Rheum/MSK Flashcards
What are the nail changes in psoriatic arthritis?
Pitting, Ridging, Onycholysis, Dactylitis (sausage fingers)
Urethritis, Conjunctivitis, peripheral arthritis
Reactive Arthritis
An active kid with a painful knee with patellar tenderness over the ball of the knee.
How to differentiate between septic arthritis and osteomyelitis
Osteomyelitis may or may not present with fever. Localised pain in Osteomyelitis. Septic arthritis generally pain present at rest too
Most common causative of Osteomyeletis
Staph Aureus
What do you see on Xray in Osetomyelitis?
Lytic lesion with ring of sclerosis
Causative organism of Septic arthritis in a kid with sickle cell disease?
Transient Arthritis is generally preceded by ________
an acute viral infection
Which is the only male dominant Juvenile idiopathic arthritis?
Enthesitis related arthritis
What is craniosynostosis?
Premature fusion of the sutures
Osteonecrosis of subchondral bone (after damage to overlying articular cartilage) …
Osteochondritis dissecans
Gower’s sign, Calf hypertrophy, Waddling
Duchene’s Dystrophy
Common complaints include ‘having to mount stairs one at a time’ and running slower than peers
Duchene’s Muscular Dystrophy
How many types of Spinal Muscular Atrophy? And basic way to differentiate them?
4 types - and they get diagnosed at different ages
Flattened femoral head on XRAY
What age is perthe’s most common at?
4-8 years
Growing pains generally present at _____ and where?
Night time ad in the calf shin and thigh. no functional limitation
How do you manage growing pains?
reassurance, supportive management (heat, massage and analgesia)
3% of kids with transient Synovitis develop ____
Septic arthritis is most commonly caused by _____. And in a kid with sickle cell disease ____
Staph A and Strep. pneumonia. SCD - Salmonella
How do you Ix and manage Septic arthritis?
- Investigate - Joint aspirate. need 50,000 WBC for confirmed diagnosis. U/S, XRAY, Bone scan? Septic screen
Mx: Urgent aspiration +/- Arthrotomy and washout. Flucloxacillin IV
Elevate and immibolisise - plaster or split, repeat blood tests
In Neonates and Children Osteomyelitis occurs at the ______
Osteomyelitis is subacute and hence takes about ______
6 weeks
A complication of Osteomyelitis is Brodie’s abscess which is _____
lytic centre with a ring of sclerosis
RF for Perthe’s disease?
Steroid use! Fam history, abnormal pregnancy, LBW
Painful hip, afebrile, tenderness of knee and anterior thigh - decreased internal rotation and abduction of the hip. Worse after exercise
Perthe’s disease
XRAY: Increased density of capital epiphysis, patchy osteolysis, new bone formation, remodeling and collapse or flattening of the femoral head
Remodeling and collapse or flattening of the femoral head
Perthe’s disease
Management of perthe’s disease?
Goal to preserve ROM and Femoral head.
- Physiotherapy
- Brace in flexion and abduction for 2-3 years
- pelvic or femoral osteotomy
Repetitive tensile stress on the insertion of patellar tendon over the tibial tuberosity causes minor avulsion at the site and subsequent inflammatory reaction
Osgood Schlatter disease
Tender lump over the tibial tuberosity - pain on resisted led extension.
Osgood Schlatter disease
What would you see on Knee XRAY with Osgood Schlatter disease?
Fragmentation of the tibial tubercle
Management of Osgood Schlatter disease?
Benign, self limited condition - hence RICE. Restrict activities like cycling and basketball.
Congenital Talipes Equinovarus has three points of deformity: Talipes, Equinus and Varus
- Talus is inverted and internally rotated
- Ankle is plantar flexed
- Varus - heel and forefoot are varus (supinated)
How to manage Club foot (Congenital talipes equinovarus)?
Correct deformity in the following order, forefoot adduction, ankle eversion and euqinar.
Use strapping and cast - which has to be changed every 1-2 weeks
Scolios above and below the fixed primary curve to try and maintain normal position of head and pelvis - primary or secondary curve?
When do you start treating scoliosis?
When the angle of deformity is more than 20 degrees.
>20 degree - brace (slow progression)
> 40 degrees - surgery
Non-specifically poorly localised knee pain (can be over femoral condyles) with activity, mechanical sensation and loss of range of motion with advances lesions (with loose bodies)
Osteochondritis Dissecans
Osteonecrosis of subchondral bone (after damage to overlying cartilage)
Osteochondritis dissecans
Classic triad of Henoch Schonlein Purpura?
Palpable purpura
Abdominal pain and
Features of (Systemic arthritis) Still’s disease?
Once or twice daily fever spikes for more than 2 weeks - children
Salmon coloured maculopapular rash, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly
Arthritis may occur weeks to months later
Fever - with Salmon coloured maculopapular rash, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly. Arthritis occurs 4 months later
Still’s disease
How do you manage Still’s disease?
Oligoarthritis is arthritis of ______ joints. And if extended?
1-4. if extended it affects more than 4 joints after the first 6 months
Anterior Uveitis is related to ______
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis - Oligoarthritis
ANA positive Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis?
Oligoarticular, Polycarticular and psoriatic
Knee flexion contracture, quadriceps atrophy,leg length discrepancy and growth distrubances are complications seen with which arthritis?
RF positive in Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis. Most likely to be________
Polyarticular arthritis
Ethesitis-related arthritis tends to affect which joints?
Weight bearing joints, especially hip and intertarsal joints
Arthritis Affects Achilles tendon and plantar fascial attachment into the calcaneus, the poles of the patellae and the greater trochanters. In a male boy
Enthesistis related arthritis
Which JIA is HLA-B27 positive?
Enthesitis related arthritis
Enthesitis related arthritis in kids has a 50% risk of developing _____ in adulthood
Ankylosing spondylitis
_________ presents with Reiter’s syndrome - can’t see, can’t pee, can’t Climb a tree
Reactive arthritis
Caused by spirochete Borrelia Burgdorferi, B. Garinii, B. afzelli - Trasmitted by Ixodes Tick Small rodents (mice) serve as primary reservoir Incidence highest amongst 5-10 year olds
Lyme Arthritis
Arthritis related to Erythema Chronicum Migrans (Expanding, non-pruritic target lesions.
Lyme arthritis
Features of Lyme Arthritis BAKE
Bell’s Palsy
Kardiac block
Erythema chronicum Migrans
Extra-muscular features of Duchene Muscular dystrophy?
Dilated cardiomyopathy and ID
Diagnosis of Duchene can be excluded by testing ____ which is always elevated
Mx of Duchene dystrophy?
Steroids (Can slow progression)
Cardiac monitoring Step wise respiratory interventions
Physio, Allied health
First months of life and most severe; hypotonia and weakness (affecting respiratory function, ‘paradoxical breathing’; death within first two years (usually from pneumonia)
♣ Weakness of the intercostal muscles, coupled with relatively normal diaphragmatic contractions, resulted in marked chest deformity
II (intermediate): 8-18mo; children cannot
Type 1 SMA
Due to ligamentous laxity, muscular underdevelopment and abnormal shallow slope of acetabular roof —>
What are the three pathophys features of DDH?
- Ligamentous laxity
- Muscular underdevelopment
- abnormal positioning of the acetabular roof
DDH leads to Hip ______ and _____-
Hip subluxation and dislocation
Test done with DDH - shows knees at unequal heights when hip’s flexed
Galeazzi Sign
What investigations would you do for DDH?
U/S in first few months to view cartilage. Follow up radiography after 3mo
SUFE is a Type I Salter Harris fracture since
it is straight through the Growth plate
Straight (SUFE) Above (Growth plate and metaphysis Lower (Through growth plate and Epiphysis) Through all three elements RAM - Crush injury of growth plate
In SUFE, Limited movement of hip (especially________________)
Internal rotation. Abduction, flexion
Knee pain in a sporty teenager associated with intermittent swelling and locking?
Osteochondritis Dissecans
Teenage girl with characteristic knee pain on walking up and down stairs and rising from prolonged sitting
Chrondomalacia patella
Sporty teenager with pain, tenderness and swelling over the tibial tubercle
Osgood Schlatter disease
Medial knee pain due to lateral sublaxation of the patella - knee may “give way”
Patellar Subuxation
More common in athletic teenage boys - chronic anterior knee pain that worsens on running. Tender below the patella on examination
Patellar tendonitis