Review of Systems and Systems Review Flashcards
Purpose of Review of Systems
medical screening and differential diagnosis
identify specific symptoms (other than chief complaint), co-morbid conditions, occult disease, adverse drug reactions
determine whether patients presenting with musculoskeletal pain have evidence of systemic involvement
determine whether there are symptoms that suggest that need for referral for additional medical evaluation
medical diagnosis
recognition of disease/disorder
determination of cause and nature of pathology
ex: knee pain
medical diagnosis: osteoarthritis
medical differential diagnosis
comparison of signs and symptoms similar diseases and medical diagnoses
comparing to other things that are going on in the area that could potentially give the same signs and symptoms
ex: knee pain
medical differential dx: meniscal tear, infection, ligament sprain, etc.
physical therapy diagnosis
comparison of nuero-musculoskeletal signs and symptoms
identity movement dysfunction(s)
ex: knee pain
PT dx: inability to walk, squat, climb stairs, due to impairments or pain, going irritability, and loss of range of motion at the knee
observable findings detected by physical examination
what we can see or measure
ex: runny nose, fever, fatigue
reported indications of disease perceived by patient
ex: they said they feel hot
musculoskeletal complaint
often worse with a specific activity, and will subside with cessation of that activity
not typically associated with systemic signs/symptoms
non-musculoskeletal complaint
symptoms usually independent of position or activity, frequently described as constant
can present with fever, chills, unexplained weight loss, night pain, etc.
why does a PT need a review of system
direct access, referral without exam from MD, systemic involvement may affect patient outcomes in PT
review of systems components
body systems checklist
- recommended at each individual evaluation/initial visit
general health questions
- identifies symptoms that could result from 1) many diseases in different body systems, 2) multisystem disorders, 3) systemic illness, 4) adverse drug reactions
body systems checklist
- cardiovascular/pulmonary
- endocrine
- eyes, ear, nose, throat
- gastrointestinal
- genitourinary/reproductive
- integumentary
- neurologic/musculoskeletal
general health questions
- fatigue
- malaise (general “bleh” feeling)
- fever, chills, sweats (>99.5* for >2 weeks)
- weight loss/gain (5-10% BW inc or dec unexplained)
- nausea, vomiting
- dizziness, lightheadedness
- parasthesias, numbness
- weakness
- change in mentation, cognitive abilities
if they answer “yes” to any general health questions
does the complaint represent something new, different, or unusual for them?
is there an explanation for it that would minimize concern?
has the patient mentioned this to a physician?
if a physician is aware of it, has it become worse?
flag system categories
red= clinical yellow= psychosocial
reg flag
identification of non-musculoskeletal involvement
- requires communication with another caregiver
- possibly indicative of serious pathology (fracture, infection, cancer)
- mental health: excessively high levels of distress, major personality disorders, PTSD, drug or alcohol abuse/addiction, clinical depression
yellow flag
- psychological social and environmental risk factors for prolonged disability and failure to return to work as a consequent of musculoskeletal symptoms
- beliefs, judgements, emotions, coping strategies, work perceptions, contextual obstacles
how to identify and decide if it is a yellow or red flag
appropriate follow-up questions, and cluster information together
most common sites of referred pain from systemic disease
back and shoulder
other: scapular area, pelvis, hip, groin, sacroiliac joint
a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest
associated with chronic pain, worse functional outcomes
prolongs recovery and intensifies pain
double vision
slurred speech
difficulty speaking
eye twitching
impaire coordination
lack of facial sweating
perioral dysthesia
altered sensation around mouth
hypersensitivity to light
Systems Review
brief or limited examination of
- anatomical and physiological status of cardiovascular/pulmonary, integumentary, musculoskeletal, and neuromuscular systems
- communication ability, affect, cognition, language and learning style
items are identifies as impaired or unimpaired
rule IN vs. rule OUT
rule IN= systems review
rule OUT = review of systems
purpose of systems review
- determine reason patient is seeking care (and if PT is appropriate or not)
- develop a “working hypothesis” regarding cause of chief complaint
- forms foundation for more specific tests and measures
- identify possible problems requiring medical consultation
communication in systems review
- ability
- affect
- cognition (alert and oriented- person, place, time, context)
- languages
- learning style
external expression of emotion attached to ideas or mental representations of objects
- blunted
- flat
- inappropriate
- labile
- restricted
blunted affect
severe reduction in the intensity of affect
common symptom of schizophrenic disorders
flat affect
lack of emotional expression