Rice And Oat Milling (Lecture 15) Flashcards
3 Cereal Grains That Retain Hull After Harvest
Rice, Barley, Oats
Rice Kernel
Hull 20%
Endosperm 70%
Bran 7.5%
Germ 2.5%
Six Steps in Rice Milling
Polishing (Optional)
Cleaning and Hulling (Rice Milling)
Cleaning Removes foreign material
Hull Removal: Rubs excess husks of clan paddy
Brown rice is separated from the hull through aspiration
Rice Milling- Hulling
Separates using density
Rice Milling Whitening
Removes the bran layer from the brown rice
Bran separates from white rice using aspiration
Rice kernels pass between each other and a stationary screen by an aspiration surface
Rice Milling Polishing
Removes inner pericarp
Polishing used gentle abrasion
Polish is separated by aspiration
Rice Milling - Grading
Removal of the broken rice from milled rice
Head rice is the most desirable
Small broken - Called brewers rice
Rice Milling - Sorting
Removes rice defects
Finished Rice
Rice - 70 - 75 %
Rice Husk 20%
Rice Bran 5 - 10%
The Oat Kernel Hull
30- 35%
The Oat Kernel Bran
The Oat Kernel Endosperm
The Oat Kernel Germ
Oat Terminology
Oat- Still containing a hull/unprocessed
Groat - Oat with hull removed
Green Groat - Groat that hasn’t been Kilned
Oat Milling
- Cleaning
- Hulling and Roughing
A. Produces Groat - Kilning and Grading
- Processing
Oat Milling Cleaning
Removes non oats and non millable oats
Low Quality Oats Unsuitable for Milling
Double Oats
Pin Oats: undeveloped w/ Missing Groat
Light Oats: Developed w/ no groat
Oat Milling - Hulling
Impact dehulling uses centrifugal force
The impact force causes the hull to detach from the oat
Oat Milling — Roughing
Process of removing loose hulls from groats and unhulled oats
Large density makes separation with air currents an efficient method of removing loose hulls
Infilled oats can be separated by length or by density
Oat Milling — Kilning and Gradinh
Kilning Goals
Deactivated Enzymes that cause rancidity
Grading Goals
Kilned groats are graded by size using gravity tables
Oat Milling — Cutting System
Minimize Fines
Remove Hulls
Oat Milling — Flour Production
Flake the Groats
Grind the oat flakes and sift to meet granulation specifications
Used as an extrusion flour in breakfast cereals
Paddy Rice
While rice kernel with hull intact
Brown Rice
Rice kernel with hull removed but bran intact
White Rice
Hull and bran removed
What Grain Contains a Hard and Soft Endopserm
Corn and Sorghum