Rheum Flashcards
Who does SLE affect most?
Afro Caribbean women 20-40 years old
List Sx of SLE
Polyarthritis, malar rash, mouth ulcers, serositis, nephrotic syndrome
Pain and weakness in proximal muscles. Raised ESR and CRP. Dx?
Polymyalgia rheumatica
What is polymyositis?
Inflammation of striated muscles leading to proximal muscle weakness
What condition is temporal arteritis associated with?
Polymyalgia rheumatica
What is Tx of temporal arteritis?
60mg prednisolone Temporal artery biopsy after 3 days
Eye pain, blurred vision, slight photophobia. Dx?
Anterior uveitis
What condition are anterior uveitis and conjunctivitis associated with?
Ankylosing spondylitis
Red itchy eye. No blurring/photophobia. PMH: ank spon. Dx?
Eye pain, redness, reduced visual acuity. Nausea and vomitting. Dx?
Acute glaucoma
Sudden onset back pain. Shooting pain down leg. Urinary retention. Absent ankle jerk reflex. Dx?
Cauda equina
Ix of cauda equina?
Young man w hip and back pain everyday. Worse in mornings. Has some tendititis. Dx?
Ank Spon
Are ESR and CRP raised, normal or low in ank spon?
What does XR spine show in ank spon?
Bamboo spine
What is Tx for ank spon/
NSAIDs and exercises
What do crystals look like in gout?
Negatively birefringant needles
What do crystals look like in pseudogout?
Positively birefringant rhomboids
Atypical mononuclear cells on aspiration. Dx?
Reed Steenberg cells on aspiration. Dx?
Hodgkins lymphoma
Tx for pseudogout?
NSAIDs and aspiration
`List causes of pseudogout
Hypothyroidism, acormegaly, hyperPTH, Wilsons, haemochromatosis
What is the most specific AB for SLE?
Anti double stranded DNA
What AB is raised in limited systemic sclerosis?
What condition has raised anti-mitochondrial ABs?
SoB, dry cough, crackles on inspiration. Dx?
Pulmonary fibrosis
List 2 causes of pulmonary fibrosis
Sudden onset SoB, pleuritic chest pain, tachycardia, tachypnoea. Dx?
What is the diagnostic Ix of PE?
Multiple prev DVT and miscarriages. Dx?
Anti phospholipid
What rheumatalogical condition is anti phosphilipid syndrome associated with?
Which auto AB is raised in anti phospholipid syndrome?
Anti cardiolipin
Decreased tear and saliva production. Parotid gland swelling. Dx?
What is the pathophysiology of primary Sjorgens?
What is the test for Primary Sjogren’s?
What is the difference between primary and secondary Sjorgens?
Secondary = primary on a background of other tissue disorders eg SLE
Cold hands and feet for past 3 months. Worse in mornings and outside. Dx?
What is Tx of Raynaud’s?
What is microstomia?
Beak like nose and small mouth
In what condition is microstomia seen?
What areas of skin are affected in limited systemic sclerosis?
Splenomegaly and neutropenia. PMH = RA. Dx?
WHat is Mx of acute gout?
NSAIDs eg indomethacin
What is discharge medication of gout?
Allopurinol and conservative Mx
WHat is Behcet’s?
Systemic vasculitis of unknown cause
Oral ulcers, genital ulcers, occular problems, erythema nodosum. Dx?
What test is specific to Behcets?
Skin pathergy test - needle prick lead sto papule formation <48hrs
Head getting bigger with bowing of tibia. Sensorineural hearing loss. Dx?
Paget’s disease
What is Paget’s disease of the bone?
Disorder of bone remodelling - constant resorption and formation of bone leading to deformity
Serum Ca, serum PO43 and ALP of Pagets?
Normal Ca and PO43
Raised ALP