Discuss the role of ventilation and perfusion (V/Q) matching and shunting in oxygen delivery and consumption
Distinguish between an anatomical and physiological shunt and dead space
Explain the transport of dissolved oxygen
Explain the transport of haemoglobin bound oxygen
Explain the oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve
Discuss the factors involved which result in a shift in the oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve (Bohr effect)
Discuss the relationship between oxygen content, oxygen delivery, oxygen consumption, and the oxygen extraction ratio in the assessment of hypoxaemia and shunting
Describe how carbon dioxide is transported in the blood
Outline the clinical manifestations of hypoxia
Define hypercapnia
List the clinical manifestations of hypercapnia
Define type one and type two respiratory failure
List the clinical manifestations of asthma
List the clinical manifestations of COPD
List the clinical manifestations of pneumonia