Respiratory system Flashcards
Functions of the respiratory system:
Primary: Gas exchange
Secondary: - phonation?
- breathing (especially panting) aids in regulation of body temperature?
- breathing plays a role in maintenance of normal acid-base balance in the blood stream?
- breathing has an effect on body hydration?
Gas exchange
– O2 in the tiny air sac spaces (alveoli) of the lungs diffuses into the capillary blood spaces; and, CO2 in the capillary blood space diffuses into the air sac spaces – the exchange of
O2 from the lungs for CO2 from the blood stream is called gas exchange
Inhalation (also known as inspiration) is for the purpose of getting oxygen into the air sacs (to then go to the capillaries) and exhalation (also known as expiration) is for the purpose of getting CO2 out of the air sacs (to then go to the outside of the body)
What is phonation?
the production or utterance of speech sounds.
What effect does panting in dogs and cats have on body temperature?
It helps cool them down
What effect does breathing have on body hydration?
When you exercise you tend to breathe through your mouth, causing dry air to enter your lungs
How does breathing help maintain a normal acid / base balance in the bloodstream?
One mechanism the body uses to control blood pH involves the release of carbon dioxide from the lungs. Carbon dioxide, which is mildly acidic, is a waste product of the processing (metabolism) of oxygen (which all cells need) and, as such, is constantly produced by cells. As with all waste products, carbon dioxide gets excreted into the blood. The blood carries carbon dioxide to the lungs, where it is exhaled. As carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood, the pH of the blood decreases (acidity increases).
openings of the nostrils are called the external nares
Nasal Cavity:
- Separated from the mouth by the hard and soft palate
2. Divided into two halves by the nasal septum (cartilage) and the vomer (bone)
3. Lined by a mucous membrane—a vascular mucous membrane lines the nasal cavity and also covers the nasal turbinates.
Nasal turbinates (conchae):
- Nasal turbinates (conchae): scroll shaped bony structures that are covered by a mucous membrane
– the turbinates serve two functions:
i. they serve to warm the cold inspired air before it goes to the lungs
ii. they serve to trap dust particles, thereby removing dust from the inspired air before it goes to the lungs
-- there are three turbinates on each side (each half of the nasal cavity contains three) for a total of six turbinates
a. two dorsal nasal turbinates
b. two ventral nasal turbinates
c. two ethmoid turbinates
The meatuses
the spaces inside the nasal cavity are called meatuses – the turbinate bones divide
the nasal cavity into four spaces on each side.
- - the four spaces are: a. Dorsal nasal meatus- this is the space that is located above the dorsal nasal turbinates b. Middle nasal meatus- this is the space located between the dorsal and ventral nasal turbinates c. Ventral nasal meatus- this is the space located below the ventral nasal turbinates—this is the largest of the meatuses / this is the only space in the nasal cavity that is large enough to use for passage of a nasogastric tube d. Common nasal meatus- the medially located space next to the septum (the space between the turbinates and the nasal septum
When passing a stomach tube along the floor of the nasal cavity through the ventral nasal meatus the tube is passing just underneath the ventral nasal turbinate. If the end of the tube hits the
ventral nasal turbinate a nosebleed will occur. Where exactly is the blood coming from?
A nosebleed
air filled spaces (cavities) located in certain bones of the skull – sinuses are named according to the bone in which it is located.
Farm animals – the five major sinuses found in farm animals are:
a. Maxillary
b. Frontal
c. Sphenoidal
d. Palatine
e. Lacrimal
Dehorning cattle-
the core (center) of the cornual processes of the horns are hollow / because the horns are hollow on the inside, the frontal sinus will be opened up to the outside when the horns are removed by dehorning surgery
-- dehorning of cattle can lead to infection of the frontal sinus
Dogs/cats prominent sinus
the frontal sinus is the most prominent sinus in dogs and cats.
The pharynx (throat) serves as a common passageway for food/water (when swallowing) and air during breathing
- The nasal cavity, the middle ear cavities, the oral cavity, the larynx (voice box), and the esophagus have a connection to the pharynx / these connections are:
a. the nasal cavity / internal (posterior) nares (look at a skull to see these)
b. the middle ear cavities / eustachian tubes
c. oral cavity
d. the larynx and thrachea (windpipe) / glottis of the larynx
e. the digestive system / the upper esophageal sphincter
Guttural pouch
an out-pouching of the eustachian tube in the horse; a guttural pouch is located lateral to the pharynx on each side of the neck in the throat area
Three diseases of the guttural pouch:
empyema, guttural pouch mycosis, and guttural pouch tympany
Empyema (what is it?)
an accumulation of pus that may develop secondary to URT infections in horses, esp. those caused by streptococci.
Empyema (clinical signs)
intermittent nasal discharge, painful swelling in the parotid area, +/- stiff head
carriage, and stertorous breathing. Fever, depression, and anorexia may or may not develop.
Empyema (treatment and diagnosis)
Diagnosis: Endoscopy and radiographs.
Endoscopy – the use of an endoscope to view inside hollow tubular structures, etc… Radiograph – the image produced by using an x-ray machine Treatment: Penicillin combined with daily lavage of the guttural pouches using a chlorhexidine flush solution. Refractory cases require surgical drainage.
Guttural pouch mycosis (what is it?)
- a localized or diffuse fungal invasion of the roof of the guttural pouch
clinical sign is epistaxis
Guttural pouch tympany
the affected pouch becomes distended with air and forms a characteristic
non-painful elastic swelling in the parotid region.
Most affected foals appear normal; the cause is unknown; diagnosis is based on clinical signs and age of the animal. Treatment of choice is fenestration of the membrane that separates the affected guttural pouch from the normal (non-affected) guttural pouch.
functions of larynx
a. essential for voice production – the vocal cords are located within the larynx
b. prevents inhalation of food/water and foreign objects into the trachea
cartilage of larynx
a. epiglottis – located at the base of the glottis – can be seen as a pointed
leaf shaped structure when looking into the throat area – it serves to cover the glottis during the act
of swallowing which prevents swallowed food/water from entering the larynx and trachea
b. two arytenoid cartilages – located one on each side of the opening (glottis) of the larynx – these also serve to cover the glottis during the act of swallowing so that food/water can not get into the larynx and trachea.
– when these two cartilages are in the abducted position, the glottis is open / when they are in the adducted position, the glottis is closed
c. thyroid cartilage - the main body of the larynx
d. cricoid cartilage- the cricoid cartilage is located caudal to the thyroid cartilage and is attached to the first cartilaginous ring of the trachea.
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve hemiplegia
-commonly known as roaring
- caused by damage to the left recurrent laryngeal nerve
resulting in a permanent paresis or paralysis of the left arytenoid cartilage and vocal fold.
Clinical signs of roaring in horses:
- Exercise intolerance
2. Abnormal breathing noise occurs during exercise; ie., whistling and a roaring noise is heard during inspiration
3. Affected horses are usually asymptomatic at rest (breathing sounds are usually normal during rest)Diagnosis: Endoscopic observation of abnormal motion of the arytenoid cartilage and vocal cord. Treatment: Prosthetic laryngoplasty is commonly used in racing horses.
The Respiratory Tree
the respiratory tree begins with the trachea and ends at the respiratory
bronchioles and alveoli
The trachea – commonly known as the windpipe
-The trachea is a hollow rigid tubular structure made of a series of incomplete C shaped rings of cartilage and a trachealis muscle
/the trachea begins at the cricoid cartilage of the larynx and ends at the tracheal bifurcation - the first tracheal ring is attached to the cricoid cartilage of the larynx - at the tracheal bifurcation, the trachea divides into a left and right mainstem bronchus /the rings of cartilage do not form a complete circle; the incomplete part of the ring of cartilage is on the dorsal side of the trachea /the trachealis muscle is a band of smooth muscle that bridges the gap between the free ends of the of the C shaped cartilages -the trachealis muscle functions to constrict the trachea; allowing air to be expelled with more force during coughing
branch into smaller secondary and tertiary bronchi; the tertiary bronchi branch into even smaller airways called bronchioles
. Bronchioles – small size airways
/terminal and respiratory bronchioles - terminal bronchioles come before respiratory bronchioles - terminal bronchioles are not directly connected to the alveoli (air sacs) - respiratory bronchioles are connected to and surrounded by air sacs
plural for alveolus
/ the air sacs that connect to the respiratory
/ alveoli function in gas exchange
-gas exchange takes place between the air sacs and capillaries that surround the air sacs
- a network of capillaries surrounds each cluster of air sacs. - gas exchange takes place between the air sac compartment and the capillary blood compartment
respiratory membrane
The air sac and capillary walls are separated by a very thin layer of fluid called interstitial fluid – when crossing the air sac and capillary wall, both O2 and CO2 pass through this thin layer of interstitial fluid.
Collectively, the air sac wall, capillary wall, and the interstitial fluid is known
as the respiratory membrane.
- the lungs are described as being elastic, spongy, and air filled.
The base of the lungs is in contact with the diaphragm; the apex of the lungs is located
near the thoracic inlet
On the right side, the space where the lungs do not cover the heart is called the cardiac notch What is the clinical significance of the cardiac notch?
Hilus of the lungs
the hilus of the lungs is located on the medial side of the lungs
– the hilus is the indented area where blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, the mainstem bronchi, and nerves enter the lungs.
Lungs are divided on both sides into three main lung lobes:
Note; A fourth accessory intermediate lobe is found on the right side in the dog and cat.
Note: Except for the presence of an intermediate lobe of the right lung, the lungs of the horse are not divided into lobes
Description of the fetal lung and a test to determine whether a newborn was born alive or dead.
The consistency of the fetal lungs is different from that of the newborn foal
– fetal lung is not air filled and it does not feel spongy
– fetal lung is filled with fluid and it has a solid liver – like consistency
The fetal lung test – when a newborn foal is found dead, this test is used to determine if the foal was born alive or dead
Boundaries of the thorax
Cranial = thoracic inlet* Caudal = the diaphragm Lateral = rib cage Ventral = the sternum Dorsal = the thoracic spine
a continuous sheet of simple squamous epithelium that lines the thoracic cavity, covers the outer surfaces of the lungs, and forms an enclosed space in the middle of the chest cavity called the mediastinum.
layers of pleura
Parietal pleura - the layer of pleura that lines the thoracic cavity
Visceral pleura - the layer that covers the lungs
Mediastinal pleura – the pleura that forms the enclosed space called the mediastinum
Structures located in the mediastinal space include:
- trachea and the mainstem bronchi
- esophagus
- vessels attached to the heart
- lymphatic vessels
- nerves
- thymus
- mediastinal lymph nodes
Pleural cavity
the space between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura
/this space is filled with a thin layer of pleural fluid
-the fluid is produced by the pleural epithelial cells
blood in the pleural cavity
accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity
the presence of a watery fluid in the pleural cavity
the presene of air in the pleural cavity
the presence of a milky fluid called chyme in the pleural cavity
Mechanics of respiration / inspiration and expiration
Contraction of the diaphragm and the muscles of inspiration and expiration control the size of the chest cavity and the lungs
/The size of the lungs and the amount of air in the lungs always depends on the size of the chest cavity
-when the chest cavity expands in size so do the lungs air is drawn into the lungs
-when the chest cavity decreases in size so do the lungs air is pushed out of the lungs
/Inspiration at rest
this is called quiet inspiration
-the diaphragm contracts the chest cavity increases in size the lungs increase in size
forced inspiration
/ Inspiration during strenuous physical activity (exercise, etc..)
Muscles of inspiration
external intercostals*
scalenus (all three parts)*
serratus dorsalis cranialis*
*contraction of these muscles pulls the ribs in the cranial direction when the ribs move in the cranial direction the rib cage expands in size
Breathing during forced inspiration
- increased physical activity increases the body’s demand for oxygen
- in turn, the rate and depth of breathing* increases to meet the increased demand for oxygen
-the muscles of inspiration and the diaphragm contract during forced inspiration - contraction of the muscles of inspiration pull the ribs outward and cranially
-this has the effect of further increasing the size of the thoracic cavity so that the lungs
can expand in size and fill with more air
- in turn, the rate and depth of breathing* increases to meet the increased demand for oxygen
/Expiration at rest –
– this is called quiet expiration
- the diaphragm relaxes (stops contracting)
- when the diaphragm relaxes it pushes against the lungs the size of the chest cavity and the lungs decreases this pushes air out of the lungs
- when in a state of relaxation, the diaphragm will push against the lungs because of its elasticity
/Expiration during strenuous physical activity – this is called forced expiration
Muscles of expiration
internal intercostals**
external abdominal oblique**
serratus dorsalis caudalis**
**contraction of these muscles pulls the ribs in the caudal direction
when the ribs move in the caudal direction the rib cage decreases in size
Valsalva’s maneuver
- after taking a deep breath, a forced expiratory effort is made with the glottis closed (the epiglottis and the arytenoid cartilages are in the closed position covering the glottis)
- with the glottis in the closed position, the lungs stay full of air
- the forced expiratory effort is made with the help of all of the abdominal wall muscles
Valsalva’s maneuver assists in the acts of:
parturition (the act of giving birth – commonly known as labor)
forced micturition (the act of urination) – straining to urinate
forced defecation – straining to defecate
coughing and sneezing
a forced inspiratory effort with the glottis closed will assist in the acts of:
vomiting and regurgitation of food.
Tidal volume?
is the lung volume representing the normal volume of air displaced between normal inhalation and exhalation when extra effort is not applied.
Anatomic dead space?
Anatomic dead space is the total volume of the conducting airways from the nose or mouth down to the level of the terminal bronchioles
Intrapleural pressure
this means pressure within the pleural cavity – the pleural cavity is the space between the two layers of pleura (in other words, the space between the lungs and the chest wall)
how to keep intrapleural pressure
-a partial vacuum (negative pressure) in the pleural cavity is needed to keep the lungs from collapsing
-normally, intrapleural pressure is always negative (to maintain a vacuum in the space between the lungs and the chest wall – this space is called the pleural cavity)
-during breathing, the negative intrapleural pressure ranges from negative 2 mm Hg to negative 10 mm Hg
written like this:
- 2 mm Hg to -10 mm Hg - negative pressure increases (becomes more negative) during inspiration and decreases during expiration
Hence, the negative pressure drops to -2 mm HG during expiration and increases to -10 mm Hg during inspiration.
Opening of the thorax by surgical incision or trauma will result in a loss of the negative pressure in the pleural cavity without negative intrapleural pressure to keep the lungs expanded the lungs collapse
Positive pressure ventilation is required in order to support respiratory function whenever the
chest cavity is open. PPV is ventilation of the lungs using an endotracheal tube and a breathing bag known as an ambu bag or rebreathing bag.
Gas exchange in the Lungs
Gas exchange takes place between the air sacs (alveoli) and the capillaries that surround the air sacs
/The wall of an air sac, the capillary wall, and the thin layer of interstitial fluid between them is called the
respiratory membrane
-gas exchange takes place across the respiratory membrane – the six layers of the respiratory membrane are:
- Endothelial lining of the capillary (wall of the capillary)
- Capillary basement membrane (wall of the capillary)
- Interstitial fluid layer (layer of interstitial fluid between the capillary and the air sac)
- Alveolar epithelium (wall of the air sac)
- Layer of alveolar fluid – a thin layer of fluid coating the inside of the air sac)
- Layer of surfactant* - (a substance that reduces the surface tension of alveolar fluid)
Partial Pressures of CO2 and O2
/A difference in the partial pressure of a gas (O2 or CO2) in the air sac compartment versus the partial pressure of the gas in the capillary blood compartment is needed for gas exchange to take place
pCO2 in the lungs
–the partial pressure of CO2 is higher in the blood compartment than in the air sac compartment
– this difference in partial pressure of CO2 between the two compartments is the reason that CO2 is always diffusing from the bloodstream to the air sacs (from the higher pressure compartment to the lower pressure compartment)
pCO2 in the blood compartment = 45 mm Hg vs. in the air compartment where pCO2 = 40 mm Hg
The partial pressure numbers for O2 and CO2 are:
P(O2) blood going into the lungs* = 40 mm Hg
alveolar air = 104 mm Hg
blood coming out of the lungs** = 95 mmHg
P(CO2) blood going into the lungs* = 45 mm Hg
alveolar air = 40 mm Hg
Control of respiration:
This refers to the control of both the respiratory rate and the depth of breathing
. Three areas of the brainstem are involved in the control of respiration:
- Medullary rhythmicity area – an inspiratory center and an expiratory center are found in this area of the brainstem
a. Inspiratory center – provides the nerve stimulation to the diaphragm that is needed for contraction of the diaphragm during quiet and forced inspiration
b. Expiratory center – the expiratory center functions to provide nerve stimulation tthe muscles of expiration during forced expiration
Apneustic area
The apneustic center of pons sends signals to the dorsal respiratory center in the medulla to delay the ‘switch off’ signal of the inspiratory ramp provided by the pneumotaxic center of pons. It controls the intensity of breathing. The apneustic center is inhibited by pulmonary stretch receptors. However, it gives positive impulses to the inspiratory (I) neurons.
Pneumotaxic center
:a neural center in the upper part of the pons that provides inhibitory impulses on inspiration and thereby prevents overdistension of the lungs and helps to maintain alternately recurrent inspiration and expiration.
Stimulation of rapid deep breathing (hyperpnea) during forced respiration (purpose)
-needed to increase pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange during forced respiration as it occurs during physical exertion
Regulation of the inspiratory center and rapid deep breathing
During rapid deep breathing, the inspiratory center in the brainstem will produce the impulses that
are needed to stimulate rapid deep breathing – for this to happen, the inspiratory center needs to be
regulated in much the same way that the SA node in the heart is regulated by the ANS.
Regulation of the inspiratory center is both neurogenic and humero-chemical in origin.
Neurogenic – neurogenic regulation of the inspiratory center comes from two places –
1) motor cortex of the brain – conscious control of breathing
2) muscle/joint proprioceptors - proprioceptors (nerve sensors located in muscle tendons located near joints) send nerve signals to the inspiratory center during physical exertion – these nerve signals coming from the proprioceptors serve to increase the rate at which the inspiratory center stimulates the diaphragm to contract 2. Humero-chemical: the level of CO2, H+ ions, and O2 in the blood stream have an effect onthe rate and depth of breathing