Dermatology Flashcards
Shiny, red macules/patches, no Flexural involvement around the diaper area
Irritant contact dermatitis
How would you treat irritant contact dermatitis?
Eliminate direct skin contact with urine and faeces, allow periods of rest without a diaper, frequent diaper changes
Can use topical barriers (petroleum, zinc oxide or paste), short term low potency topical corticosteroids
yellow, greasy macules/plaques on erythema, scales
Around the diaper area
Seborrheic dermatitis
How would you treat seborrheic dermatitis?
Short-term topical potency corticosteroids
Erythematous macerated papulaes/plaques, satelite lesions around the diaper area
Candida dermatitis
Erythematous papules/plaques, oozing, excoriation, lichenification, classic areas of involvement
Atopic dermatitis
Annular erythematous plaques, oozing and crusting
Nummular dermatitis
How would you treat mild/moderate/severe allergic dermatitis?
Mild: soothing lotion (calamine lotion)
Moderate: Topical moderate/strong potency steroids
Severe: Systemic corticosteroids and anti-histamines
Papulovesicular, cracking/fissuring, hands and feet affected (“tapioca pudding”)
Dyshidrotic dermatitis
How would you manage dyshidroditic dermatitis?
Mild: medium/potent topical corticosteroids
Severe: systemic corticosteroids, local PUVA or UVA treatment
Polymorphic (red excoriated papules/nodules) in web spaces/folds. very itchy!
may have burrows
Honey-coloured crusts or superficial bullae
How would you manage impetigo?
Oral anx - fluxocacillin.
Round erythematous plaques with central clearing and scaly borders
Tinea corpis.
Mx with Antifungals
Common causes for nappy rash:
Irritant (contact dermatitis)
Infantile Seborrhoeic dermatitis
Candida infection
Atopic eczema