The “Commission” which is appointed by the president of the philippines is composed of?
A chairman and four members
Power of the state of promoting the public welfare by restraining and regulating the use of liberty and property
Police power
Qualification for membership of the board of dentistry
- Not a faculty member of the school
-Natural born citizen of the philippines
-dule registered dentists of the philippines and practicing for more than 10 years
The Penal provision is found in _____ of R.A 9484
Section 33
Code of Ethics
Article IV Section 25
What law does the dentist violate if being charged with unprofessional conduct?
RA 9484 Article 3 section 22
The article and section of R.A 9484 discussing the required rating in order to pass the licensure examination.
Article III section 16
Generics Act of 1988
RA 6675
It is written or published defamation that harms someone’s reputation.
Created PRC (june 22, 1973)
P.D 223
What are the qualification to be eligible to take the dentistry licensure examination?
- Must be a filipino citizen
-Has completed the refresher course required after failing three consecutive licensure examinations.
-not convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude
In this kind pf payment, the patient may choose whomever he wishes as provider of dental care.
Direct reimbursement
The foreign reciprocity can be found specifically in what Article and Section of R.A 9484?
Article 4, Section 31
Operating or overhead expenses constitute _____ of the total gross collection of a dental office.
R.A 480 provided that dentists who opted to join the AFP shall have a rank of?
First Lieutenant
Philippines Dental Act of 1965
R.A 4419
The thing speaks for itself
Res ipsa loquitur
What Article and section of RA 9484 discusses the composition of the board of dentistry?
Article 2 section 5
Member of the mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) in dental practice
A writ ordering someone to attend a court and testify is referred to as.
Subpoena and testificandum
The professional identification card contains which of the following?
-Date of issuance
-Registration number
-Signature of the chairperson of the commission.
The professional identification card must be renewed every.
Three years
Each dentist has a greater responsibility to his/her community. In fact, a very first article of the regulatory code which includes the following consideration?
-Emergency service
-Primary duty
-Delegation of services
Specific Article under R.A 9484 that refers to the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene and dental technology
Article 4
After how many years from the date of revocation of a license can a dentist petition for reissuance certificate?
An act involving ignorance, negligence, unskillfulness, or moral turpitude resulting in some injury to the patient.
An offense which iss contrary to justice, honesty, principles or good morals is known as moral turpitude. Examples are libel, adultery, concubinage, forgery and slander. (is it true or false)
Both statement are true
The following requirements for a dental hygienist to be admitted to the licensure examination for dental hygienist are.
-Completed the refresher course in dental hygiene required after failing three consecutive licensure examinations.
-Citizen of the Philippines
-Finished the two years certificate in dental hygiene conferred by a recognized and legally constituted college or school of dentistry registered with the TESDA.
A statement made by a witness under oath.
In what legal concept that hears before it condemns that proceed upon inquiry and renders judgement only after trial?
Due process
The licensure examination shall consist of both written and practical tests and in order to pass the exam, an examinee must obtain a general weighted average of at least ___ with no rating below __ in any subject.
70% and 50%
A writ ordering someone to bring documents and attend a court is referred to as.
Subpoena duces tecum
Doctrine of Quantum merit means
The amount of fee should be equivalent to the reasonable value of the services rendered.
Medical records should be kept by the dentist for a minimum of?
10 years
What is the penalty for a person without license who practice dentistry, dental hygiene or dental technology?
Fine of not less than 200,000 nor more than 500,00 or to suffer imprisonment of not less than 2 years and 1 day nor more than 5 years or both.
This refers to a method of payment for services where the insurer pays provides a fixed amount for such patient treated regardless of the type, complexity, or number of services required.
Defined as a person criminally liable for taking a direct part in executing a criminal act.
It is the best and honorable method of improving a practice in dentistry.
Patient Satisfaction
The board of dentistry has the power to suspend or revoke the validity of the certificate of registration, due to unprofessional, unethical conduct or malpractice. it is appealable to the ___
PRC commissioner
The right of the state to regulate the practice of Dentistry is based on.
Police power
It denotes the knowledge of the law in relation to dentistry.
Dental Jurisprudence
These are laws that govern the relationship between individual citizens of the state.
Private Law
It is the law-making body of the Philippine government which enacts, repeals or amends the law.
Legislative Branch
The welfare of the people is the supreme law
Salus populi suprema lex est
The right of a patient to file a complaint against a dentist for a negligent act done to him.
Rights in personam
These are taxes paid as a part of the gross income of the clinic which is payable every 20th of each month.
Percentage tax
Income tax is paid on or before.
15th of April
Damages imposed by way of example or correction for the public good, in addition to the moral, temperature, liquidated or compensatory damages.
Exemplary Damages
Writ issued from the higher court to the law to send records of a particular case for review
Every dentist shall report to the appropriate authority of professional society instances of gross and continual faulty treatment by another dentist reflects:
Justifiable criticism
The dentist, dental hygienist, or dental technologist shall consider the dignity of the dental profession before providing professional opinion or endorsement of professional and/or proprietary products and techniques. A dentist, dental hygienist or dental technologist, or any association of dentists shall not give direct testimonials or endorsement of products for the delivery of dental care.
Section 18, code of ethics
That degree of evidence which is more convincing to the court as worthy of belief than that offered in opposition thereto. The evidence as a whole adduced by one side is evidence is of greater weight or superior to that of the other, applicable in civil cases.
Preponderance of evidence
These are felonies committed with deliberate intent or malice:
The Philippine Dental Act of 2007 was enacted on.
June 2, 2007
Which regulatory body is responsible for the accreditation of dental shools.
A contract that has been complied with the satisfaction of both parties concerned is considered as.
Homicide committed through reckless imprudence shall be imposed a penalty of
Arresto mayor in its maximum periods and prison correctional in its minimum period.
An act granting dentists to prescribe and administer opium, cocaine or any of its derivatives to their patients.
ACT 2502
If the injuries shall incapacitate the offended party for labor of ten days or more or shall require medical attention for the same period, the dentist shall be guilty of.
Less Serious Physical Injuries
According to R.A 6675 the prescriber must ensure that the ff. information are accurately written on the prescription.
-Generic name of active ingredients
-Strength or dose level
-delivery mode
When will the certificate of registration be suspended for more than one year for the violation of RA 6675?
4th Conviction
If a law or contract violates any norm of the constitution that law or contract, whether promulgated by the legislative or the executive branch of the Government or entered into by private persons for private purposes is null and void and without any force and effect.
Doctrine of Constitutional Supremacy
Contracts, torts, crimes are
Source of civil liabilities of dentist
Act of dishonesty appropriating usually financial in nature
In this kind of source of obligation, there is no pre-existing contractual relationship between parties
Culpa Aquilina
Dental Laboratories were required by law to be registered with.
Department of Health
Any legal claim, action, complaint, charge, or legal proceeding brought before the court of law, tribunal of quasi-judicial body, in which the party commencing the case seeks a legal remedy
A witness utters false statements or evidence in a trial. He can be charged of.
Under normal conditions, late examinee may be admitted if the tardiness does not exceed
3ominutes provided that no examinee has submitted his paper
This term means inadequacy or insufficiency in skill and learning which renders the dentist unfit to serve humanity
Dentist mario has been accused of malpractice by patient. he will receive a writ from the board of dentistry termed as:
In order for a malpractice case to prosper ___ is essential.
Proof of evidence
The principle of res judicta states that:
A matter once tried and judged may not be retried.
This is not a right the state confers on dentists.
right to avail themselves of all private hospitals.
A dentist should pay his occupation tax to:
The municipality or city where he practices his profession.
The following act is ethical
The dentist institutes corrective treatment without unnecessary criticism, if a patient’s case is not managed properly by another dentist.
The essential elements in both libel and slander are the following:
-The statement is prompted by malicious intent not from a good motive
-There is publication
-The imputation is defamatory in nature
This type of obligation arises from lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts based on the principle that no one shall be unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of another.
Obligation arising from quasi-contracts
Under Article VII Penal and Miscellaneous Provisions, a person shall be guilty of misdemeanor if he is found to have committed the following act:
-He appended to his name the letter DDS, having been conferred such degree in school
-He presented or used as his own the certificates of registration as a dentist.
-He submitted forged evidence to the Board of dentistry in obtaining a certificate of registration.
In dentistry, work simplification means.
The right equipment placed in the right position at the right time using the shortest and easiest way of doing work.
Management is:
-Deals with the execution of the policy
-Get things done through people
-Build human and physical resourced into dynamic organizational units.
Which of the following represents the appropriate way for a practitioner to manage a patient’s hostility and anger?
Identifying the underlying source of the patient’s anger.
Most practices conduct audits of patients files to:
-Keep patient from becoming lost in mid treatment
-See that patients who may have canceled appointments without reappointing are rescheduled to complete treatment.
-Ensure that patients are notified of their recall appointments when due.
The newest requirements before a dentist can practice dentistry are:
Getting a barangay and mayor’s permit
Advantages of heritage practice are:
-Easily accepts ideas related to the management of the clinic.
-Practice is retained in the family
-The patient load is inherited by the beginner member
In order to continually enhance one’s professional competence every dental technologies shall pursue continuing education offered by the following:
-Specialty group accredited by the PRC
-Accredited professional organizations
-Chapter with CPD accreditations.
The following are the steps to be observed to control profuse bleeding after tooth extraction:
-Pressure Packing
-Take Tranexamic acid
Waste water coming from the cuspidor of the dental chair should be drain in a?
Separate private septic tank
What is the desired temperature and time required for effective autoclave sterilization technique?
120 degrees centigrade, 30 mins
It is an act to regulate the practice of dental hygienist in the philippines and for other purposes (1952)?
R.A 768
It is an act that made dentistry a 4-year course
R.A 3538
It is an act to provide free emergency dental treatment for employees and laborers of commercial, industrial and agricultural extablishments.
R.A 239
Surgeon is responsible for whatever goes wrong in the operating room.
Captain of the ship doctrine
Success in dentistry as a profession is measured by the following criteria:
-Inform and educate patients
-Improvement of patient’s health
-Quality of service rendered
In case a dentist mismanaged the treatment of a patient, the patient come and sought your treatment. What should you do?
Do corrective treatment without unnecessary criticism
It is a branch of gevernment that implements policies?
It is the power to acquire private property for public use upon payment of just compensation.
Eminent domain
It is an act that granted dentists to prescribe and administer opium, cocaine, or any of its derivatives to their patients.
Act 2205
Office door lettering for building signs on the first floor should be not greater in size than __.
8cm x 8cm