Economic causes of global (under)development Flashcards
Why is poverty a significant factor in holding back development?
Less people to pay taxes and less money for the govt to spend on health, education and infrastructure.
According to the World Bank, globally about 10% of people live on less than $1.90 a day but that rises to what % in Africa?
40% (400 million people)
A lack of effective transportation systems, clean water and electricity is known as poor …
What % of Africa’s population don’t have access to clean water?
Africa has the lowest density of rail and road networks in the world?
Less economically developed nations are more likely to borrow money from other nation or organisations such as the World Bank or International Monetary Fund?
In 2019 it was reported that what country was over $7 billion in debt and suffered from 18 hour long power cuts as a result of not being able to pay its debt to electricity companies?
Why does debt often lead to unfair trading practices?
It means that nations have to accept unfair rules making it harder to trade effectively.
As a result of tariffs (higher taxes on goods) Zimbabwe has an extra cost of the goods its sells by what %?
When trading with less developed nations the EU has imposed a tariff of what % according to WTO.
According to the World Bank, if you are living below how much you are considered as living in absolute poverty?
The Lancet Child report estimates that what % of children under 5 are unlikely to fulfil their potential as a result of poverty and stunting?
According to the World Economic Forum, the average earnings in the DRC is what?
How many people have been displaced from DRC as a result of conflict?
According to the UN, how many people in the DRC face food insecurity?
Often due to unfair trade and high levels of external debts whilst a developing country may be resource rich, they fail to benefit from this as they export the goods instead.