Review Questions Flashcards
O2 content and O2 carrying-capacity of arterial blood is called
a. partial pressure of O2
b. % saturation of arterial blood
c. saturation of O2
d. O2 disassociation curve
C (?)
What is the equation for determining FFM?
a. TBM x %FM
b. TBM – (TBM x %Fat)
ST segment depression greater than ____ during exercise indicates ischemia
a. 1mm
b. 1.5mm
c. 2mm
d. 0.5mm
Total blood cholesterol should be
a. 400
b. 1000
c. 1500
d. <200
Female and male endurance athletes have VO2 max values of approximately ____ ml/kg/min
a. 75 & 85
b. 30 & 40
c. 3.5 & 4.5
Along with increased obesity, what other factors contribute to the increased prevalence of type II diabetes?
a. decreased consumption of dietary CHO
b. Increased consumption of dairy
c. Increased amount of daily physical activity and exercise
d. Decreased amount of daily physical activity and exercise
Approximate residual volume should be
a. 1000-2000
b. 400-600
c. 4000-5000
Max air expired after max inspiration is called
a. FVC
b. expiratory reserve
c. inspiratory lung volume
d. total lung volume
Atherosclerosis caused by
a. decreased radius of BV due to fat
b. increased SV
c. increased HR
During exercise, Hgb concentration increases 5-10% caused by
a. increased SV
b. increased Q
c. increased HR
d. movement of fluid (H2O) from blood into surrounding tissue
During rest, in comparison to a normal person, a heart transplant patient would exhibit which of the following?
a. SV lower and Q the same
b. HR & SV higher
Person who completed a 12 week cardiac rehabilitation program would demonstrate a decrease in what?
a. CO2 elimination in max work
b. Q in max work
c. SV at given level of submaximal work
d. HR at given level of submaximal work
BMI greater than 35, increased risk of?
a. cardiovascular disease
b. orthopaedic problems
c. increased cancer
d. increased lung disease
Approximate minute ventilation
a. 300 ml/kg/min
b. 3.5 ml/kg/min
c. 1000 ml/min
d. 4-6 liters
Which of the following exercise protocols is best used for improving fast twitch muscle fiber function? (ie. training a sprinter that fatigues easily)
a. high intensity, short duration
b. high intensity, long duration
Lack of blood supply to the heart is called
a. angina
b. ischemia
c. heart attack
d. hypertension
Measurements indicate attainment of max VO2 consumption during a GXT other than fatigue?
a. RER > 0.9
b. HR is equal to at least 80% of age predicted max
c. blood lactate concentration is 5mmol or greater
d. plateauing of and then decrease in systolic blood pressure with increased work loads
Individual health risks can best be assessed by the following?
a. RPE. HR, BP
b. HR, BP, Q
c. HR, BP, MV
d. blood profile, graded exercise testing, BMI
Women who cardiovascular train may have to
a. work only 3x/week instead of 5x/week
b. increase protein and supplemental iron
With correction for differences in body size and muscle mass, females compared to males…
a. lower phosphagen stores, lower strength, lower VO2 max
b. higher phosphagen stores…
c. lower capacity of lactic acid and higher VO2 max
At rest, arterial blood pressure (decrease in blood pressure) is compensated by
a. increased HR, decreased SV
b. decreased HR, decreased SV
c. increased HR, increased SV
d. decreased HR, increased SV
D (?)
Alveolar ventilation dependent upon
a. HR
b. SV
c. HR & SV
d. depth and rate of breathing and size of dead space
D (?)
O2 carrying capacity of Hb is
a. 12 l/min
b. 1.34 ml/gm of Hb
c. 3.5
d. 300
Endurance trained athlete will acquire with of the following – with time.
a. more profuse capillary bed in muscles and heart
b. strength
Marathon runner – what type of muscle fiber is predominant?
a. Type II C
b. Type II
c. Type I
In a normal individual, what is the normal, resting cardiac output?
a. 4-6 L/min
b. 300 ml/min
c. 20 ml/min
During Exercise, the arteriovenous O2 difference…
a. increases
b. decreases
c. increases and decreases
d. stays the same
In comparison to a normal person, an individual with a heart transplant will show…
a. Decreased stroke volume; cardiac output the same
b. Stroke volume and heart rate increased
c. Stroke volume and cardiac are the same
d. Stroke volume and blood pressure are the same
If you are training a football running back, the exercise stimulus should be
a. 100-140 bpm
b. >150 bpm
Accurate physiological changes as a result of pulmonary adaptations to aerobic training include…
a. increase respiration
b. decreased tidal volume
c. decreased MV
d. increased diffusion of oxygen
Max VO2 of Stephen at 13 METS?
a. 13 METS or 50 ml of O2/kg/min
b. 13 METS or 40 ml of O2/kg/min
c. 13 METS or 30 ml of O2/kg/min
d. 13 METS or 20 ml of O2/kg/min
What is the major objective for exercise training is to?
cause biologic adaptations to physiological systems to improve functioning
Normal FEV1/FEV for a patient with restrictive lung disease?
a. 70-85%
b. 85%
c. >85%
d. <70%
What are the two dynamic lung volumes that increase during exercise?
TV and IC
Thick and loss of arterial wall due to lack of physical activity and aging is called
a. arteriosclerosis
b. atherosclerosis
c. ischemia
d. myocardial infarction
Stage II hypertension – systolic and diastolic blood pressure values are greater than…
a. Greater than or equal to 140/90
b. Greater than or equal to 110/80
c. Greater than or equal to 120/90
ST segment depression indicates
a. hypertension
b. ischemia
c. MI
d. Cardiac Heart Failure Symptoms
During high intensity exercise, the following decreases drastically…
a. stroke volume
b. systole/diastole
c. systole
d. diastole
During exercise testing the O2 saturation = 94%, during rest = 97%… what is your decision?
a. Continue exercise testing
b. terminate exercise testing
c. call physician
d. call EMT
79 year old male with diabetes present to your clinic with fatigue and must stop while ambulating 10 stairs to rest. His HR is 90; BP = 140/100.
Max VO2 would be
a. 3.5 ml of O2/kg/min
b. 35 ml of O2/kg/min
c. 15 ml of O2/kg/min
d. 300 ml of O2/kg/min
4-5 METS (climbing stairs) x 3.5
Because the patient is older, all of the following physiologic changes would be expected at rest, except…
a. decreased HR
b. bone density decreases 30-50%
c. muscle strength decreases 24-45%
d. nerve conduction velocity decreases by 10%
What energy system would you want to improve for the 79 year old patient?
a. aerobic glycolysis
b. aerobic metabolism
VO2 max would you expect blood lactate to start accumulating?
a. 15%
b. 60%
c. 75%
d. 85%
With very high intensity exercise, the stroke volume will
a. increase
b. decrease
c. stay the same
A lower ejection fraction is an indicator of what?
a. higher level of cardiac fitness
b. lower level of cardiac fitness
c. higher aerobic capacity
d. higher muscular endurance
You want to design a program to improve speed and agility, one has to work at the following exercise stimulus
a. 100-120 bpm
b. 120-140 bpm
c. >150 bpm
Conditioning of aerobic system occurs as long as HR is between
a. 10-30% max
b. 30-50% max
c. 50-70% max
d. above 90%
In a general adult fitness program, if one had to select a single heart rate interval to achieve cardiovascular improvement, which of the following would it be?
a. less than 100 bpm
b. 100-115 bpm
c. 120-140 bpm
d. > 150 bpm
The lower VO2 max in females is related to
a. strength
b. muscular endurance
c. physical fitness
d. lower cardiovascular endurance and body type
A patient with chronic arterial disease presents with cool skin, sensitivity to temperature changes, and intermittent claudication with exercise. Which of the following exercise models would help the patient toward their goal of better ambulation?
a. Short duration, frequent intervals
b. Short duration, infrequent intervals
c. Long duration, frequent intervals
d. Long duration, infrequent intervals
You are trying to determine the energy expenditure in calories for a patient. Assuming you have the metabolic equivalent of the activity – what is the other necessary measurement to obtain in order to determine approximate estimate of energy expenditure
a. stroke volume
b. residual volume
c. height
d. weight
Aerobic exercises have all of the following effects on cardiopulmonary training except what?
a. rest/submaximal HR decreases
b. increase in stroke volume
c. tidal volume decreases
d. increase O2 extraction
Resting stroke volume increases due to aerobic training because
a. increase in EDV, decrease in ESV
b. increase in EDV, increase in ESV
The site of O2 exchange is at the…
a. alveoli
b. bronchioles
c. pleura
Normal FEV/FVC is
a. 30%
b. 70%
c. 85%
d. 95%
In obstructive pulmonary disease such as COPD, residual volume increases due to:
a. difficulty inhaling
b. difficulty breathing
c. difficulty exhaling
d. difficulty inhaling and exhaling
Heart muscle uses energy is derived from
a. aerobic metabolism
b. anaerobic metabolism
c. anaerobic metabolism
d. all of the above
Which of the following is a normal hemoglobin level?
a. 15
b. 20
c. 25
Women have lower O2 carrying capacity (less fatigue) compared to men due to the following except?
a. increased flexibility
b. max O2 carrying capacity is greater in men
c. women have 12-16 g of hemoglobin
d. men have 14-18 g of hemoglobin
Physiologic changes as a result of aerobic training?
a. increased respiration
b. increased tidal volume
c. decreased minute ventilation
d. increased O2 diffusion
Long-term effect of cigarette smoking?
a. Minute Ventilation increases, decreased tidal volume, increased HR
b. Minute Ventilation stays the same, decreased tidal volume, increased HR
A 75-year-old outpatient has a history of two myocardial infarctions and one episode of recent congestive heart failure. He also had claudication pain in the right calf during his graded exercise test. Your initial exercise prescription that best deals with his problem is
Walking 2-3 times daily for 10-15 minutes
For each increase in MET (increase in work-load), normally the systolic blood pressure would increase by
5-10 mm Hg
What is the main metabolic pathway used during low-intensity activities and at rest
aerobic metabolism
During very short-term, high-intensity physical activity, the main source of energy is what?
intramuscular ATP and PC
What is the general sequence of events in fat metabolism?
beta oxidation, krebs cycle, ETS
If one liter of oxygen is utilized for work. How many Kcal of energy is produced?
What is the purpose of the Kreb’s cycle?
cleave hydrogen ions and electrons from the substrate
Respiratory quotient (RQ) is measured from the following:
a. ratio of oxygen utilized to the carbon dioxide released
b. ratio of carbon dioxide released to the oxygen utilized
Lactate threshold occurs approximately ___% of maximal oxygen consumption in untrained individuals and at approximately __% of maximal oxygen consumption in endurance-trained individuals, which allows endurance-trained individuals to perform a higher workload without an increase in blood lactic acid concentratio
A physical therapist working in cardiac rehabilitation progresses a patient involved in a phase II program through an established exercise protocol. The patient weighs 70 kg and has progressed without difficulty through the rehabilitation program. The protocol indicates the patient should be performing activities requiring 3-4 metabolic equivalents (METs). An example of an appropriate activity would be
walking on a treadmill at 3 mph
8 METS is equal to___ml of oxygen/kg/min
8 x 3.5 = 28
Which of the following is a false statement concerning the blood pressure response of healthy people during moderate steady state exercise:
Compared to steady rate leg exercise, arm exercise at the same oxygen uptake is generally performed with a lower systolic blood pressure
It is important to perform cool-down exercises immediately following a general aerobic exercise program primarily in order to prevent:
Venous pooling
Bradycardia due to training happens from the following effect
a. Decreases in the sympathetic nervous system activity
a. Increases in the parasympathetic nervous system activity
Following exercise, normally blood pressure:
a. remained elevated for 5-6 hours
b. immediately returns to pre-exercise level
c. remains elevated only for 15-20 minutes
d. remains elevated for days in muscle glycogen is not replenished
Approximate amount of O2 needed to lift 1 kg of weight.
a. 24.6 ml
b. 5 ml
c. 1000 ml
d. 300 ml
Amount of lactic acid in a regular human is 10 mg/dL. Therefore, approximate amount of lactic acid present in a normal person is…
500 mg or 1/5 gram
Which of the following metabolism is association with an increase in lactic acid?
a. anaerobic metabolism
b. anaerobic glycolysis
A patient had a triple bypass last week. Which exercise parameters would be the most beneficial
a. Short interval, low level exercise
b. Short interval, high level exercise
c. Long interval, low level exercise
d. Long interval, high level exercise
A patient had an angioplasty last week. Which exercise parameters would be the most beneficial
a. Short interval, low level exercise
b. Short interval, high level exercise
c. Long interval, low level exercise
d. Long interval, high level exercise
A PT attempts to obtain information on patient response to exercise by assessing the pulse rate immediately after an exercise. Which of the following is best?
a. Determine the pulse rate using the brachial artery for 10 seconds and multiply by 6
b. Determine the pulse rate using the femoral artery for 15 seconds and multiply by 4
c. Determine the pulse rate using the radial artery for 30 seconds and multiply by 2
d. Determine the pulse rate using the carotid artery for 60 seconds
A patient attempts to obtain information on patient response to exercise by assessing the pulse rate immediately after an exercise. Which of the following is best?
a. Determine the pulse rate using the brachial artery for 10 seconds and multiply by 6
b. Determine the pulse rate using the femoral artery for 15 seconds and multiply by 4
c. Determine the pulse rate using the radial artery for 30 seconds and multiply by 2
d. Determine the pulse rate using the carotid artery for 60 seconds
A patient attempts to obtain information on patient by assessing the pulse rate during rest. Which of the following is best?
a. Determine the pulse rate using the brachial artery for 10 seconds and multiply by 6
b. Determine the pulse rate using the femoral artery for 15 seconds and multiply by 4
c. Determine the pulse rate using the radial artery for 30 seconds and multiply by 2
d. Determine the pulse rate using the carotid artery for 60 seconds