Cavities and Meninges Flashcards
What are the meninges of spinal cord called
- Dura mater spinalis
- Arachnoidea spinalis
- Pia mater spinalis
What are the meninges and folds of cerebrum called
- Dura mater encephali
>Falx cerebri
>Tentonium cerebelli membranacea
>Falx cerebelli
>Diaphragma sellae - Arachnoidea encephali
- Pia mater encephali
Pia mater; spinalis et encephali
> Thin, innermost
Fibrous tissue
High blood supply
On surface of the spinal cord and brain
Forms lig. denticulatum that stabilizes the
spinal cord
Interpermeable to fluid
Forms cisterna cerebellomedullaris with arachnoid when the interval between them is larger
Arachnoidea: spinalis et encephali
> No blood vessels
Granules move cerebrospinal fluid to bloodstream
Attached to dura and pia mater
In contact with sinus durae matris by granulationes arachnoidales
Dura mater: spinalis et encephali
> Outermost
Pain sensitive
Also called pachymenix
Blood vessels
Forms the folds in brain:
-Falx cerebri
-Tentorium cerebelli membranacaeum
- Diaphragma sellae
-Falx cerebelli
Cavum epidurale
> Located dura mater and bones of vertebrae
Filled with adipose
Blood vessels
Regional anesthesia between last sacral and first caudal vertebrae, or first and second caudal vertebrae (epidural)
Cavum subdurale
> Artificial cavity
Between dura mater and arachnoidea
Serous fluid
Created by trauma or ongoing pathological process
Cavum subarachnoidale
> True cavity
Between Pia mater and Arachnoid
Cerebrospinal fluid
Blood vessels that enter the brain
Lumbar cistern
Cisterna cerebellomedullaris
Cavities of cerebrum
- Cavum subdurale
- Cavum subarachnoidale
Cavities of spinal cord
- Cavum epidurale
- Cavum subdurale
- Cavum subarachnoidale
What is the function of Falx cerebri?
Divides the two hemispheres
Passes along fissura longitudinalis cerebri
What is the function of tentorium cerebelli membranaceum
Divides the cerebellum and pons from lobus occipitalis
What is the function of Falx cerebelli?
Divides hemispheres between cerebellum,
Absent in domestic animals
What is the function of diaphragma sellae
Smallest dural infolding
Located in hypophysial fossa, covers glandula pituitaria (hypophysis)
What is the role of Granulations of Arachnoidea ? (granulationes arachnoidales)
Transfer CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) / liquor cerebrospinalis back to the blood