Responses to Social Inequalities Flashcards
What is the name of the welfare benefit that was introduced that amalgamated 6 different entitlements into one?
Universal Credit
Universal Credit replaced benefits such as
Child Tax Credit
Housing Benefit
Income Support
Income based jobseekers allowance
Working tax credit
The Peabody Trust in 2019 found that just what % of UC claimants were not in some form of rent arrears?
The Department of Work and Pensions argue that compared to those who received JSA, UC claimants were more likely to be back in work within the first 6 months of claiming?
JRF criticise UC and claim that families on average seen their income reduce by how much?
Scottish Choices for Universal Credit has meant what?
Claimants can get their payments paid twice a month and their housing benefit paid directly to their landlord.
Why did the SNP argue that Scottish Choices for UC was necessary?
It would mean that claimants could better manage household budgets, reduce risk of debt and evictions.
The unemployment rate as of September 2023 was approx. 4.1% compared to what in 2011 before the introduction of Universal Credit?
According to the JRF, whilst waiting for UC, how many claimants found themselves in debt?
What is one of the key anti-poverty policies in the UK that focuses on income?
The National Living Wage (NLW)
The National Minimum Wage (NMW) for under 23
The Living Wage foundation argues that the living wage in the UK should be what for everyone?
The Living wage foundation also argue that everyone from the age of 18 should be on £10.80 an hour.
The Low Pay Commission found that the lowest earners were on average 30% better off as a result of the introduction of the NLW?
The JRF disputes the success of the NLW as the poverty rate in the UK persists at?
As of April 2023 what is the NLW?
As of April 2023 what is the NMW?
On what grounds is NLW criticised for being ineffective?
It is discriminatory based on individuals age.
A Financial Conduct Authority Study found that as of April 2023 how many people were having to choose between heating and eating in the UK?
10 million
In May 2023 what was the level of inflation?
How much did the UK government give to all households to tackle the cost of energy bills in Winter 22-23
To tackle the Cost of Living crisis, the govt gave how many claimants a £900 cost of living payment split over 3 payments.
8 million
A huge critique of the Cost of Living Support provided by the Govt was that it …
ignored the huge issue that the UK has with the working and hidden poor.
Free Prescriptions in Scotland was introduced in
April 2011
All NHS services are free at the point of use?
What is the average cost of a prescription in England?
According to the SNP, free prescriptions save someone in Scotland with a chronic illness how much a year?
How much revenue could Scotland raise by abolishing free prescriptions and using this money elsewhere in the NHS?
£50 million
Why does the Scotsman argue that free prescriptions disproportionately benefit the most affluent?
There was already help in place that made prescription’s free for people on low income and welfare.
How much did the SNP spend on providing free paracetamol between 2011-2018?
£57 million
What would suggest that free prescriptions are not effective?
The ‘Scotland Effect’ - Scottish citizens are still on average more likely to die 2 years younger than their English counterparts.
What increased the price of alcohol to 50p per unit?
Minimum Unit Pricing
The Uni of Glasgow argues that MUP has resulted in how much fewer alcohol related deaths?
The Uni of Glasgow argues that MUP has resulted in how much fewer alcohol related hospital admissions?
MUP has had the largest impact on those living in the 40% most deprived areas?
What kind of difficulties could MUP cause for a person who is addicted to alcohol
Financial Difficulties
The BBC reports that since MUP, the volume of alcohol being sold particularly of cider and spirits has decreased by
The Herald and the BBC both reported that whilst a weekly hospital stay would cost on average £4,500, the cost of weekly prescriptions for that patient is only
Since the introduction of MUP in 2018, the alcohol related deaths in Scotland remain at twice that of England?
What response aims at ensuring that Scottish Children are given the best possible start to life?
The Early Years Taskforce
From August 2017, all expectant parents in Scotland are entitled to what free from the Scottish Government?
The Baby Box
In its first 5 years over 24,000 baby boxes were issued and the uptake was what %
What is now a registered charity in Scotland, designed to tackle child specific poverty?
Baby Bank Scotland
It is estimated that there are over how many baby banks in the UK?
Edinburgh’s base pregnancy counselling and care see a weekly increase of how much in people accessing their services?
15% or on average 2 new families a week access their baby bank service
Between 2018 and 2022 - 22 million has been spent on what female specific response to social inequality?
Free Sanitary Products
Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021:
Free School Meals has been universally extended to who to ensure that dietary issues are not a barrier to education?
According to the Guardian 2023, what % of foodbanks have seen an increase in demand for their service?
According to the Guardian 2023 half of the 85 organisations running 154 food banks said if demand rose further they would either have to cut support or turn people away.
While inflation reached as high as 11% in the UK, welfare payments increased by just what %?
What % of UC recipients are said to be living in poverty according to the JRF?