Arterial/Systemic Hypertension (HBP) Flashcards
Hence at what BP level do we say there is hypertension?
• Geoffrey Rose defined hypertension as a BP level ___________________________________________________ .
above which investigation and treatment will do more good than harm
Definition of Hypertension Has evolved over years:
➢ JNC VII 2003, ESC-ESH 2018 and ISH 2020 : persistent elevation in clinic systolic BP ≥_____ mmHg and/or diastolic BP ≥ ____ mmHg following repeated measurement.
OR a 24-hr ABPM average of ≥ ____/____ mmHg or an HBPM average of ≥ ____/____ mmHg.
➢ ACC/AHA 2018: persistent systolic BP ≥ ____ mmHg and/or diastolic BP ≥ ____ mm Hg.
➢ JNC 8
Epidemiology of Hypertension
• 1 in ____ males and 1 in ____ females adults are affected globally
• Higher prevalence in LMIC e.g Nigeria
• Has lower age of onset and poorer prognosis in ______ race.
• In Nigeria:
-overall prevalence is 25.1 -32.8%
4; 5
Aetiology and types of
1. _________ hypertension (__________ hypertension)
2.__________ hypertension
Primary hypertension (essential hypertension)
2.Secondary hypertension
Aetiology and types of
1. Primary hypertension
•accounts for _____% of cases:
•___________ cause
• Genetic predisposition and interplay with environmental factors/risk factors
95; no definite
Primary hypertension
Examples of environmental/risk factors: A. ______________ : _____,_______,_____
Non modifiable
- Aging
- Male gender
- Ethnicity/race
Secondary hypertension
-accounts for about ____% of cases
- specific cause can be identified and is usually a complication of other conditions:
Secondary hypertension
Kidney diseases
List 6
-Acute glomerulonephritis.
-Chronic nephritis.
- Polycystic disease.
- Diabetic nephropathy.
- Hydronephrosis.
- Renal artery stenosis.
Secondary hypertension
Endocrine disorders
List 6
-Cushing syndrome
-congenital adrenal hyperplasia -hyperthyroidism
Pregnancy can cause secondary hypertension
Mechanism of Hypertension
• normal BP is dependent on the balance between _______________ and ___________.
BP =_____ x ______.
cardiac output (CO) and peripheral vascular resistance (PVR)
The balance in CO and PVR is maintained by interplay of _______,_______,______, and ________ control systems.
• Derangement in any of these systems can affect cardiac and vascular homeostasis, therefore the
renal, neural, endocrine and vascular
Mechanism of Hypertension
Renal Mechanism:
• the kidney controls BP homeostasis by regulating the pressure via the _______ relationship and the activity of the ———————— system.
• Perturbation in the renal physiology induced by impaired ____________ , elevation of renal inflammation and oxidative stress burdens stimulate adaptive changes that could lead to increased BP, if sustained.
renin– angiotensin (RAS)
renal blood flow
Mechanism of Hypertension
Vascular mechanism:
•___________ and __________ vascular abnormalities either in the micro- or macro- circulation can lead to ______________ and increased _______________ . [increased vascular tone by sympathetic nervous system, humoral factors and local autoregulation can cause this]
Structural and functional
arterial stiffening
total peripheral resistance
Mechanism of Hypertension
Neural Mechanisms:
• _______________ activation can induce HBP by causing peripheral vasoconstriction, potentiating cardiac contraction, reducing _________, and modulating _________ and ________________. (Increased SNS activity is associated with obesity/weight gain, hyperinsulinaemia/altered glucose metabolism, and obstructive sleep apnoea)
venous capacitance
renal sodium and water excretion
Mechanism of Hypertension
• Excess production of _____________ as in primary hyperaldosteronism
• Excess ______________ as in pheochromocytoma
•—————- hormone in thyrotoxicosis
•______________ in Cushing syndrome
Mechanism of Hypertension
• Excess production of mineralocorticoids as in ___________________
• Excess catecholamines as in ________________
• Thyroid hormone in _____________
• Glucocorticoids in _________________
primary hyperaldosteronism
Cushing syndrome
Mechanism of Hypertension
Other mechanisms:
• Low birth weight (_____________________)
• Acute and chronic _______
• ___________
Barker’s hypothesis
Diagnosing Hypertension
• BP must be measured according to protocol.
• Measure in sitting, standing and lying positions.
• Use _________ at first visit and use the arm with ___________________ subsequently
• Elevated BP must be documented on at least _______ different occasions __________ apart.
• BP recording of ≥______/_____mmHg can be taken as hypertension.
• Screen for other CV risk factors – dysglycaemia, obesity, dyslipidaemia, (Hypertension as a
both arms ; higher measure
three; 1 to 4 weeks
180; 110
Definition of common terms
• Severe hypertension – BP ≥ _____/____mmHg or ≥ _____/____mmHg
• Malignant hypertension- Markedly elevated BP > _____/____mmHg, with evidence of __________________________.
BP ≥ 180/110mmHg or ≥ 160/100mmHg
BP > 180/120mmHg ; acute progressive multi-organ damage.
Accelerated hypertension –_______ significant (gradual or rapid?) increase over baseline BP that is associated with ______________
target organ damage.