Respiratory function tests Flashcards
Respiratory function tests are pathognomonic of some disease
Not pathognomonic of any disease
Peak flow (PEF – _________________ ) is the _____________ flow achieved from a _______________, starting from a ___________.
peak expiratory flow
maximum expiratory
maximum forced expiration
full inspiration
If peak flow is carried out using a patient- administered portable peak flow meter, it is often expressed in ______________
litres per minute (L/m).
Peak flow
After maximum inspiration, the subject must deliver the blow without ___________.
Peak flow
A hesitation of as little as 2 seconds allows the _______________________ to __________ and PEF to drop by as much as _____%.
tracheal elastic properties to relax
Coughing at the start may falsely _________ the PEF in some devices.
PEF procedure
• The subject must perform a minimum of _______ manoeuvres, maximum of ________
Test quality (PEF)
• If the largest two out of three acceptable blows are not reproducible within _____L/min, up to ______ additional blows can be performed.
Peak expiratory flow
– An improvement of _____ L/min (or ≥____% of the pre-bronchodilator PEF) after inhalation of a bronchodilator suggests a diagnosis of asthma
60; 20
Most useful and readily available respiratory function test is ??????
Contraindications to Spirometry
• Absolute
–___________ in the preceding _______
Myocardial infarction
one month
Preparation for Spirometry testing
• Last use of short acting bronchodilator >________
• Last use of long acting bronchodilator >_________
• >______ after a heavy
meal, coffee, alcohol or cigarette •
• >________ after exercise
• Remove all tight fitting clothes and loose dentures
Ensure patient is comfortably seated
Ensure patient is not out of breath between tests by allowing a few minutes between test
Correct name age, gender, height, weight and ethnicity are imputed for each person.
Always be encouraging!
6 hours
12 hours
2 hours
2 hours
Lung function parameters
FVC – The ______________________________________
FEV1 – The ___________________________
FEV1/FVC – _________________
maximum volume of gas expired forcefully and rapidly after a maximal inspiration.
volume of gas expired over 1 second from the beginning of an FVC maneuver.
Ratio of the above volumes
Acceptability criteria
Satisfactory start
__________ with a steep rise
PEF reached within ____% of FVC
Min. FVC exhalation time
——sec. of exhalation in patients >10yrs;
____ sec ≤ 10yrs and/or plateau
Reasonable duration or plateau if patient cannot
or should not continue
Unhesitating; 15
Acceptability criteria
End of test Criteria
No glottis closure or abrupt end
Free from artifacts
Early termination Variable effort Obstructed mouthpiece No Leak
System drift
2 Largest FVC values within _______
2 Largest FEV1 values within ________
2 Largest PEF values within 670ml/s Where FVC ≤ 1l attempts within 100ml
150ml; 150ml
FEV1/FVC ≥ LLN = ????
FVC% < LLN =????
FVC% ≥ LLN =????
Restrictive disease or normal
FEV1/FVC < LLN =???
FVC% ≥ LLN =????
FVC% < LLN =????
Purely obstructive
Bronchodilator testing
• To determine acute reversibility
• Done after _______ of ___________ or _____________ or a combination (15-30 minutes)
• Repeat ________
• Significant if _____% and _____ml improvement in ________ or FVC
• Conditions before testing
inhaled salbutamol or ipratropium
12; 200; FEV1
Benefits of bronchodilator testing
• Confirm a clinical diagnosis of ______
• Distinguish _______ and ———-, and Prognosticate in both
asthma from COPD
Diffusing capacity
• DLco (TLco) measures transfer of gas from the _________ to ________ across the __________________
• More complex process, expensive equipment
airways to hemoglobin
alveolocapillary membrane
Lung volumes
• Also used for detecting and physiologically characterize the nature and severity of lung diseases
• Measures TLC, FRC and RV
• Done using:
–_________________ (gold standard)
–_________ dilution
Body plethysmography
Nitrogen washout