Respiratory System Flashcards
What characteristics of a frog’s skin makes it fit for cutaneous respiration?
mucous secreting + less keratin
What is the structure that looks like hair/fur at the skin of an Astylosternus?
fingerlike papillae: extensions of the skin
What is the function of the fingerlike papillae?
enables frog to breathe under water
Agnathans have what kind of gills?
pouched gills
In pouched gills the direction of flow of water is ________.
Where is the destination of the respiratory medium in agnathans?
agnatha gills (branchial pouches)
What is the exit point of the respiratory medium in agnathans?
gill pores
In lampreys, where is the entry point of respiratory medium located?
external pores (at the side of lampreys)
Lampreys sometimes use their mouths to attach to other animals, how then can they breathe without using their mouth?
can do bidirectional breathing + external gills
In lampreys (pouched gill) water enters and exits where?
external pore
What is the unique characteristic of the septal gill?
has an interbranchial septum
What do you call the individual filaments of the lamella?
secondary lamella
What do you call the row of filaments of the lamella?
primary lamella
What is the respiratory structure where oxygen in water is absorbed into the bloodstream?
What is the function of an interbranchial septum?
separates primary lamellae on both side of the gill ray
What is the space between 2 lamella?
branchial pouch
What is the space between 2 interbranchial septa and flap valves?
parabranchial pouch
branchial pouch + parabranchial pouch =
respiratory unit
What is the function of a flap valve?
respiratory water exits here (what you see when sharks breathe under water)
Gills that are covered by the operculum are called _______.
operculum gills
The operculum at a teleost fish is at the __________
Pretrematic demibranch of teleost gills are found where?
anterior side
Teleost gills doesn’t have an interbranchial septum. What is the implication?
allows water to pass between distal hemibranch
Posttrematic demibranch of teleost gills are found where?
posterior side
Describe the gill filaments of a teleost fish.
In larval gills, what do you call the accessory gas exchange membrane?
external gills
This is a cavity and site for gas exchange
What are the types of gill bars?
holobranch, hemibranch, pseudobranch
What type of gill bar has filaments on one surface only?
What type of gill bar has an anterior and posterior row of filaments?
Filaments on the posterior surface of the mandibular arch are modified to serve a non-respiratory function. What gill bar is described
How do elasmobranchs draw water in?
into the pharynx via mouth and spiracles
What are the functions of the swim bladder?
assist floatation, gas exchange, sensory, produce sound
What are the 2 types of swim bladders?
Physostomous & Physoclistous
What type of swim bladder is connected to the gut via the pneumatic duct?
In species with a physoclistous swim bladder, how do they intake air?
swim bladder has gas glands to allow diffusion from the fish’s blood
In species with a physostomous swim bladder, how do they intake air?
go to the surface + “gulp” in atmospheric air. this is passed to the gas bladder via pneumatic duct
What is the exit point of excess oxygen/air of the gas bladder
oval gland
What auditory structure vibrates to produce sound (hint: waves traveled from gas bladder)?
weberian ossicle
What structure is the voice box?
What is the opening to the windpipe?
What are the cartilages that act as a supporting structure for the larynx?
What is also known as the internal naris?
False vocal cords essentially don’t have any vocalization functions. What then is its function?
assists epiglottis function (e.g. covers glottis when swallowing)
What do you call the sound producing larynx of the avians?
TRICK QUESTION! They don’t have sound-producing larynx
What is the sound producing structure of an avian?
What structure vibrates and is inside the syrinx?
What kind of breathing pattern does a frog have?
cyclical breathing pattern
Why are bird lungs rigid?
for streamline flying
What structure, in a bird, drives movement of air?
anterior and posterior air sac
Where does the anterior and posterior air sac insert into?
pneumatic foramina
The dorsobronchus and ventrobronchules are what kind of bronchi?
secondary bronchi
How many cycles of breathing does a bird have?
The air from the anterior air sac exits out the wind pipe during which phase in avian breathing?
exhalation 2
The avian cycle of breathing starts where?
entry of air towards posterior air sac
When air moves from the posterior air sac to fill the parabronchi, what is being pushed out?
stale air
The terminal bronchiole is connected to the alveoli via what?
alveolar ducts
The ______ surrounds the lungs in tetrapods.
The intrapleural cavity, in between the visceral and parietal plaura, is filled with ____________ to maintain ___________ pressure.
intrapleural fluid; negative
Why is negative pressure in the lungs maintained during exhalation and inhalation?
to prevent collapse