Cardiovascular disease Flashcards
In case of cardiovascular disease, what history would you focus on?
fatigue, excercise intolerance, dyspnea, tachypnea, ascites, syncope?
general condition
To what could point dyspnea/tachypnea?
pulmonary edema (left sided heart failure), thoracic fluid accumulation (right sided heart failure, in cats due to left sided heart failure)
respiratory disease, thoracic disease
metabolic causes
Respiratory rate in dogs?
in clinic, at rest <20/min
at home, at rest <30/min
at home sleeping <25/min
Respiratory rate in cats? see minivetguide!!
in clinic, at rest variable between 30-100
at home, at rest at 15-30
at home sleeping <20
What can point us to upper respiratory tract issues?
loud respiration, goose honk like cough (cough receptors in larynx, trachea, bronchi
Ascites causes??
Right sided heart failure (mostly dogs)
liver cirrhosis
bleeding etc
subcutaneous edema?
usually not due to heart failure in small animals, rarely in large dogs
Further examinations in cardiovascular system?
thoracic radiography
Blood pressure measurement
Blood test: ANP BNP; troponin, endothelin
cardiac catheterization
location of heartbeat?
over the edge of the sternum left side: 3-6 ICS, right side: 3-5ICS; influenced by strength of beat
dislocation of heartbeat can be caused by?
tumor, abscess, pneumothorax, hernia, malformation
Alteration of cardiac sounds - how?
demarcation: the 1. and 2. sound can be distinguished
adventitious sounds
check pulse while counting heartrate
Rythm of heartsounds can be distinuished in? LOOK UP IN MINIVET GUIDE
normal, regular: respiratory arrythmia: slower during expiration
regular irregular
Demarcation of heart sounds - what can be heard?
Galopp sound: 1.2.3.; 4.1.2. in cardiomyopathy
splitting of heart sounds: the 2. heart sound (different time of closure of aortic and pulmonary valve - cor pulmonale causing increased pulmonary arterial pressure
How can we classify murmurs?
Endocardial murmurs: morphological origin, location, intensity,, relation to cardiac cycle, pitch - valve or septal deformities, vessel malformations
Extracardial murmurs: pericardial or pleuopericardial: frictional rubbing
compression test: does the pleurocardial rubbing disappear if the breathing stops?
how to classify endocardial murmurs?
points of maximal intensity?
heart base or apex?
systolic/diastolic/systolic and diastolic?
frequency: low, medium, high or with a pitch
continous, crescendo, decrescendo
Puncta maxima in the dog?
left side:
Pulmonary: 3rd-4th
AOrta 4-5th intercostal space
Mitral valve 5 intercostal space
right side: tricuspid valve: 4th intercostal space
Grading of murmurs?
I: very soft, only heard in quiet room
II: soft but easily heard on direct auscultation
III: moderate intensity with good audiblity
IV: loud murmur, very good audible; no precordial thrill
V: very loud murmur with precordial thrill
VI: loudest murmur