Respiratory IM Flashcards
Presentation of PE?
Dyspnea (73%)
Pleuritic chest pain (66%)
Cough (37%)
High RR (>70%)
Crackles (51%)
Tachycardia (30%)
Fever, cyanosis
Massive PE shows syncope, hypotension, PEA, CCF
Clinical diagnosis of tension pneumothorax?
Neck vein distension
Severe respiratory distress
Deviated trachea
Subcutaneous emphysema
Hypotension confirms pneumothorax is a tension pneumothorax
Neck veins may be flat due to hypotension
Small bilateral effusions with other clinical and XR manifestations of fluid overload, are usu due to fluid overload itself. Most other effusions should undergo _____
Undergo diagnostic pleural tap, unless cause is obvious.
How to classify effusion as exudate or transudate?
Light Criteria
Based on its protein and LDH.
Effusion is exudative if 1/3 is positive:
1. pleural fluid protein/serum protein >0.5
2. Pleural LDH/serum LDH >0.6
3. Pleural LDH exceeds 2/3 of upper normal limit for serum.
Causes of ILD?
Exposure-related = asbestosis, silicosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis
**Drug-related **= amiodarone, methotrexate etc
**Rheum-related **= scleroderma, RA
Primary diffuse parenchymal lung disease
Reid classification for bronchiectasis?
Commonest cause is post-infective
Light criteria for transudative vs exudative pleural effusion?
Pleural fluid protein/serum protein ratio = above or below 0.5?
Pleural fluid LDH/serum LDH ratio = above/below 0.6?
Pleural fluid LDH = above/below 2/3 the upper limit of normal serum LDH?
If below the stated parameters, then transudative.
If above the stated
Causes of transudative effusions?
Congestive HF
Hepatic cirrhosis
Nephrotic syndrome
Protein-losing enteropathy
CKD (Na+ retention)
How much pleural fluid do u need to be symptomatic?
4 stages of pleural effusion?
Transudative stage
Exudative stage
Fibrinopurulent stage
Organization stage
Grading for severity of dyspnea?
mMRC Grade 0 = SOB with strenuous exercise
Grade 1 = SOB on hurrying up a slope
Grade 2 = I am slow or i have to stop for breath when walking up slope
Grade 3 = Stop for breath after walking 100m or after a few minutes on slope
Grade 4 = Too breathless to leave the house or ADLs.
What is fibronodular change of lungs a/w?
Higher risk of developing TB reactivation
Causes of Spontaneous pneumothorax?
- Primary = Ruptured subpleural apical blebs
- Secondary = COPD/Infection/cystic fibrosis/Marfan/Malignancy
Secondary causes of spontaneous pneumothorax?
COPD (smoking) = ruptured bullae in emphysema
Infection = TB, pneumocystis pneumonia
Cystic fibrosis = Bronchiectasis with obstructive emphysema +bleb/cyst rupture
How long for orthopnea to manifest and recover?
Occurs rapidly within 1-2 mins of recumbency.
Can occur in any condition in which vital capacity is low e.g. COPD/diaphragmatic weakness
What is bullae?
Emphysema is a type of COPD that damages walls of alveoli.
This causes large air pockets called bullae, which hinder gas exchange
Diagnosis of OSA?
4 or more = high risk for OSA
Tired in day?
Anyone observed u stopping breathing?
High BP
BMI >35
Age >50
Neck circumference >40cm
Male gender
COPD Assessment score?
How often u cough
How much mucus in cough/chest
How much tightness in chest
How breathless u feel after uphill
How much COPD limits home activities
How comfortable u feel leaving home with COPD
How well u sleep
How much energy u have
0-9 = Low
10-20 = Medium
21-30 = High
31-40 = Very high
Examples of Obstructive lung diseases
Examples of restrictive lung disease
Chest wall e.g. AS, Scoliosis
Drug ADRs e.g. MTX
Nm disorders e.g. GBS, MG
In what cases do u not do spirometry?
Post-MI, dont do for one month
Dont do post-abdo surgery
Dont do in pneumothorax
What is SMART therapy for asthma?
Single maintenance and reliver therapy
Budesonide + Formoterol
Max dose 12 a day, but IRL usu dont exceed 4 a day
Seretide vs Symbicort?
Seretide is more potent and has higher proportion of ICS, but cannot use as reliever due to its Salmeterol slow onset.
Formoterol in symbicort is fast-acting
Symbicort can also be used in kids. from 7yo onwards. Cuz formoterol can use in kids, but salmeterol cannot
When to use mMrc dyspnea score vs CAT scoring?
mMrc only discusses breathlessness.
If pt has no SOB but has other COPD features, use CAT.