revolution in medicine Flashcards
when was revolution in medicine
1775 - 1850
who created germ theory
louis Pasteur
what did louis Pasteur do
discovered germs made certain liquids go off
germs could be killed through heat
proved germs caused animal disease
influenced work of Robert Koch
couldn’t prove germs caused animal disease and many doctors refused to accept his works as couldn’t prove which germs caused which diseases
rivalry with Koch due to hatred of Germans and french
who was Robert Koch and what did he do
used new industrial dies stain individual germs.
found a way how to split germs into groups
photographed research to show his achievements. identified germ that caused tuberculosis (affects lungs) .
other scientists accepted his methods and soon germs causing different diseases where discovered.
who was Paul Ehrlich and what did he do
influenced by works of Pasteur Koch and Jenner. created chemical cure for syphilis with ‘magic bullet’
who was James Simpson and what did he do
created chloroform as a aesthetic.
queen Victoria used this anaesthetic in childbirth which brought a lot of attention.
religious people opposed as thought that childbirth pain was a pain sent by god
brief summary of antiseptics
a antiseptic is a substance that stops infection. joseph lister discovered carbolic acid was effective at stopping wounds from getting gangrene. many criticised as it slowed down operation and meant more blood loss.
what is aseptic surgery and what does it do
cleaning of medical instruments and started wearing sterilised gowns and clean clothes to reduce chances of infection.
key individuals in revolution in medicine
Joseph lister - creation of antiseptics
louis Pasteur - germ theory
Robert Koch - Pasteur’s rival and proved how germ affects human disease
Paul Erlich - cure for syphilis