Respiratory System Flashcards
What questions would you ask?
type of housing?
health stage and performance of toher animals ?
type of environmemnt?
Steps of the exam=
nose and paranasal sinuses
larynx and pharynx
Nose and paranasal sinuses?
shape, form of nose (brachycephalic?)
occurence of nasal stridor
expired air
occurence of nasal discharge
nasal plane
nasal openings, MM
palate, nasopharynx
paranasal and frontal sinuses
When can we hear a nasal stridor?
narrowed airway passages: localisation??
abnormal sounds if we have nasal stridor?
stridor, sneezing - in cats rhinotracheitis
snoring, stertor: brachycephalic dogs
reverse sneezing
singultation in puppies (hicks)
How can we differentiate the stridors?
nasal stridor - sniffing sound
pharyngeal stridor - snoring sound (snoring in brachycephalic dogs)
larygneal stridor - soft sawing sound
collapsed trachea- EXPIRATORY TOOTING like a pig
laryngeal paralysis: inspiratory stridor
narrow trachea, bronchus - mixed
expired air can be categorized?
nasal discharge?
continuinty, side, quantitiy, quality, consistency, color, odor smell
nasal plane?
color, surface, moisture
DDX for upper/nasal?
rhinitis ulcerosa
epistaxis: bleeding out of the nose - unilateral or bilateral
distemper? hyperkeratosis on nose and feet
canine leishmaniosis - skin
cutaneous vasculitis
discoud lupus erythematous
coughing examination?
origin? spontaneous or stimulated
frequency? rare, frequent, paroxysmal (anfallsartig)
strength? weak, medium intense, with or without snap
tone? sharp, dull, barking, rattlong, roaring, hoarse
occurence? during night, mornings, always
duration? short, medium long, held
secretion content? dry medium wet
painful or painless
localisation of origin
quality of sputum
coughing laryngeal origin?
episodical, heavy, gagging, retching, tendency to vomit
larynx paralysis: deep, long, harsh
coughing tracheal origin?
loud, explosive, barking like
tracheal collapse: goose honk
bronchial cough?
acute phase: pattern - tracheitis
chronic phase: mucus, pus, wet, rough
chronic bronchitis/lung emphysema?
short, weak, dry
pneumonial cough?
cardiac disease cough?
wet, hacking cough
characteristics of stimulated cough?
intensive, medium deep. dry, sharp, painless, does not recurr
normal percussion sound
medium-large sized animal: sharp, low, non resonant, sonorous
and short percussion
small animal: sharp, high or low sonorous and long percussion sound
special percussion sounds:
metaliic, sharp high pitched
cracked, pot sound: rasping and whizzing
hollow sound: strong, long, high, tympanic or non tympanic
lung borders of dog:
ventral border of tuber coxae: 11
tuber ischii 10
point of shoulder 8
caudal lung borders of animal
13 ribs
12 back muscles
11 tuber coxae
ischiadic tuber 10
point of shoulder
Displacement of the caudal border backwards and downwards can point us to?
alveolar and interstitial lung emphysema
Decrease of the percussion area of the lungs can point us to?
abdominal distention due to : distention of stomach or intestine
enlarged liver
large intraabdominal tumor
Elevation of caudoventral border of lungs points us to?
increase of cardiac dullness - cardiomegaly or pericardial effusion
relative or incomplete dullness or absolute dullness can lead us to?
thickened thoracic wall: edema, pleural adhesion
decreased gas content of the lungs
pleural effusion caused by hydrothorax, pleuritis, haemothorax or chylothorax
atelectatic abdominal organs: full stomach, spleen, liver
atelectatic solid masses or masses filled with fluid within the thorax
tympanic sounds can point us to?
atelectatic parenchyma around the normal lung
eventrated abdominal organs filled with gas
ichorous pericarditis (fluid and gas in the abdomen)
emphysema localized subcutaneously
hollow sounds can point us to?
thin chest animals with severe emphysema
metallic sounds?
pneumothorax, large cavern within the lung, prolapsed stomach or intestine in the thoracic cavity
cracked pot sound?
if there is a cavern filled with gas and located under chest wall
smalll SC emphysema
high pitched whistling during inspiration or expiration
- asthma
physiological respiratory sounds
weak stenotic noise originated from the nose and pharynx conducted through the bronchus, lung, chest wall
weak blow noise turbulence before the tracheal bifurcation, after the bifurcation laminar spread
ORDER of auscultation
first the directly audible sounds with your ears: nose, larnyx, trachea
then the indirect auscultation with your stethoscope
brachycephalic airway syndrome??
stenotic nares
elongated soft palate
laryngeal collapse
alveolar respiratory sounds: physiological
soft blowing soung, F sound (air sucking)
bronchial sound
(laryngotracheobronchial) strong, audible, blowing sounds, H sound during ex/inspiration: above the normal larynx and trachea, lung contains less air
bronchial like sound (tracheobronchial)
deeper, softer, harsher then bronchial sound f + h sound
weaker chest sound then normal can point us to?
decreased airflow/conduction shallow breathing: thickened chest wall, decreased elasticity of the lung, hampered expansion of the lung
missing chest sounds?
no conduction, pleural adhesion or fluid accumulation, obstruction of pr. br. atelectasia of the lung
louder chest sounds then normal?
increased airflow, conduction, excercise, dyspnea, bronchitis, thin chest wall
abnormal bronchial sounds can be classified due to?
during exhalation its always abnormal
during rapid respiration above narrower upper airways
when peribronchial lung tissue contains less air: bronchitis / pneumonia / pulmonary neoplasia
over air-containing cavities
doseal to the pleural fluid level
coarse crackles: hair rubbing, bronchopneumonia
like burning wood - bronchopneumonia
rattling sounds?
sucking coke with a straw: moving fluid in trachea or bronchi (lung edema)
musical ronchi
continuous musical sound narroed airways
high musical sound: HUIH accelerated airflow
low musical sound fog horn: BBUUU - vibration of airway walls - COPD
hand scratching, snow cracking, rubbing of pleural surfaces -> dry pleuritis
shaking a water bottle : gas/fluid in cavities : ichorous pericarditis/pleuritis
metallic sounds?
PLOM PLOM sounds: ichorous exudate in caverns: aspiration pneumonia
early inspiratory or expiratory crepitation and crackling:
obstruction of bronchi that are less then 2mm in diameter (bronchopneumonia, copd)
late inspiratory crepitation and crackling:
compression of bronchi >2mm in diameter: pulmonary edema, interstitial pneumonia, neoplasms, pulmonary emphysema
late inspiratory crepitation and crackling:
compression of bronchi >2mm in diameter: pulmonary edema, interstitial pneumonia, neoplasms, pulmonary emphysema