Rest Mass/Energy and Electron Volts Flashcards
What is rest mass?
(mo) is the mass of a stationary object
Why is rest mass the smallest mass an object has?
it is the smallest mass because mass increases with speed
What is the Mo of a photon?
What is rest energy and what is its equation?
(Eo), energy of a stationary object
Eo = mo c^2
What is an electron volt?
equal to the work done on an electron that is moving through a pd of 1v
Why do we use electron volts instead of joules when dealing with the energy of particles?
because the energy of a particle is much smaller than a joule it makes our working neater to use electron volts
What does 1ev equate to?
1.6x10^19J = charge of a proton
How do we find the number of electron volts?
divide the joules by 1.6 x 10 ^19