Discuss the advantages of NIV
- avoids the complications of intubation
- lowers intubation and mortality rates
- less expensive than intubation
- decreases risk of hospital acquired pneumonia
- reduces need for heavy sedation and invasive monitoring
- increased comfort
State the contraindications of NIV
- Apnoea
- Cardiovascular instability
- High risk of aspiration
- Decreased GCS
- Claustrophobia / non compliant
- Secretions/vomiting
- Facial trauma
- Nasopharyngeal abnormalities
- Base of skull fractures
- Raised intracranial pressure (ICP)
- Pneumothorax (pre-ICC)
Discuss the possible adverse effects of NIV
- Barotrauma
- Hypotension
- Altered conscious state
- Aspiration risk
- Gastric distension
- Decreased venous return from cerebral vessels
- Pressure sores
- Dry nose and eye irritation
- Conjunctivitis
- Discomfort
- Claustrophobia
- Poor sleep
Define Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
- Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is the pressure in the lungs above atmospheric pressure that exists at the end of expiration. It works to recruit alveoli and reduce WOB
Define intrapleural pressure
- Also known as ‘Intrathoracic pressure’
- Refers to the pressure within the pleural cavity
Define intrapulmonary pressure
-The pressure within the lungs
Discuss lung compliance
- The relative ease with which the lung distends (opposite to lung elasticity - the ease with which the lung returns to normal after being stretched)
Discuss airway resistance
- A measurement of the frictional forces that must be overcome during breathing. This friction is a result of the anatomical structure of the airway resistance of the lungs and pressure from surrounding organs
Differentiate between the indications for intubation and mechanical ventilation
- support ventilation
- protect the airway
- ensure airway patency
- anaesthesia and surgery
- suctioning
Mechanical Ventilation
- Cardiopulmonary arrest
- Trauma (especially head, neck, and chest)
- Cardiovascular impairment (strokes, tumors, infection, emboli, trauma)
- Neurological impairment (drugs, poisons, myasthenia gravis)
- Pulmonary impairment (infections, tumors, pneumothorax, COPD, trauma, pneumonia, poisons)
Discuss the goals of mechanical ventilation
- Treat hypoxemia
- Treat acute respiratory acidosis
- Relief of respiratory distress
- Prevention or reversal of atelectasis
- Resting of ventilatory muscles
- increase O2 delivery to cells
- reduce WOB and O2 demmand
Define FiO2
the concentration of oxygen in the air/gas that a person inhales
Define tidal volumes
Volume of gas moving in and out of the lungs during inspiration and expiration
Define minute volume
Volume of gas inhaled or exhaled
Define respiratory rate
Amount of breaths per minute
Define inspiratory:expiratory ratio
Duration of inspiration : duration of expiration (usually 1:2)