic Infection
TB, HIV, parasites
Metabolic Causes of Marasmus
Metabolic Causes of Marasmus
- Chronic Diseases
Heart Failure, Chronic Heart Disease, BPD
Metabolic Causes of Marasmus
- Choronic Inflammatory Diseases
Metabolic Causes of Marasmus
- Renal
Renal failure
Metabolic Causes of Marasmus
- Endocrine
Pathophysiolgy of Marasmus
CP of Marasmus
CP of Marasmus
- Weight Loss
Weight < 60% of normal.
CP of Marasmus
- Characters
CP of Marasmus
- Cardinal Sign
Loss of SC fat from abdomen then Limbs then Pads of check.
CP of Marasmus
- Vitals
CP of Marasmus
- Gastroenteritis
- Constipation
- Starvation stool (small amount, dark in color, increased mucus)
CP of Marasmus
- Others
Recurrent infection - Anemia - Vit B def
Degrees of Marasmus
Labs in Marasmus
Complications of Marasmus
Causes of Death in Marasmus
Prevention of Marasmus
- Adequate feeding.
- Immunization.
- Early diagnosis & treatment of infection.
Another Name of Kwashiorker
Red Baby
Def of Kwashiorker
- Clinical syndrome due to supply of protein & amino acids with adequate caloric supply.
- It is acute not a chronic disease
Etiology of Kwashiorker
Etiology of Kwashiorker
- Dietary inadequacy
Etiology of Kwashiorker
- Post-Infectious
Etiology of Kwashiorker
- Psychological Factors
- The consequence of another pregnancy or another birth may lead to a maternal deprivation syndrome of the breast fed infant in which anorexia is a main feature
CP of Kwashiorker
CP of Kwashiorker
- Constant Diagnostic Features
CP of Kwashiorker
- Variable Features
Growth Retardation in Kwashiorker
Growth Retardation in Kwashiorker
- Weight
Growth Retardation in Kwashiorker
- Height & Head Circumference
Are less affected than weight.
Growth Retardation in Kwashiorker
- Muscles
Growth Retardation in Kwashiorker
- SC Fat
- Preserved (indicating adequate caloric intake).
- Detected by skin fold.
Edema in Kwashiorker
Edema in Kwashiorker
- Site
- Starts in the dorsum of feet then hands then become generalized.
- Never associated with ascites & pleural effusion.
Edema in Kwashiorker
- Type
Soft Pitting
Edema in Kwashiorker
- Pathogenesis
Psychomotor & Mental Changes in Kwashiorker
Psychomotor & Mental Changes in Kwashiorker
- Features
- Lethargy, apathy, loss of interest to surrounding & misery.
- Mental development appears to be below normal for the age.
Psychomotor & Mental Changes in Kwashiorker
- Pathogenesis
- Decreased Manganese.
- A defect in the metabolism of aromatic amino acids.
Skin Changes in Kwashiorker
Skin Changes in Kwashiorker
- Site
Common over pressure & flexure sites (e.g., buttocks & elbow).
Skin Changes in Kwashiorker
- Pathogenesis
Hair Changes in Kwashiorker
- CP
Hair Changes in Kwashiorker
- Pathogenesis
GIT Disorders in Kwashiorker
- CP
Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea & steatorrhea.
GIT Disorders in Kwashiorker
- Pathogenesis
Anemia in Kwashiorker
- Deficiency of iron, protein, folic acid and B12.
- Recurrent infections
Vitamin Deficiency in Kwashiorker
- Signs of vitamins deficiency may be encountered as (Vit A, B, C)
E.g., Signs of riboflavin (B2) def. angular stomatitis, cheilosis, glossitis and blepharitis.
Investigations in Kwashiorker
Investigations in Kwashiorker
- Urea N / Creatinine N
Investigations in Kwashiorker
- Non Essential AA / Essential AA
Investigations in Kwashiorker
- Plasma Proteins
Investigations in Kwashiorker
- total Serum AA
Investigations in Kwashiorker
- Serum Cholesterol
Investigations in Kwashiorker
- Serum Electrolytes & Minerals
Investigations in Kwashiorker
- Serum Enzymes
DDx of Kwashiorker
Complications & Causes of Death Kwashiorker
Prevention of Kwashiorker
- Hospitalization
- Dietetic Managment
- TTT of associated Conditions
- hospitalization
Dieteic Managment ofPEM
- Route
Nasogastric tube “gavage feeding” due to presence of anorexia.
Dieteic Managment of PEM
- Frequency
Every 1-2 Hours
Dieteic Managment of PEM
- quantity
Dieteic Managment of PEM
- Regimen (Quality)
Dieteic Managment of PEM
- Supplments
Dieteic Managment of PEM
- Complications
- Refeeding syndrome D2 hypophosphatemia
- Protein intoxication
Complications of Dietetic managment of PEM
- Reefeding Syndrome
Complications of Dietetic managment of PEM
- Protein Intoxication
with hepatomegaly, hyperammonemia.
Refeeding Syndrome
- TTT of Associated Conditions
TTT of Associated Conditions with PEM
- Anemia
- Iron (after 1st week of nutritional rehabilitation)
- Vitamin B12, folic acid
TTT of Associated Conditions with PEM
- dermatitis
2% aqueous gentian violet solution.
TTT of Associated Conditions with PEM
- Xerophthalmia
Vitamin A drops orally and locally, antibiotic.
TTT of Associated Conditions with PEM
- diarrhea & Infection
Proper antibiotics
Time frame for treatment of PCM
Time frame for treatment of PCM
- Initial Phase
Time frame for treatment of PCM
- Rehabilitation Phase
Time frame for treatment of PCM
- Follow up Phase