Review Questions Exam # 2 Flashcards
Adults of which nematode species can be found in the heart of dogs/cats?
Dirofilaria immitis
What are the definitive hosts, and Intermediate hosts for heartworm (domes:c and
o Definitive host: Dogs, Cats ( less favorable), other: wild canids
o Intermediate hosts: Mosquito
What is the infective stage of heartworm for dogs?
o L3- Infective to dogs.
What heartworm stage is found in the blood?
o Microfilaria - L1
How do mosquitos get infected?
o Mosquito acquires L1 during blood meal and the microfilaria will develop to L3 in mosquito ( 15-17 days and temp dependent)
How do dogs get infected?
o Mosquito feeds and on dog and L3 migrates into SQ tssues where it molts to L4
What pathological changes do heartworm cause in the heart and arteries?
o Endarteritis, thickening of vessels, loss of vessel elasticity, increased pressure, right heart enlargement and CHF. Can cause caval syndrome (worm blocking caudal vena cava/ tricuspid. Needs immediate surgical intervention.
What diagnostic parasitological tests are recommended by the American Heartworm
o Elisa/ SNAP, Lateral flow immunochromatography
What is the target of the commercial antigen tests available?
o Detect antigen of mature female heart worm
When should you start testing for heartworm and why?
o Test after 6 months, clinical disease not seen for 5-6 months so negative results are inconclusive until after that point. Must test when worms are adults.
What other species of microfilaria can be present in the blood of dogs/cats?
o Acanthocholonema reconditum
What is the advantage of knott’s test over direct smear? What do the test’s detect?
o Knotts Test is more sensitive, allows species ID and quantitative if needed.
What stages of heartworm do heartworm preventatives target?
o Preventatives Kill L3 and L4
How is feline heartworm disease different to canine heartworm disease?
o Cats have lower worm-load, typically 1-3 worms, but up to 6.
o Normally there is a male only infection (no microfilaria is produced) thus microfilaria test will be negative and so will snap test.
Why would a dog who is positive on antigen test be negative on knott’s test and vice versa?
o (+) antigen, (-) negative knotts : MF below detection threshold ( happens in cats)
No circulatory MF yet. Female only infection. Residual antigen ( dogs may have
residual antigen 6 months post treatment). Cross reaction (rare) with other
o (+) Knotts, (-)antigen: Test error possible if there is negative snap but positive
Knotts. Antibody antigen complexes can be created so the antigen will not be free to be detected. Send to lab for heat treatment ( serum, to retest and unbind complexes)
List the species of parasites found in the lungs of dogs/cats.
o Angiostrongylus vasorum- French HW
o Angiostrongylus cantonensis - rat lungworm,
o Aelurostrongylus abstrusus - Feline Lungworm
o Filaroides spp. (Filaroides hirthi, Oselerus/Filaroides osleri)- Canine lung worm
o Crenosoma vulpis - fox lungworm
o Capillaria (Eucoleus) spp, - Tracheal worm
What is French heartworm? Is the lifecycle direct or indirect? What is the intermediate host?
o Angiostrongylus vasorum- French HW
o Indirect lifecycle
o Intermediate host: gastropods
What is the shed stage of lungworms, and how do you diagnose them? (fecal method)?
o Shed Stage: L1
o Fecal method: Baermann or serology. Fecal float can also be used but less reliable.
Name the feline lungworm – what is the key pathology on the lungs?
o Aelurostrongylus abstrusus - Feline Lungworm
o Verminous pneumonia in heavy infections
(Heavy burdens can be fatal) Grey nodules scattered on surface of lungs which release larva + milky fluid if incised.
Common name of crenosoma vulpis?
o Fox lungworm or bronchial worm
What is unique about Filaroides spp. (lifecycle), transmission and disease?
o Has direct lifecycle. L1 immediately infective
o Transmission high in kennels, auto infection, Maternal grooming, Ingestion L1
What kind of lesions/pathology do Filaroides osleri cause?
o Characteristic tracheal nodules at bifurcation. Nodules contain adult
nematodes ( from 3-11 mm)
o Pathogonomic cough/ retch triggered by exercise, cold ect. Nodules can obstruct airway/ cyanosis and collapse in pups.
o Hyperinfection due to autoinfection could be fatal.
Which lungworms have larvae with a dorsal spine?
o Angiostrongylus spp o Aleurostongylus
What is the other name for Eucoleus spp.?
o Capillaria or tracheal worm
What is the shed/diagnostic stage of Eucoleus? What is the differential diagnosis?
o Shed: L1 (egg stage)
o Diagnostic Stage: L1 (eggs)
o DDX: Dry cough, dyspnea, DDx with allergic rhinitis for correct treatment.
How can we prevent lungworm infection in dogs? Filaroides? Other?
o Lungworm: Control access to intermediate hosts, proper disposal of feces.
o Filaroides: isolate sick dogs and treat, but treat all animal s in home to break horizontal transmission
Two common species of eyeworms?
o Thelazia Spp. (T callipeda, T californiensis)
o Onchocerca lupi
Intermediate hosts of eyeworms? Both species
o Intermediate hosts/ vectors are Fruitflies, Housefly for Thelazia, and blackfly for
onchocerca lupi
Key lesion associated with eyeworm infection?
o Nodules, red eye, watering, ocular lesions, ocular edema, photophobia, conjunctivitis.
Which worm is found in the kidney of dogs/cats? Common and scientific names, natural hosts?
o Dioctophyme renale ( giant kidney worm)
Natural hosts are minks
How do dogs and humans get giant kidney worms?
o Transmission: Dogs + humans get infected by ingestion of Paratenic hosts (fish + frogs) containing L3, Intermediate hosts containing L3
How do you diagnose a Giant kidney worm? Method only.
- Urinalysis (UA)
oHigh-level morphology of eggs of kidney worm! – Lemon-shaped, thick-walled and folded eggshell!
Where are Dracunculus and larva of Pelodera found?
SQ Tissue
What is the natural host of Dracunculus? Intermediate host?
o Hosts: Dogs and cats that hunt frogs, prevalence in raccoons can exceed 50%.
Potentially zoonotic but no human cases right now.
o Intermediate Host: Crustaceans (copepods)
What stage of Pelodera is infective?
o L3 is infective, but no systemic migration.
What is the predilection site for Tanenia spp. adults in dogs and cats?
• Adults of several of these species can be found in intestines
What kind of larvae is inside the eggs shed by Taenia spp?
- Shed tapeworm eggs
- Proglottids
- Immediately infective
- Hexacanth Larva
Do intermediate hosts of Taenia shed eggs in the feces? What is the stage present in the Intermediate hosts?
◦ Intermediate hosts do not shed eggs in the feces. They will develop larval cysts which upon ingestion will infect the definitive hosts. In the Intermediate host, the will consume eggs which develop into larva (metacestodes) while in vertebrate host.
How do dogs get Taenia infection?
◦ Dogs + Cats infected when ingesting larval cysts while preying/ scavenging infected vertebrates
Fecal floatation with Zinc sulfate can produce false-negative results for Taenia diagnosis why?
The Specific gravity of zinc sulfate is 1.18 and Taenia eggs are heavy, and must have a fecal float done with centrifugation and a float solution with a specific gravity of > 1.3
What is the baby tapeworm inside the tapeworm cyst?
◦ Protoscolex- just the head of a baby tapeworm
How to control dogs/cats from getting adult Taenia spp, and from contaminating the environment?
Prevention of predation and scavenging activity by keeping cats indoors and dogs confined to a leash or in a fenced yard
Cook or freeze offal and meat before feeding to the dogs
Special consideration for dogs on sheep farms – regular deworming (twice a year)
What species of Taenia have humans as definitive hosts? Which animal species serve as their intermediate hosts?
- T. saginata – Beef tapeworm
- Called as beef tapeworm because larval stages are in Cattle!
- T. solium – Pork tapeworm – Food borne parasitic zoonsis!
- Serious foodborne zoonosis
- Called as pork tapeworm because larval stages are in the PIGS!
What are the two echinococcus species that can infect canids?
- E. granulosus/ E. Canidensis
- E. Multilocularis
Which echinococcus species have a pastoral cycle?
E. granulosus
Which echinococcus species uses rodents has IH?
E. multilocularis
Type of cyst formed by Echinococcus granulosus in ruminants?
Hydatid cyst
Which species of echinococcus can cause canine alveolar echinococcosis?
E. multilocularis
How to diagnose echinococcosis in dogs and cats?
– Fecal testing
- Fecal sedimentation, Fecal floatation (solution with high sp. Gravity). - Taeniid type egg – Morphologically indistinguishable to Ta e n i a spp. eggs
- Copro PCR to differentiate between Ta e n i a and Echinococcus
- Diagnosis of canine alveolar echinococcosis (Dog IH)
- Clinical signs – liver mass in medical imaging
- DDx with neoplasia, granuloma and other cysts
- Immunohistochemistry, PCR
- Abdominocentensis, Aspirated cyst contents, biopsy
Why the adults of echinococcosis should be treated?
Primarily public health considerations. Have owner talk to health provider about potential exposure.
Which tapeworm do fleas carry?
Dipylidium caninum
What is unique about the egg morphology of flea tapeworm? Diagnostic method?
Fecal flotation wont work for D. caninum – Eggs in egg packets (very heavy). Use Fecal sedimentation
Morphology: Each packet contains up to 30 eggs. Each egg contains a
hexacanth larvae. HEAVY • Does not float well
What is the infective stage of flea tapeworm?
◦ Within fleas ( Fleas must be ingested) Cysticercoid
What are the clinical signs associated with Dipylidium caninum infection?
◦ rarely cause clinical signs in canines.
◦ Most common is itching from proglottids moving in the anal area/ rubbing of caudal area due to discomfort. Gi disturbances in very rare cases
How may humans get infected with Dipylidium caninum?
- Children can get D. caninum if they ingest tapeworm (within flea) Mild GI signs
Segments/Proglottids of which tapeworm resembles cucumber seeds?
◦ Dipylidium caninum
Which is “double pored dog tapeworm”?
◦ Dipylidium caninum
How can dogs and people get fish tapeworm?
Transmitted from eating fish containing infective larvae – more prevalent in costal areas or areas near lakes/water bodies
Raw fish is the issue. Cooked/ deeply frozen fish is fine.
How can dogs and people get fish tapeworm?
◦ Transmitted from eating fish containing infective larvae – more prevalent in costal areas or areas near lakes/water bodies. Raw fish is the issue
First and 2nd intermediate hosts of fish tapeworm?
◦ IH1- Crustacean (Procercoids)
◦ IH2- Fish ( Plerocercoids)