Restraints Flashcards
Indications for restraints:
- reduce fall risk
- prevent interruption of therapy
- maintain life support
- reduce risk for others
You never use restraints when…
just because you want too
Chemical restraints
paraletic medication that keeps the patient from moving
and medications that sedate patients.
Physical restrains
any manual method, physical or mechanical device, material, or equipment that immobilizes or reduced the ability of a patient to move his or her arms, legs, and body, or head freely.
Type of restraint:
placed on patients wrist, arms, or legs
Type of restraint:
wrapping patients hand
Type of restraint:
prevents from getting out of bed
Type of restraint:
rails of bed
FIRST step in restraint use?
Restraint alternatives! find a way you dont need a restraint!
- Treat the cause
- Distraction
- Relaxation techniques
- Physical activity
- Frequent assessment
- Anticipate needs
- Modify the environment
- Provide consistency
Restraints are always a ________ resort
LAST resort
Face-to-face assessment Type Location Duration Circumstances Renewed
Restraints without a valid and complete order are considered __________
false imprisonment.
Nursing Care
- Notify family
- Reassessment of need
- NV assessment
- Remove periodically
- Document!
Restraint Danger!
- Pressure injuries
- Pneumonia
- Constipation
- Incontinence
- Emotional harm
- Agitation
Restraint Danger!
-Injury and Death!
- Neuromuscular injuries
- Strangulation
- Restricted breathing and circulation