Respiratory System Terms Flashcards
Another term for pharyngeal tonsils; tonsils are a collection of lymphatic tissue found in nasopharynx to combat microorganisms entering body through nose or mouth
Tiny air sacs at end of each bronchiole; alveoli are surrounded by capillary network; gas exchange takes place as oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse across alveolar and capillary walls
Directional term meaning tip or summit; an area of lungs and heart
Auditory Tube
Another name for eustachian tube connecting middle ear and pharynx
Directional term meaning bottom or lower part
Bronchial Tube
Organ of respiratory system that carries air into each lung
Narrowest air tubes in lungs; each bronchiole terminates in tiny air sacs called alveoli
Distal end of trachea splits into left and right main bronchi as it enters each lung; each main bronchus is subdivided into smaller branches; smallest bronchi are bronchioles; each bronchiole ends in tiny air sacs called alveoli
Carbon Dioxide
Waste product of cellular energy production; is removed from cells by blood and eliminated from body by lungs
Term for eyelashes that protect eye from foreign particles or for nasal hairs that help filter dust and bacteria out of inhaled air
Major muscle of inspiration; separates thoracic from abdominal cavity
Flap of cartilage that covers larynx when person swallows; prevents food and drink from entering larynx and trachea
Eustachian Tube
Tube or canal that connects middle ear with nasopharynx and allows for balance of pressure between outer and middle ear; infection can travel via mucous membranes of eustachian tube, resulting in middle ear infections
To breathe air out of lungs, also called ‘expiration.’
External Respiration
Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide that takes place in lungs
Opening between vocal cords; air passes through glottis as it moves through larynx; changing tension of vocal cords changes size of opening
Controlled entry/exit point of an organ such as kidney or lung
(1) to breathe air into lungs; also called ‘inspiration’; (2) to introduce drugs into body by inhaling them
Intercostal Muscles
Muscles between ribs; when they contract, they raise ribs, which helps to enlarge thoracic cavity
Internal Respiration
Process of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange at cellular level when oxygen leaves bloodstream and is delivered to tissues
Inferior section of pharynx; lies at same level in neck as larynx