Infectious Disease Flashcards
Tingling/pain then painful blisters on R trunk. Dx?
List 2 complications of shingles
Post-herpetic neuralgia
Ocular disease
What is Tx for shingles?
Oral acyclovir
How does shingles Tx differ in immunocompromised pt?
High dose IV acyclovir
Painful rash on penis with fever and myalgia. Dx?
What is Tx for Herpes?
Oral acyclovir
Man with purulent urethral discharge. Dysuria. Dx?
What are Sx of gonorrhoea in women?
OR vaginal discharge / pelvic pain / dysuria
What are the usual Sx of chlamydia?
Nothing - asymptomatic
Painless hard ulcer on penis. Dx?
Primary syphillis
What organism causes primary syphillis?
Treponema pallidum
How long does syphillis take to develop from contact?
3 weeks
How long does secondary syphillis take to develop?
4-8 weeks
What are Sx of secondary syphillis?
Lymphadenopathy, malaise, rash
What is Tx of primary syphillis?
Procaine penecillin
What kind of ABx is ciprafloxacin?
Which type of hepatitis is most common worldwide?
Hep A
Fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea. Then jaundice. Dx?
Hep A
How are Hep A / B / C transmitted?
A = faecal-oral
B and C = IV / sexual
How do Hep C patients present?
Chronic - with liver cirrhosis
Fever, headache, vomitting, diarrhoea. Dx?
What is Tx of Hep A?
Conservative - self limiting disease
What is Tx for Hep C?
Pegylated Interferon alpha & ribavarin
What is Tx for malaria?
Fever, anorexia, sore throat. Lymphadenopathy. Inflammed tonsils. Dx?
List complications of infectious mononucleosis
How is PC of strep sore throat different from EBV?
Strep has NO widespread lymphadenopathy
What is immediate Mx of bacterial meningitis?
1.2mg IM benzylpenicillin
Immediate hospital transfer
Koplik spots, fever, cough, coryza. Dx?
Parotid swelling w fever, malaise, lethargy. Dx?
What are Koplik spots?
Clustered grey lesions in buccal mucosa adjacent to second molar
Fever, headache, expanding red rash on thigh. Prev camping trip. Dx?
Lyme disease
What is Lyme disease?
Tick spread infection
How do you confirm TB diagnosis?
Ziehl-Nielsen Stain
Name the 2 main causative organisms of bacterial meningitis
Neisseria meningitides
Strep pneumoniae
Non blanching rash with meningism Sx. Causative organism?
ALWAYS neisseria meningitides
Erythematous ulcer on forearm of man who spent few weeks in South America. Dx?
What transmits Leishmaniasis ?
Sand fly
What transmits schistosomiasis?
Fluke worms in water
What confirms the disease of Leishmaniasis?
Leishamn-Donovan bodies in bone marrow/spleen/lymph nodes/skin
Itchy rash on feet with fever, malaise, myalgia and cough. Dx?
Features of Schistosomiasis O/E?
6 week Hx of diarrhoea, abdo pain, nausea and pale stool. Dx?
Tx of giardia?
1 week Hx of fever, headache, malaise and cough.
O/E: Patchy maculopapular rash on trunk + splenomegaly. Leukopenia.
Flu like prodrome. Lockjaw. Dx?
What causes tetanus?
Infected wounds - clostridium tetani
What is Tx of MRSA?
Isolation and IV vancomycin
What is the most common causative organism of endocarditis due to dental procedures?
Strep viridans
What is the most common causative organism of IE in IVDU/prosthetic heart valve its?
Staph aureus
Itchy rash on web spaces between fingers and toes. Dx?
What is the most common cause of septic arthritis in young men?
Neisseria gonorrhoea
What is the most common cause of septic arthritis in children?
Haemophilius influenzae
What is the most common cause of septic arthritis in old men?
Staph aureus
Dry cough, exertional dyspnoea, fever and malaise. PMH: AIDS. Dx?
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Fungal infection of oesophagus in HIV+ patient. Organism?
Candida albicans
Tx of candida albicans?
What organism causes meningitis in HIV+ patients?
Cryptococcus neoformans
Pigmented, well defined papules in HIV+ patient. Dx?
Kaposi sarcoma
What virus is Kaposi’s sarcoma associated with?
Loss of visual acuity, floaters and headache in HIV+ patient.
Haemorrhages and exudates on fundoscopy.
CMV retinitis
Encephalitis with multiple ring enhancing lesions on CT. PMH: HIV+. Dx?