rest of 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 Flashcards
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson (achievement for who)
Tenure of Office Act 1867: what did it make illegal
How did Johnson react? Result
1) radical republicans
2) for the pres to fire a memeber of his cabinent w/o congressional approval
3. fire a memeber - congress brought a full-fledged impeachment trial against johnson znd senate failed to out him
Reconstruction Amendments:
Which ones and what do they do
13: abolished slavery
14: granted citizenship to everyone and would enjoy protection of their laws
15: granted voting rights to the blacks
Disagreement of the woman suffrage:
What were the two groups:
National woman suffrage association
American woman suffrage association
National Woman SUffrage Association: created by who? continued to fight for American woman suffrage association who? what did they argue A Tip to remeber difference: Who likes the 15th Amendment
- Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B Anthony
continued to fight for the franchis eto be extended to women - Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell shared dissapointment over 15th amendment
- but argued tat it was imp to support reconstruction efforts federally while working for womens suffrage on the state level
- National says NA
AMerican say Ayyyy
Failure of Reconstruction:
How did the black pop in the south adjust to freedom?
they established schools and college and some ran for office
Failure of reconstruction:
who established the freedmens bueru? what was it?
congress established it - to help reunite black familes and arrange 4 their education and social welfare
Failure of reconstruction:
One way south stayed the same b4 and after the war
old system:
New system:
plantation owners gave freed black a contract bounding them to land and unlimited labor
blacks were given seeds and tools in exchaneg a share of teh harvest was taken (one way south stayed the same b4 and after the war)
Failure of reconstruction:
Second way south was the same b4 and after the war
ongoing belief of white supremacy - established Klu Klux Klan where they burne dbuilding an dlynched black ppl
What were black codes?
3 ex
a legilazation of white supremecay
- not allowed to borrow money (no houses)
- cant testify in court (injustice)
- segregation
What ended reconstruction?
compromise of 1877 - the republican hayes wo in exchange for the removal of federal troops in the SOuth
This left the black pop with no protection
Westward Expansion: Economic development 1877-1898
How was agriculture changing? What were two effects from this?
- Mechinzation of agricultural
- Could plant more crops
- Small farmers being outwieghed to big farmers - losing their lan tohem
Westward Expansion: Economic development 1877-1898
Struggles Framers were going through economically + transportation wise:
- Large amt of crops = prices going down (supply and demand)
- Prices on manufactured goods remained high = farmers relied on these goods
- Railroads were charging a lot ti ship their crops
Westward Expansion: Economic development 1877-1898
National Grange Movement
Granger laws: what were they?
what was the most significant among these laws?
What did it establish? - did what
- regulating railorad rates for carrying items + made abusive corporate practices illegal (that were hurting farmers)
- Commerace act of 1886 made railroad rates reasonable
- Intersate Commerce Comisssion - enforcement
Westward Expansion: Economic development 1877-1898
Pacififc railroad Acts
reason behind making this law?
what was it?
- to aid settle the frontier
2. federal govt granted huge amts of land to railroadcompanies to make a transcontinetal railroad
Westward Expansion: Economic development 1877-1898
Homestead Act of 1862
purpose of maiing this law
what did it grant migrants?
what was the problem with this
- help with moving out west
- granted migrants 160 acres of land out west would have to farm it then settle it
- mechanization of land + big farmers - over power teh small farmers
Westward Expansion: Social and Cultural Development
Fredrick Jacksons Influential Essay - The Significance of the Frontier in AMerican History
what was argued? why?
closing frontier = concern Americans have always been moving west for new opportunities, and fresh start organzing levely classed and social hierarchies - if no more frontier, american would have class probs like europe
Westward Expansion: Social and Cultural Development
Reservation System:
why was it created? what did it do?
to deal w/ the Indians
placed them in a reserved area by the govt -moving them away from areas where they organized their lives around buffalo
Westward Expansion: Social and Cultural Development
Sioux Wars:
Response to what
took on the entire us army divison
Response to federal govt taking ownership of their land and white settlers settling in their land
Westward Expansion: Social and Cultural Development
Indian Appropriation Act of 1871:
nullified all previous treaties federal govt made w/ indians
Westward Expansion: Social and Cultural Development
Dawes Act of 1887:
federal govt officially abandoned the reservation system and divided the reservation lands in 160 acre plots to be farmed by indians
allowed them to become citiznes if they assimiliated into american culture
Westward Expansion: Social and Cultural Development
Ghost Dance Movement:
if natives did a dance - ancestors would come back to life and kick out the white men from land
Westward Expansion: Social and Cultural Development
Wounded Knee in Souh Dakota 1890:
us army was trying to disarm a group of indian - one did teh ghost dance -> shot was fired - killing many indians bringing the end of indian restitance
what were the various
factors that contributed to continuity and change in the “New South” from 1877 to 1898
The New South:
Henry Grady invisoned that the south be more nortified - become more industrialized
souther cities had begun to create industrrial centers
what were the various
factors that contributed to continuity and change in the “New South” from 1877 to 1898
Plessy v Ferguson 1896
lousiana had a law that railcars are meant to be seperated
a man by the name of plessy who was 1/8 black decided to challenge this law since he was considered black under louisana
the supreme court ruled that racial segreation is constitutional as long as theyre equal - “seperate but equal”
what were the various
factors that contributed to continuity and change in the “New South” from 1877 to 1898
Jim Crow Laws
segregated everthing
black people lost thir gains made during the reconstruction - many were accused of crimes and were lynched
what were the various
factors that contributed to continuity and change in the “New South” from 1877 to 1898
Reformees that fought for politica and social equality 4 blacks
Ida B Wells:
Henry turner:
Booker t Washington:
editor of black newspaper and wrote against lynching and jim crow laws
Internation Migration Society 1894- helped iwth migrating black americans to afrca
argued black ppl need to become economically sufficent and that would lead power in voting booth (did this himself)
didnt work since africans were prevented from growing economically and socially
Technological Innovation in the Gilded AGe
Changes from Industrialization
b4 americans made things themsleves and sold locally - at most regionally
now they began mass producing goods to be sold all ober the world
Oil Industry:
By who - how much did he control
Horizontal intergration
John D rockerfeller - owner of standard oil controlled 90% of oil indstry horizontal intergration (one company buys out all its competitors until no more competition is left)
By who
Vertical intergratyij
Andrew Carnegie vertical intergration (a company buys other business that help with the making of its product) he bought companies taht delat with the steel production (mining, processing)
How did Carnegie and Tockerfeller become wealthy
- leisssez fair: let alone - govt isnt allowed to be involved w/ business practices
- relied heavily on underpaid laborers (immigrants, women, children)
- Social Dwarnism concept in economics: survival of teh fittest - strong companies shpuld eat weak companies
Gospel of Wealth
Carnegige argued those w/ wealth have a duty from GD to gve back through acts of philanthropy (libraries, concert halls and unis)
If referred to as captians of industry
Or robber barons
gives favorble opinion of them and their practices
negative connotation of their contributions to american society
Labor in Gilded AGe:
Wealthy vs Poor
liked to show off their goods
wages were low suffered in economic turmoil
Result of Panic of 1873 and 1893
working class wages wer dropping
many were injured and many died due to the condition of their work
if workers tried to go to their boss abt these probs = fired
Labor UNionsL if workers joined 2gether as a group more likely factory owners would isten
they fought for workers rights through political action, sytikes
Great Railroad Strike of 1877
railcomapnies cut wages
railroad workers went on strike - spreading to 11 states - shutting down 60% of the nations raiilroad
Pres Hayes sent federal troops to restore order = 100 ppl died
Pull man strike near chicago:
when panic of 1893 hit - george pullman (pullman coompany for sleeping cars) took wages from workers to save money
when workers went on strike = fored them all
Eugene Debbs direcetd memebers of his union to nt work on trains with pullman cars
federal govt was place din train. arts = workers were imprisoned for hindering w/ federally authoried trains
Labor Unions
Knights of Labor;
American Federation of Labor:
open to anyine (blacks and women included)
goal: destructiuon of trusts and monopolies and child labor
when they were peacefully striking but bom went off = making KOL look violent and radical
: led by Samuel Gompers same goals as KOL
IMMIGRATION and MIGRATION in the Gilded Age Where did the working class live
Working class = poor= mostly immigrants lived in tenemants: working class and immigrants lived together in small living spaces: diseases were spread
Migration: Exoduster Movement:
Organization that helped them
mass migration of southern black ppl into the west
colored relief board and Kansas Freedmens Aid society
RESPONSES to Immigration in the GILDED AGE
What did they create
were ppl protecting americans from immigrants
created American Protective Association: against catholics (Irish)
Why did Labor Unions oppos immigrants
influx of them = desperate for work willing to work for any price
if union leaders srike = could fire them and replace w/ immigrants
Panic of 1873:
Who was living in cali
What happened when panic hit
What was created as a result
Many chinese were living in Cali = also willling to work for any wages
when panic hit california nativists blamed it on chinese bc theyw ere willing to work for low wages
As a result: Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: banned any further Chinese immigration to the US
Jane Adda,s: saw immigrantrs in Chicago sufffering
What did she do
created settlement houses - Hull Houses - help immigrants assimilate into America bettter
were taught english
their children were enrolled in schools
Development of the Middle Class:
What did large corporations developn
a structure:
managers 9white collar workers)
Middle Class Workers consisted of:
Along with the rise of the middle class
Ex of a female philanthropist
women teachers, women typing made money but not enough to be conisdered high class and not too little to be poor along w/ rise of middle class - came activites - amusement parks, circuses
Phoebe Hearst gave money to education
Reform in Gilded Age:
laissez-faire capitalism:
Without regulations
govt rarely interved w/ business
w/o regulations = business flourish - for upper class
Henry George
Who did he stand up for
What was his solution ( go into detail)
he stood up for working class who lived in poverty solution: SIngle Tax on LAnd - elitists w/ land needed to be taxed more to be even w/ working clss
Reform in Gilded Age:
all resources 4 production in a society should be owned and regulated by the community and benefit everyone more or less equally
Reform in Gilded Age:
Euguen Debs
What did he start
How did it end
started socialist party in 1901 - ran 4 pres - didn’t win = end f socialist party
Reform in Gilded Age:
Social Gospel
What did it oppose
What did it believe
Who were one of the ppl who believe it
opposed Capitalism: believed christian principles be applied to the ills of society
protestant preachers fought for social justice 4 urban poor
women reform:
Stanton and ANthony founde
NAtional MAerican OWman Suffrage Association: secure franchise 4 women
women reform:
women fought against alcohol
drunkness among working men =
What was created
poverty among midde class Womens Christian Tempreance Union in 1874 - protested peacefully
Radical women: Carrie NAtion:
What did she do
What was she against
carried a hatchet into saloons hit liquor barrels until they spilled
Another organization against alcohol
Anti saloon league
CONTROVERSIES Over the Role of GOVERNMENT in the Gilded Age Adam Smith What did he write What did it say Did this happen during the gilded age
Wealth of NAtions - 1776 - ecnomies r best governed by the laws of supply and demand - if ppl make decisions for the best interest = market will flourish
Didn’t happene during gilded age
CONTROVERSIES Over the Role of GOVERNMENT in the Gilded Age
imp factor under smiths vison =
competion but owners bought out competitors
CONTROVERSIES Over the Role of GOVERNMENT in the Gilded Age
Panic 1893 -
What did the president (who) did not do
Pres Cleveland did not to fix the economic disater ameircan were facing
Govt go involved for gains for business and economy
CONTROVERSIES Over the Role of GOVERNMENT in the Gilded Age
Business leaders worked w/ republican politicans to expand markets overseas
Two examples
laissez-faire capitalists
Open door policy
CONTROVERSIES Over the Role of GOVERNMENT in the Gilded Age
Business leaders worked w/ republican politicans to expand markets overseas
Ex 1: laissez-faire capitalists
(Go into detail)
supported overthrow of the Hawaiiian monarchy - lead to us annexing it and markets open
CONTROVERSIES Over the Role of GOVERNMENT in the Gilded Age
Business leaders worked w/ republican politicans to expand markets overseas
Ex 2: Open Door Policy
btwn china and us - advocated for equal trading rights in cyou just need to understand that during the Gilded Age
When did the govt get involved in business during the gilded age
in business when the outcome looked to be good economically for them. However, the government
almost never got involved in any meaningful way when it came to regulating business.
POLITICS in the Gilded Age 1865-1898
Two parties?
Democrats and Republicans
Democrats: were mostly…. What did they believe in Where did they count votes from R: were mostly…. What did they believe in Where did they count votes from What did neither party have
D: mainly osutherners
states rights and racial segregation
counted votes from big city political machines and growing pop of immigrants
R: mostly northerners
more industrial
count on votes from black people, middle class businessmen, and Protestants.
neither party had strong legislative agenda
POLITICS in the Gilded Age 1865-1898
Issues btwn parties:
1. Civil Service -
Pendleton Act of 1881
getting jobs in federal govt - when candiate won political psosition - wuld have his supporters asking 4 jobs - ended w/ assasination of Pres Garfield
replaced patronage (sponsorship) system w/ competitve examination
Issues btwn parties:
- Money
What was the Gold Standard
Who opposed it
They wanted Unlimited Coinage of SIlver: which was
- money was counted by GOLD STANDARD: fed govt would only print amt of paper currency that could be backe dby the value of gold in their vaukts - current held its value agianst inflation
Farmers and entrepreneurs: argued moeny should be expanded to includ emore paper currency beyond gold standard
Unlimited Coinage of SIlver: wanted more currency - to borrow more money at a lower interest rate - could pay debts with inflated dollars
Issues btwn parties:
- tariffs -
Why were they placed
Protective tariffs helped who
Burden to who and why
- were placed during cicvil war to protect american industry and raise $$ for war - now not needed but kept in plcae
Protective tariffs protect american business bc when taxes are on imported goods ppl r more likely to buy domestically made goods
Burden to Farmers: bc other nations added tariffs on american goods = low price of farmers crops
Omaha Platform -
Who published their beliefs here
What did they advocate
The populists
advocated for direct election of sentaors
use of initatives and referendums = allowed ppl to propose and vote on law
What was the populist belief on economics
Did they ever win
unlimyted coinage of silver, graduated income tax ( more u made - more u were taxed), 8 hr work day
never won but grabbed attention
Elecetion of 1896:
Democratic oarty took themes of what
As a result
Populist party
unliited coinage of silver - gaining many populist voters
Politics in Urban centers
Political machines
corrupt political machines (if ppl supported candidates - were rewarded jobs)
ex: tammany Hally, NYC - run by Boss Tweed
organized needs of business, immigrants and poor - bad why> didnt do for social justice - did it so the community felt like they owed amchine their votes