Respiratory System Disorders Flashcards
Good technique to aid ingestion for COPD requiring increased protein and calories.
Encourage rest 30 minutes before meals.
Explain cor pulmonale to COPD.
Not an MI, but heart has been damaged because of long term respiratory disorder causing heart damage and pain.
Patient teaching 1st week post op adult tonsillectomy.
No coughing or clearing throat.
Patient positioning after tracheotomy placement.
Nursing diagnosis for pulmonary emboli.
Impaired gas exchange.
Risk of hemorrhage r/t ineffective protection AEB anticoagulation therapy.
Use of epinephrine after nasal surgery.
Vasoconstriction prevents bleeding.
Fluctuating water level on respiration of a chest tube drainage system.
Necessity of low flow O2 for COPD.
High flow will result in respiratory arrest.
Define pharyngitis.
Sore throat, inflammation of the pharynx.
Nursing action for epistaxis.
Position sitting up, head forward, pinch below nasal bone.
Clinical breath sounds for pneumonia.
Crackles, wheezing, diminished lung sounds, use of accessory muscles, wet cough, increased respiratory rate.
First line of drugs for TB.
INH (Isoniazid).
Signs of acute rhinitis.
High WBC, fever, nasal drainage, red inflamed throat.
Procedure for fiber optic scope inserted into bronchi.
Caution for patient taking decongestant with HTN.
Vasoconstriction will increase BP.
Signs that Albuterol is effective.
No more SOB, back to sleep, decreased anxiety, increased HR (as side effect).
Position contraindicated for pulmonary edema.
On back with feet elevated.
Nursing action for thick sputum.
Hydrate 2-3L.
Technique for sputum collection.
Early morning, before meals, 3 deep breaths and cough on last breath.
Major sign of larynx carcinoma.
Hoarseness, persistent and progressive.
Reason for barrel chest of emphysema patient.
Expanded alveoli increase diameter of chest from lungs always being hyperinflated (alveoli never relax).
Nursing intervention for walking with active TB.
Mask patient, negative airflow isolation, acid fast bacillus isolation.
Likely cause of pulmonary embolism post-op when immobilized.
DVT becomes dislodged.
Nursing intervention done for a patient in respiratory distress after surgery?
Incentive spirometer, cough and deep breathing.
Patient teaching for home oxygen with emphysema.
Low flow 2L, keep on at all times.
Signs of atelectasis.
SOB, pleural friction, increased respiratory rate.
Risk factors for TB.
Low income community, foreign countries, alcoholism, malnourishment, homelessness.
Diagnostic tests to identify pulmonary embolus.
Helical CT scan.
Pulmonary angiography.
Ventilation perfusion scan.
Cause of sudden SOB and tachypnea during insertion of subclavian central line.
Pneumothorax from punctured lung.
Diagnostic test using radio isotope to outline pulmonary vasculature to identify pulmonary embolism.
V/Q, ventilation perfusion scan.
Medication used as long acting B2 receptor agonist in maintenance therapy for asthma.
Salemeterol (Serovent).
Diagnostic procedure used to determine lung volume and ventilation.
PFT (pulmonary function test).
Short acting B2 receptor agonist to treat acute asthma.
Anti-inflammatory agents used for respiratory disease.
All corticosteroids.
Nursing action for pneumonia and chest pain.
Lay on unaffected side to cough.
Nursing action for chest tube underwater drainage system that has fallen out.
Cover with dressing.
Patient with COPD has lead to cor pulmonale due to what complication.
Patient preparation for bronchoscopy.
Explain procedure.
NPO 8-12 hours.
Signed consent.
Remove dentures.
Minimum wait time following Mantoux test.
48 hours.
Precautions handling TB patient.
Wear gloves and filter mask at all times.
Patient precautions with TB.
No isolation in negative pressure room. Must wear a mask outside the room and keep the door closed at all times. Hand washing after direct contact with patient.
Respiratory rate considered tachypneic.
Normal range is 12-20.
> 21 respiratory rate.
Reason for listening to bilateral breath sounds and chest movement following thoracentesis.
Examining for lung collapse or puncture during the procedure.
Nursing diagnosis for productive cough, wheezing, and copious amounts of phlegm.
Ineffective airway clearance.
Initial stages of acute respiratory failure.
Hypercapnia (CO2 increase).
O2 level decrease.
Respiratory rate increase.
Therapeutic result for B2 adronergic agonist following an acute asthma attack.
Clear lung sounds.
In AFB TB isolation (negative airflow) will doors and windows be open?
No, and everyone must wear a particulate mask.
Nursing instructions for epistaxis at risk for aspiration.
Encourage expectorate, cough, or spit out blood. Ingestion can cause nausea and vomiting, aggravating the nose bleed.
Effect of CO2 with history of obstructive sleep apnea.
Hypercapnia (high CO2) stimulates the respiratory center, causing the patient to wake.
Patient teaching for sleep apnea.
No alcohol, no sleeping pills, as these depress the respiratory center.
Program referral for sleep apneic obese patient.
Weight loss program.
Permanent placement for laryngectomy of cancerous larynx.
First clinical sign associated with SARS.
Fever >100.4 F.
Criteria differentiating TB infection from Tb disease.
TB infection has no clinical signs or symptoms.
Term for pleural space filled with pus.
Suspected condition for emphysema with severe pain after several coughing episodes 8 hours ago.
Priority nursing assessment for pneumothorax.
Assess airway and auscultation of the lungs.
Signs of COPD.
Barrel chest.
Clubbed fingers and toes.
Unknown accumulation of fluid in the pleural space.
Pleural effusion.
Suspected condition of COPD with PCO2 49, pH 7.2, PO2 50, Bicarb 22, and O2 sat 84%.
Respiratory acidosis.
Primary sign of pulmonary edema.
Pink frothy sputum.
Distress indication during respiratory assessment.
Use of accessory muscles, flared nares, cyanosis, clubbed fingers and toes, chest retractions, restless and agitated.
Postural drainage.
Treatment method for bronchitis. Position the patient to help with drainage of mucus out from lungs. Best done when stomach is empty.
Signs of acute bronchitis.
Inflammation of the trachea and bronchial tree. Dyspnea, productive cough, fatigue, and fever.
Example of nasal corticosteroids.
Aminophylline (theophylline).
Positioning for chest tube drainage.
Patient lay on unaffected side.
Drain below level of chest.
Signs of upper airway obstruction.
Classic choking hand sign, cyanotic, stridor, wheezing.
Operation of pulse ox.
Measure of light through oxygenate blood capillaries.
Safe to eat post bronchoscopy.
Return of cough reflex.
Nursing action for COPD on 2L in respiratory distress.
Do assessment.
Obtain vital signs.
Conditions that alter a pulse ox.