Restorative Dentistry and Public Health and Community Dentistry Flashcards
What are the Stimulus for the formation of tertiary dentin?
-Tooth decay
-Tooth wear
Art and science of preventing and controlling dental diseases and promoting dental health through organized community efforts.
Community dentistry
CAD/CAM means:
Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing
The dentist is doing a preparation for amalgam restoration. He is very much concerned to create a proper preparation depth. This is because the dentist wants to have a good ___.
Resistance form
5% Sodium fluoride contains how many ppm of fluoride?
22,600 ppm
What is true about intertubular dentin
It is less mineralized than peritubular dentin
When considering the number of pins to use, which of the following need/s to be considered?
-One pin per missing axial line angle is placed
-The more pins used, the more retentive it will be
-The more pins used, the greater the risk of dentin crazing
Powder used for cleaning mercury spill includes:
A child has 2 permanent molars, 3 deciduous molars, and are filled with amalgam, 2 other carious deciduous teeth, 2 missing deciduous teeth, 2 missing deciduous incisors. The decayed and filled score of the chils is __.
It is the type of glass ionomer cement used for ART
Smooth surface caries on proximal surface of the tooth is classified as?
Class III
If there are 1000 new cases of ischemic heart disease in a population of 10,000 people for a period of 2 years, the incidence is?
0.05 cases/ people-year
Ratio of dentist to patient in the Philippines
For what reason is epidemiology useful?
It determine population trends
It is a scientific discipline concerned with the application of statistical method of problems in biology and medicine
The multifactorial theory of the etiology of dental caries includes:
Agent, host, environment, time
The principal bacterial agent involved in the caries process is:
Streptococcus Mutans
The first fluoridation Act was signed under his/her administration
When do pit and fissure sealants indicated?
Teeth with deeper grooves
Which of the ff. food has a high fluoride content?
CPITN means:
Community periodontal index of treatment needs
When there is mercury spill, you can aspirate the mercury using a syringe and deposit it down the drain. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to ensure all of the mercury particles are removed the floor. (true or false)
Both statement are false
It refers to the set of strategies that aim to diagnose a disease present in a patient and treat it as early as possible.
Secondary prevention
Acidulated phosphate fluoride solution for topical application possesses fluoride in which concentration?
1.23% (12,300 ppm)
A hand instrument where in the blade is parallel to the long axis of the handle and is bi-beveled.
Ordinary hatchet
Harmony and unity among personel
Esprit de corps
Prevalence of the disease is the:
Number of people with the disease divided by the total population at risk to develop the disease.
Resistance of handpiece to lateral forces?
Measure of central tendency
This refers to summarizing a set of data by numbers
Descriptive statistics
The golden proportion or Euclid’s element states that a smile, when viewed from the front is considered to be esthetically pleasing if each tooth in that smile (starting from the midline) is approximately ___ of the size of the tooth immediately mesial to it.
After application of cavity varnish, __ evaporates leaving a thin layer of resin in the walls of the preparation.
Fluoridation Law
RA 3626
The type of caries that appears very dark brown to black, hard to touch, smooth, and has stopped progressing:
Arrested caries
What is the meaning of DMFT index?
Decayed-Missing-Filled Teeth index
HAART means:
Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
When preparing a cavity that will receive an amalgam restoration, The flat pulpal floor is for __.
Resistance Form
When is the best time for a child to visit or see the dentist?
At 1-2 years of age
This is a type of wedge indicated for cavities in deep gingival margins.
Triangular Wedge
The Magna Carta of Public Health workers was signed into law on:
March 26, 1992
What are the caries susceptibility test?
-Salivary ph test
-Snyder’s test
-Lactobacillus dye test
What is a sampling method where a subset of the population is selected in a way that each population member has an equal chance of being selected?
Simple random
Type off caries, which includes incisal edges of anterior teeth and cusp tips of posterior teeth.
Class VI
Sodium fluoride concentration for topical application has a common centration around:
2% to 5%
According to the rate of progression, caries are classified as ___.
Chronic and acute
A class III cavity preparation obtains its retention in which of the ff. line angles?
Incisoaxial and gingivoaxial line angle
12-9-14 has a blade angle of:
The first technical step to research is ___.
Identification of problem
In ART (Atraumatic restorative treatment) which kind of instrument is generally used to remove tooth decay?
Hand instrument only
When is ART not indicated?
Presence of pulpal exposure
As the sample size decreases, standard deviation ____?
Calcium hydroxide is primarily used as a ___.
The primary reason why we place a wedge when creating proximal restorations.
It makes the band taut
Which is an example of demographic data?
Age, Sex, Race Ethnicity
Refers to a laminated restoration using glass ionomer to replace dentin and composite resin to replace enamel.
Sandwich technique
If you are to determine the Shrinkage property of Three Palfique Gen. Composites, which test is best used?
Two-way Anova
When preparing a class III cavity from the facial access, the bevel must be placed on ___.
Regarding the geographic distribution of dentists in the Philippines, there are 144,000 people pper dentist in the BARMM and ____ in NCR
24,000 per dentist
When placing a composite restoration, which restorative material is contraindicated to be used as a base because it inhibits the polymerization of resins?
It is the primary reason why we place matrix in a class III restoration.
To properly restore the proximal contour and contact area of the tooth.
Safety precautions when removing amalgam fillings are:
-Use cold water spray when drilling
-Place a rubber dam to the tooth
-Have a proper ventilation
-Do not dispose the dental amalgam in the sink drain
A technique to halt decay and seal teeth using two products (SDF and GIC) in a single appoitment.
In this type of research design, both the subject and the investigator doesn’t know to which group the subject belongs to.
Indications of Direct Pulp Capping are:
-Accidental pulp exposure in clean dry field
-Minute pulp exposure in healthy pulp
-Mechanical exposure in vital tooth.
Ranking the students starting from the individual with highest grade point average to the individual with the lowest grade point average is an example of a/an:
Ordinal scale
Component of composite resins which binds the filler to the resin matrix
If you are to compare the effect of drug B3.90 before and after exposure, which type of analysis is best used?
Dependent T-test
It is created by the WHO to assess the presence of periodontal disease in individuals and population groups.
Best describes a flowable composite.
Increase resin and decrease filler content
A mathematical model that deals with the treatment of data and their analysis_____.
The first priority in the mathematical descriptions based on a methodical selection of priorities is ___.
Primary preventive services
Who proposed DMFT?
Klein and Palmer
You are restoring a tooth with composite. After etching, the etched surface was contaminated with saliva. What is the best thing to do?
Wash and re-etch then continue with the treatment
The occlusal convergence of the buccal and lingual walls of a preparations creates___.
Retention Form
A histogram refers to:
Bar diagram
According to epidemiology, “Epidemic” is defined as ____.
An occurrence of a disease clearly in excess of normal expectation.
It is used to carve unset amalgam.
It is the first type of composite that is made up of resin matrix and large silica particles.
Prevalence of a disease refers to ___.
This instrument is primarily used to bevel the gingival margin and the axiopulpal line angle
The most commonly used type of grasp in holding hand instruments is:
Modified pen grasp
The Magna Carta of Public Health Workers is also known as ___.
RA 7305
Fluorosis index was created by:
It is formed when the etched dentin areas are applied with bonding agent.
Hybrid layer
The number of cases that fall at one point or range on a scale is termed as____.
It refers to the secondary level of prevention
Early diagnosis and health promotion
If the instrument has a formula of 6 1/2- 80- 10- 16. It has a blade width of ___>
This type of sampling involves randomly selecting some of the pre-existing natural group.
Classification of caries based on its depth when there is a clinically detectible cavity already but limited only in the enamel.
Has a cutting edge of the blade perpendicular to the handle. It is commonly used for class III and class V direct gold preparation.
What does the square root of pq/n indicated?
Standard error of proportion
It is the second most common dental problem in the Philippines after tooth decay.
Periodontal disease
Procedure that can be practiced by a dental hygienist:
-Take impression
-Take an x-ray
- Do oral prophylaxis
Toothpaste that can be bought in the market usually contains how much fluoride?
1,000 ppm
Mode or modal is the ___.
Common value occurring frequently
Arrangement of scores from the lowest to the highest is called a/an:
The leading cause of death in the Philippines
Beveling a tooth prior to placing a composite restoration is done for the ff. reasons are:
-Have a better shade blending between tooth and composite
-Improve the bond strength of composite
-Increases the surface area for the bonding
This is the radiograph that should be used for suspected caries in between lateral incisors and canine.