Return to sport after injury: Rehab Program Flashcards
What are the stages of rehab and return to sport?
- Early stage: Maintaining cardiovascular fitness and sports performance whilst injured
- Mid stage: Specifics of sport specific rehabilitation program to facilitate return to sport
- Late stage: How do we know if our athlete is ready to return to sport
Start with specific, individualized exercises, progress to complex task/sport specific exercises
Who are the stakeholders in rehab?
- Team
- Coach
- Physio
- Doctor
- Parents
What are factors influencing functional performance before return to sport?
- Physical factors
- Psychological factors
- Social/contextual factors
What are the focuses during early stages of rehab?
- Managing pain and swelling
- Improving or maintaining ROM
- Maintaining muscle strength
- Maintaining CV fitness
- Keep them moving, exercising and an active decision-maker in their RTS planning
What are factors to consider in rehab return to a specific sport?
- Demands of sport
- Type of injury
- Time of injury (pre-season, mid-season, late-season)
- Goals of athlete
- Weight gain/loss requirements
What are other general health items to take care of when injured?
- infections
- other injuries
- cuts/wounds
- other surgeries
What are post injury psychological considerations
- Reinjury anxiety:
- Inability to perform to pre-injury standards
- Feelings of isolation, lack of athletic identity and social support
- Pressures to return to sport
- Appearance concerns in RTS from injury: appearing unfit, unskilled
What are sport specific components that occur during mid stage RTS?
- Proprioception
- Strength
- Flexibility
What are aspects of muscle conditioning?
- Muscle control
- Muscle strength
- Muscle power
- Muscle endurance
What are flexibility aspects of RTS?
- Musculotendinous flexibility
What may be causes of technical errors?
o Overuse injuries
o Increase risk for future injuries
o Decrease in performance
o Lack of fitness/ strength/ ROM
What are ways to analyse technique?
- Video, digital, analysis programs
What is the correction process with a technique?
- Identify error
- Instruct player on correct and incorrect technique
- Find correction method that works for player
- Structure training to reinforce new technique
- Consider athlete history
What determines RTS?
o ROM o Effusion o Strength and endurance o Flexibility o Proprioception o CV fitness o Functional sport specific skills o Biomechanically sound o Psychological
What is the StARRT framework?
Strategic assessment of risk and risk tolerance
What are the steps involved with StARRT?
Step 1: Assessment of Health (tissue health/physiological signs) - risk
Step 2: Assessment of activity (risk analysis of activity)
Step 3: Assessment of risk tolerance: Other factors to risk it
What are open and closed skills
Closed skills: hop test figure 8
Open: Have a reactive element
Running after ACL-r Whats the criteria to return to running?
- No joint swelling
- Full ROM
- Pain <2/10
- Gradual walk run
- 70% knee ext strength
- 70% hop tests
What are ways to assess psychology for RTS?
- Injury psychological readiness to RTS scale
Advancement through the rehab process must be criteria based not time based