Rhythms Flashcards
Sinus bradycardia rhythm
Heart rate= less than 60 BPM Rhythm= regular P wave= upright and uniform PR interval= .12-.20 sec QRS complexes= less than .12 sec
Normal sinus rhythms present
Rate= 60-100 BPM Rhythm= regular P wave= present and upright PR Interval= .16 sec QRS complex= .06 sec
Sinus tachycardia rhythm
Heart rate= 100-160 BPM Rhythm= regular P waves= upright and uniform PR interval= .12-.20 sec QRS= less than .12 sec
Sinus dysrhythmia
Heart rate= 60-100 Rhythm= IRREGULAR (r-r more than .08 sec) P waves= upright and uniform PR interval= .12-.20 QRS= less than .12 sec
Sinus arrest rhythm
Heart rate= variable, depending on arrest
Rhythm= IRREGULAR when arrest is present
P wave= present if QRS is present
PR interval= .12-.20
QRS= less than .12
Wandering atrial pacemaker
Heart rate= usually 60-100
Rhythm= may be slightly irregular
P waves= change in shape, size, and location
PR interval= variable, depending on site shifts
QRS= usually less than .12
Multifocal atrial tachycardia
Heart rate= more than 100 Rhythm= irregular P wave= present but shape is variable PRI= variable QRS= less than .12
Premature atrial complexes PAC
Heart rate= usually 60-100
Rhythm= usually normal except for PAC site
P wave= differs in shape, size, and location
PRI= variable
QRS= usually less than .12
Also usually a pause after PAC
Atrial flutter
Heart rate= atrial 250-300 ventricular varies
Rhythm= regular atria ventricular varies
P wave= absent, replaced by F waves, sawtooth
PRI= not measurable
QRS= usually less than .12 sec
Atrial fibrillation
Heart rate= atrial 350-400 ventricular variable Rhythm= irregularly irregular P waves= absent! replaced by F waves PRI= not discernible QRS= usually less than .10 sec
Supraventricular tachycardia
Heart rate= 150-250 Rhythm= regular P waves= usually not noticeable PRI= usually not discernible QRS= usually less than .10 sec
Premature Junctional complexes
Heart rate= rate of rhythm+ PJCs Rhythm= usually regular except PJCs P waves= inverted or absent PRI= usually less than .12 if there is a P wave QRS= less than .12 sec
Junctional escape rhythm
Heart rate=usually 40-60 Rhythm= usually regular P wave= inverted or absent PRI= usually less than .12 unless no P wave QRS= less than .12
Accelerated Junctional rhythm
Heart rate= 60-100 Rhythm= regular P wave= inverted or absent PRI= usually less than .12 unless no P wave QRS= less than .12 sec
Junctional tachycardia rhythm
Heart rate= 100-180 Rhythm= regular P wave= if visible inverted PRI= usually less than .12 unless no P wave QRS= less than .12 sec
Premature ventricular complexes
Heart rate= depends on rate of rhythm and PJC
Rhythm= occasionally irregular
P wave= no P waves associated with PVC
P waves will be present of underlying rhythm
PRI= not present on PVCs
QRS= wide usually greater than .12 sec
Idioventricular rhythm
Heart rate= 20-40 or less Rhythm= atrial not distinguishable ventricular usually regular P waves= none present PRI= none QRS= bizarre, greater than .12 sec
Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
Heart rate= 40-100 Rhythm= regular P wave= absent PRI= absent QRS= greater than .12 sec
Ventricular tachycardia
Heart rate= 100-250 Rhythm= atrial not distinguishable ventricular usually regular P wave= may be present or absent PRI= none QRS= yes bizarre greater than .12 sec
Torsades De Pointes
Heart rate=100-250? Rhythm= irregular P wave= absent PRI= absent QRS= greater than .12 sec and appears to "twist" at the baseline QRS show variations in width and shape
Ventricular fibrillation
Heart rate= cannot be discerned Rhythm= rapid, unorganized, not distinguishable P wave= none PRI= none present QRS= none present
Ventricular asystole
Heart rate= absent Rhythm= absent, not distinguishable P wave= none PRI= none QRS= none present
First degree heart block
Heart rate= based on underlying rate Rhythm= usually regular P wave= upright and uniform PRI= greater than .20 sec QRS= less than .12 sec
Second degree block, Mobitz type 1
Heart= atrial normal, ventricular slower than atrial
Rhythm= atrial regular, ventricular irregular
P wave= normal and upright
PRI= progressively prolongs until no QRS
QRS= less than .12 sec some are missing
Second degree block, Mobitz type 2
Heart= atrial regular, ventricular may be Brady
Rhythm= atrial regular, ventricular irregular
P wave= yes, some not followed by QRS
PRI= constant for conducted beats
QRS= some absent, less than or greater than .12 sec
Third degree (complete) heart block
Rate= atrial 60-100 ventricular based on escape of pacemaker Rhythm= regular P waves= yes but no relation to QRS PRI= totally variable! no pattern QRS= yes, based on site of pacemaker
Artificial pacemaker rhythm
Heart rate= varies according to pacemaker
Rhythm= regular if pacing is fixed
P wave= may be present or absent
PRI= variable
QRS= usually bizarre with presence of spikes, greater than .12 sec