Revision for written test: cranial nerves Flashcards
Which cranial nerves innervate the eye?
N. Opticus (2)
N. Oculomotorius (3)
N. Trochlearis (4)
N. Trigeminus (5)
N. Abducens (6)
N. Facialis (7)
N. Opticus: (in case of eye)
1. What type of fibres?
2. What, from where to where?
- Sensory
- Visual info from photoreceptors of retina, through canalis opticus to thalamic nuclei in interbrain
>Sensory data is processed
in visual cerebral cortex in
occipital lobe
N. Oculomotorius: (in case of eye)
1. What type of fibres?
2. What, from where to where?
3. Supplies what?
- Motor & parasympathetic
sensory fibres - From tegmentum of midbrain through Fissura orbitalis (car, eq) / Foramen orbitorotundum (ru,su)
- Supplies recti, oblique & levator muscles of eye (motor)
And sphincter pupillae & ciliary muscles of eye (parasympathetic sensory)
N. Trochlearis (in case of eye)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where? Through what?
3. Supplies what?
- Motor fibres
- From tegmentum of midbrain, through Fissura orbitalis / Foramen orbitorotundum
- Innervates dorsal oblique muscles of eye & contralateral muscle
N. Trigeminus ( in case of eye)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where through what
3. What branches?
- Sensory and motor
- From hindbrain, through fissura orbitalis / foramen orbitorotundum
- N. Ophthalmicus
>Sensory info from eye
N. Maxillaris
>Sensory to lower eyelid
N. Abducens (in case of eye)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where?
3. Supplies / innervates what?
- Motor
- From dorsal part of pons
- Controls movements of lateral rectus m. and retractor bulbi m. of eye
N. Facialis (in case of eye)
1. What type of fibres
2. From where, through what?
3. What branch?
- Sensory, motor & parasympathetic fibre
- From dorsal part of pons, through canalis nervus facialis and foramen stylomastoideum (according to Esta)
- N. auriculopalpebralis; eyelids
Which cranial nerves innervate the tongue?
N. Trigeminus (5)
N. Facialis (7)
N. Glossopharyngeus (9)
N. Vagus (10)
N. Hypoglossus (12)
N. Trigeminus (in case of tongue)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where - through what?
3. Which branch and sub-branch
- Sensory, motor & parasympathetic fibres
- From hindbrain through foramen ovale (mandibular nerve)
- N. Mandibularis
>N. Lingualis
N. Facialis (in case of tongue)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where through what?
3. Supplies what?
4. Which part/ branch?
- Sensory, motor & parasympathetic
- From dorsal part of pons, through canalis nervus facialis + Foramen stylomastoideum
- Innervates muscles of tongue
- Chorda tympani joins n. lingualis
N. Glossopharyngeus (in case of tongue)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where, through what?
3. Supplies what?
4. Which branch?
- Sensory, motor & parasympathetic fibres
- From medulla oblongata, through foramen jugulare / foramen lacerum
- Taste information + assists in swallowing
- Ramus lingualis
N. Vagus (in case of tongue)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where, through what?
3. Supplies what?
- Sensory, motor & parasympathetic
- From medulla oblongata, through foramen jugulare / foramen lacerum
- Additional innervation to root of tongue
N. Hypoglossus (in case of tongue)
1. What type of fibres
2. From where, through what?
3. Supplies what?
- Motor fibres
- From medulla oblongata, through canalis nervi hypoglossi, (in eq through the guttural pouch)
- Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of tongue + controls swallowing
Which cranial nerves innervate the ear?
N. Trigeminus
N. Facialis
N. Vestibulocochlearis
N. Glossopharyngeus
N. Vagus
N. Trigeminus (in case of ear)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where, through what?
3. Which branch + sub-branch
- Sensory and motor
- From hindbrain; through foramen ovale (n. mandibularis)
- N. mandibularis
>N. auriculotemporalis
N. Facialis (In case of ear)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where, through what?
3. Which branches?
- Sensory, motor & parasympathetic
- Through porus acusticus internus, canalis nervi facialis + foramen stylomastoideum
- N. Stapedius, N. auricularis caudalis, N. auriculopalpebralis
N. Vestibulocochlearis (in case of ear)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where through what?
3. Which branches?
- Sensory fibres
- From trapezoid body, Sound & balance info from inner ear to brain, through porus acusticus internus
- N. Vestibularis + N. cochlearis
N. Glossopharyngeus (in case of ear)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where through what?
3. What branch?
- Sensory, motor & parasympathetic fibres
- From medulla oblongata, information from middle ear through foramen jugulare / foramen lacerum
- N. tympanicus
N. Vagus ( In case of ear)
1. What type of fibres?
2. From where through what?
3. What branch?
- Sensory, motor & parasympathetic
- From medulla oblongata, through jugular foramen / foramen lacerum
- N. auricularis; skin on the inside of external ear
N. Accessorius
1. What type of fibres
2. Through where?
3. What kind of branches?
- Motor fibres
- Through jugular foramen / foramen lacerum
- Ramus internus: communicates w/ vagal nerve
Ramus externus: innervates trapezius, sternocephalicus + brachiocephalicus
N. Olfactorius
1. What type of fibres
2. From where through what?
3. Does what?
- Sensory
- From olfactory bulb in telencephalon, through foramen cribform in ethmoid bone
- Scent information from olfactory epithelium to brain